
#1 [en] 

Hey Homins, here's a list of some of the Spreadsheets I've created over the past few years.

Just click on the links and make a copy of the Spreadsheet to use it.

Prospector Shopping List

A list of prospector missions (lvl 250 areas only) and where to find the materials needed.
Complete with translations into German, French, Spanish and Russian.
Prospector Shopping List

Crafting calculations

A calculator for crafting XP. Since there's some randomness involved with the Success-rate, the calculations might be a bit off.
I've tried to make it as accurate as possible by playing with the values used in the formula.
Crafting calculations

Forage XP

A simple spreadsheet for calculating Forage XP
Forage XP

I hope you may find these spreadsheets useful.
If you have any questions or remarks, feel free to let me know.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Paradera (3 years ago)


#2 [en] 

I love it, very nicely designed.


#3 [en] 


Would you mind if we add theses files on the common wiki ?


(notice you can now add them by yourself, I often check files uploaded on it, to correct caegories etc...)

Last edited by Craftjenn (3 years ago) | Reason: paragraphs added


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#4 [en] 

Oh not at all Craftjenn. Feel free to add them :)


#5 [en] 


Edited 2 times | Last edited by Craftjenn (3 years ago) | Reason: always paragraph format missing LOL


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#6 [en] 

One of the spreadsheets, the craft xp calculator, has now been converted to an appzone app.

The appzone variant has localization built-in. But I'm still missing the translations. If you want to help with translating, please send me a PM on Rocket Chat or an in-game mail.

The app can be found here
Or type the following in your chat window
"/appzone 2836"


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