
#1 Multilingual 

Have been able to rig (apply the Fyros Female skeleton)to a set of Modern Day/Sci-fi armor. It can play all the female animations from the game.

Now I have 3DSMax Indie License and will attempt to import the individual pieces to Ryzom Core. Will try and keep this post up to date. If Moderators would like this thread in a different topic, please feel free to move.

And the Fyros Male rigged and ready for import.

Will be using the instructions for creating Armor found at:

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Karnij (3 years ago)

#2 [en] 

Look good, very out of place :P but good.


#3 [en] 

Might fit better under Your Creations

Did you model the armor itself as well?

Last edited by Kaetemi (3 years ago)



#4 [en] 

Yes, it's looking like it will require a complete graphics overhaul. Luckily I have a large collection of models in the same art style. The terrain might work well with these, have to wait and see.

First test to import these animated models did not go well, must have made a error somewhere along the process. Have to try again.

@Kaetemi I am no artist. These were purchased from Maksim Bugrimov who IS a 3D artist. You can find more of his work here:

Currently I am also using Unity(C# game engine) and have a MMO Framework setup and working. However, really like the Skill and Terrain systems in Ryzom.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (3 years ago) | Reason: Edited to activate the link.

#5 [en] 

Cool. You might want to check out the Ryzom Core community chat if you're doing a full conversion. There are several people there who can help you set up your own local server and graphics pipeline. You should use the build scripts, because adding an armor, creature, etc. involves touching more than just exporting the shape file. (far LOD atlas, visual slots table, etc.)

One thing, if you're combining Ryzom models with your models into a single model, that's a derivative work which would fall under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 and/or FAL 1.3 licenses. If you do this, make sure the models you're paying for allow this. If you cannot release under the CC license, then matching the model to the skeleton rig to be able to use the animations, without using any parts of Ryzom models, is still fine. (Since the animations are merely incorporated at runtime, and the model itself is not a derivative work at that point.)

Last edited by Kaetemi (3 years ago)



#6 [en] 

Yea, its looking like this will be a Total Conversion. I followed the only Guide I could find to to adding armor....maybe I am using an old document?

#7 [en] 

Yea, its looking like this will be a Total Conversion. I followed the only Guide I could find to to adding armor....maybe I am using an old document?

Looks a bit old, but not wrong. It's a very... manual guide? There are tools to edit the sheets (georges editor, although it's often still easier to just edit the XML files in notepad...), and all the rebuild steps are automated.

Feel free to sign up with GitHub (login to the Wiki with your GitHub account) and add your own article or steps to the Wiki. Also very helpful if you note down any parts where you got stuck! That way we know where to focus for streamlining the process. We're very shorthanded on documentation writing!

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Kaetemi (3 years ago)



#8 [en] 

Ok Kaetemi, will go to github and get things rolling. It being a manual process is no problem for me, just as long as it works.

Would like to move this Thread to "User Creations" for now, if possible.

For anyone looking to get started with Ryzom Development, here is the Windows Quick Start Guide for Ryzom Core. After downloading and installing the Requirements, I was able to connect and play without is really fun!

Also, thank you for Developing (Kaetemi?) the QuickStart, without it I would not have considered RyzomCore for a gaming platform.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (3 years ago) | Reason: Edited to activate the link.

#9 [en] 

Was able to follow 2 guides in adding a piece of armor. sheets_packer.exe is not compiled, and I see no recent directions on how to compile the code. Have spent about 10+ hours so far....

Have searched the forums for somewhere to get help, but am not sure where to post.

Success, I accidentally unzipped the "qt-everywhere-src-5.13.1" nested inside its own directory. It did not give clear errors and was pointing me to a CMake issue. Once that was fixed, was able to compile the entire project....and sheets_packer.

Last edited by Karnij (3 years ago)

Last visit Wednesday, 12 February 18:05:40 UTC

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