
#1 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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This topic is dedicated to informations, questions and feedback about boss refactoring.

Last edited by Tamarea (3 года назад)


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#2 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Project explanation: https://cloud.ryzom.com/s/Nbfndk8YacDJwBG


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#3 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Bosses refactoring - Ryzom Forge meeting report (2020-08-31)

Namcha (RT) – 20:37 UTC
The main objective of this project is to reduce the gameplay impact of Boss camping, including the one practiced via multi-alts.
Project description note :
I need to clarify or underline some of the points made in this note:
• In a given region, only Bosses of one of the species already inhabiting the region will be able to spawn (the program controlling the pop of Kings will use a file listing the species inhabiting each region). As a consequence :
– if many new Bosses will pop, some of the current ones will not pop anymore, such as Madakoo (since no "common" madakam lives in the Prime Roots ecosystem)… but other versions of the madakam Boss will pop on the surface) ;
– contrary to what the note indicates, there will be no Raguketh 270 popping since no ragus inhabits the 250 region of the Desert ecosystem.
• Bosses logically non-existent by the above rule, whether they exist (such as Madakoo, for example) or not at present, will exist later on to "animate" OOC or scripted events (Storyline). Thus, Madakoo will not completely disappear…
• … Nor, for that matter, the materials collected from these lost Kings who today fill your Guild Hall.
• The refactoring responds to the objective stated above in that it will result in a significant increase in the number of possible popping spots of Bosses per region, thus making it difficult to predict which spot in a given region (now hosting, moreover, a greater diversity of Bosses than today) will see the next Boss of a given type pop.

Q : Will there be new Bosses?
R :
Yes, but they will be new variations of Kings by region rather. If a given species exists in a region, that region is likely to host a Boss specimen of that species.

Q : Will the list of Bosses in the wiki () be updated?
R :
Yes, most likely, by the volunteer players who contribute to the wiki.

Q : What about Bosses currently popping on one one spot only, such as Bodokin, Cratchakin, etc.?
R :
The particular program that manages them today will not be changed: they will continue to appear, at the same location.

Q : Will there be a frippo Boss?
R :
Logically, a frippo King 120 should exist, yes.

Q : Will there be new Bosses on Silan?
R :
No, Yubokin will remain the only King of Silan.

Q : Can a Boss pop simultaneously in several regions and/or several ecosystems?
R :
There is little chance of this happening. Since a Boss is placed at the "bottom of the stack" when popping, it should not return anytime soon.

Q : Could two Bosses of the same name (i.e. of the same species and ecosystem) but of different levels – for example Izaketh 120 of Oflavak's Oasis and Izaketh 170 of the Dunes of Exile – pop simultaneously in their respective region of the Desert?
R :
Again, it is unlikely to happen: a Boss' placement at the bottom of the stack is independent of his level and host region.

Q : Will two Bosses of different ecosystems but of the same species and level (Raguketh 220 and Ragukin 220 for example) be able to pop simultaneously in their respective ecosystem?
R :
Yes, with good chances this time.

Q : What about rare kitins? Will Kidikoo disappear? Will Kizarakoo appear?
R :
If we let the system work, yes. But Kizarakoo, for example, is still under discussion within the team (shouldn't such a kitin be reserved for an event ?)

Q : If a Boss of a given level (e.g. Izaketh 170) pops (and gets killed) will the next King of the same name to pop be of another level (e.g. Izaketh 120) or not?
R :
Yes, the next tests should verify that the system will rotate the levels of the same King at its successive pops.

Q: What about Cratchakyo, which has been on hold for some time?
This one was a scripted King, yes... It will stay on hold for some more time.


Ryzom Team Manager
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#4 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Boss refactoring - Ryzom Forge meeting - 2021-01-18

Tamarea & Riasan (RT) – 21:28 UTC
For those who are not familiar with this project, it is detailed in the (FR) document available at this address: et qui sera publié sous peu sur le forum.
Latest developments :
- all the new spots of Boss' pop have been added ;
- all new Bosses and the loots they drop have been created and their translations are under testing.

Q: Will the names of the current Bosses be changed?
Non. Mais il y en aura de nouveaux !

Q: Will the value of the items collected from the remains of a Boss be related to the level of the latter?
Yes, the loot obtained from a low level Boss has less value than that obtained from a high level Boss.

Q: Is another test phase scheduled? And if so, for when?
Yes, a test phase on the development server will start soon (there are still some problems with the new loots and we hope to have it finished by the end of this week.

Q: Will a Boss of level N now be able to give up to his executors a loot of higher quality than N?
No: a killed Boss still provides a loot of equal quality to his level.

Q: Will there be Boss level lower than 70 and intermediate to the current scale (70 | 120 | 170 | 220 | 270)?
No, but the number of Bosses will increase significantly for each level of the recalled scale.

Q: When will these changes take effect in game?
As soon as possible, i.e. as soon as conclusive tests are completed... tests whose duration depends on the number of volunteer testers.

Q: Will there be new Bosses accessible for beginner characters (on Silan)?
No, the project concerns only the continents and the Prime Roots.

Q: Will there be other "corrupt" Bosses, like Cratchakyo was?
No, this is not planned at the moment.


Ryzom Team Manager
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#5 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Patch - 2021-05-17

The new Bosses are ready to appear on new popping sites. Here are some of their characteristics:

  • All species present in a region of Atys produce a Boss to appear in that region.
  • Conversely, no Boss of a given species will ever pop in a region where no creatures of that species live (so there is no point hoping to find a vorax Boss in a region where no vorax has ever been seen).
  • When a Boss dies on a given site, another Boss, from the same region, is elected to succeed him and appear on the said site within a few days (random duration).
  • The level of Bosses is in accordance with the level of the region in which they appear (thus, a level 250 region only hosts level 270 Bosses).
  • Two Bosses cannot appear simultaneously on the same site.
  • Several Bosses of the same species can appear simultaneously in different regions (such as Armkoo and Armkan), or even several Bosses of the same look (such as Armkoo 220 and Armkoo 270).
  • The rotation of Bosses on the sites of the same region is favored. Thus, you will not always meet the same Boss on the same site, but often another of the valid Bosses of the region.

    The implementation of this new popping system of Bosses, started a few days after that of the patch described here, has been carried out in three stages in rapid succession:

  • Step 1: appearances in the Nexus, at a faster pace than usual at first (in order to validate the system without too much delay), then, from the next step on, at the usual pace (every three or four days).
  • Step 2: appearances in Prime Roots at the usual pace.
  • Step 3: appearances throughout Atys at the usual pace.

Last edited by Tamarea (3 года назад)


Ryzom Team Manager
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#6 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Réunion de Ryzom Forge - 14-06-2021

Les nouveaux Rois sont-ils eux aussi actifs désormais ?
Ils le sont pour lors seulement au Nexus et le seront dans les Primes Racines au prochain patch, puis partout sur Atys.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (3 года назад)


Ryzom Team Manager
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#7 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Fix of the new bosses in test in Nexus - 2021-08-01

We added a fix for the new boss system to improve the boss guards.

For information, the reported bugs are also present in the old boss system. To fix this we  made the following changes:
  • All guards respawn after 60 seconds.
  • There are 3 groups of guards now, when they are defeated no new guards respawn.
The bug with multiple bosses spawning at the same time is also fixed.

Last edited by Tamarea (3 года назад)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#8 Доклад | ЦитироватьМногоязычный 

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Новый алгоритм для боссов в Корнях Прайма

Мы только что выпустили на Atys новый алгоритм для спавна боссов в Корнях Праймов.

Этот алгоритм больше не работает со случайностью между минимумом и максимумом, а работает со случайностью между 0 и динамическим максимумом.

Динамический максимум зависит от времени предыдущего спавна: чем быстрее появляются боссы в зоне, тем выше максимум, и наоборот, чем реже они появляются, тем ниже максимум.

В среднем босс появляется в зоне каждые 24 часа, но время его появления варьируется от 5 минут до нескольких дней.

Кроме того, расчет зависит уже не от времени смерти, а от времени спавна босса. Если босс остается в живых долгое время, велика вероятность, что следующий быстро появится.

Перевод выполнен с помощью переводчика ww.DeepL.com/Translator

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Tamarea (3 года назад)


Ryzom Team Manager
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