
#16 [en] 

Hm, like to bonus the action that you are using to fulfill DM requirements... what about green (travel and discover) missions?

This will be difficult to do, IMHO.

#17 [en] 

you already earn XP on crafting and fight mission with mobs you kill or item you craft.
on bonus, it gives you fame and dappers/elyps.

as Moniq said, they are timed for respawn (some are up once a day, some in a few hours), I don't see the point to use them as grinding method...even fighting herbis is faster :)

I would prefer having more encyclopedies (theses are far from complete or bug free) or sage-like missions (there's only 4 extra-bugged ones atm). theses ones makes you travel a lot (and grind), may give you some nice bonus at the end, and get you into the Ryzom story.

#18 [en] 

Understood. I don't mind grinding mobs when I'm in a group as it is socialable. However, it isn't always possible to find someone to group with when you play. I think grinding mobs alone is asking too much of new players. That is why alternative methods are good. Also, the experience points for killing these mission targets is so low. Not really a method for levelling.

Last edited by Zanaden (4 years ago)

#19 Multilingual 

For 5.
From Gaffen through the in game UNI chat I was pointed to /appzone 2828. Very nice background music but i cannot tell from where it is streamed from because i have not downloaded the music from official site neither i find a music folder in the data of the game i downloaded.
After congratulating for the soundtrack my first respond was exactly to ask different soundtracks in different areas of the world.
I hope some able in music player to eventually manage to add this feature.

Last edited by Jichol (2 years ago)

#20 [en] 

For 5.
From Gaffen through the in game UNI chat I was pointed to /appzone 2828. Very nice background music but i cannot tell from where it is streamed from because i have not downloaded the music from official site neither i find a music folder in the data of the game i downloaded.
After congratulating for the soundtrack my first respond was exactly to ask different soundtracks in different areas of the world.
I hope some able in music player to eventually manage to add this feature.

The music is downloaded by the app (which is an official Ryzom app using ARK)
They are downloaded in the user/ folder next to the save/ folder

There is a background music for each zone and I could make the same music loop for each zone, it's not a problem.

The app still lacks parameters, I did it quickly during my lunch break as a proof of concept

#21 [en] 

"One idea per thread only"

Last edited by Topoli (2 years ago)

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