#1 Added by Fyrosfreddy 4 years ago
Edited 43 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 months ago)
#2 Added by Gidget 4 years ago
#3 Added by Sinvaders 4 years ago
#4 Added by Fyrosfreddy 4 years ago
#5 Added by Gidget 4 years ago
Depending on the kind of eggs, yes.For an example, invulnerability eggs should keep their actual bulk otherwise it can results in abuse.
I like the steenky. rotten eggs. If an egg sits around too long, let it degrade. maybe % goes to a 4 after a month ... a 4 goes to a 3 ... eventually if you have 3 egg events in a year ... they should be close to expiration by next event,
Last edited by Gidget (4 years ago)
#6 Added by Elke 4 years ago
I wasn't particularly interested in chasing eggs as a task in and of itself but while trekking to designated locations doing DMs, might as well blast some eggs while running. So I was doing this for the week or so every day while it lasted. I walked away withn just over 1 stack of 250 Wundahmat. Certainly disappointing, especially coinsidering i spent more time destroying "rewards" to low for me to use than doing anything else.
3.a Along the lines of the above, it would be great if the game could detect player levels and parcel out rewards as appropriate. If the decision is a player working an event should be able to collect half a stack per day of Wundahmat of varous types, then if the player is 250 in x number of craft trees, only give that player 1/10th oif a stack and not all the lower levels that they can't use and will spend precious hours of play time avoiding / destroying.3.b Provide a check box screen like for DMs where the player can just say, I only wanna see those items for which I checked a box. 3.c Provide a Reward materials exchange merchant where mats could traded ... 5 stacks of QL 50 gets you 1 stack of 250s, etc9. If we can't trade wheel rewards, let us limit wheel reward options w/ checkboxes like on Daily Missions (Don't force me to accept and then delete, stuff i don't want)
4. Ability to Trade Wheel Rewards
7. Fix craft mission "hand in thing" so rafts don't have to be done in order ... also fix that completing 2 missions at same time steals on of yoiur rewards.
8. Add the ability to use Missioin Mat Pigments in crafting.
10. Guild / Faction Info on Fiends list
13. Ability to add (safe) files to forum .. PDF, xls, etc.
14. Keep list of Dynamic Events held so users can get a jist of frequency and scheduled times.
25. Please fix the OP Popup.a) The message does not match the options: "If you do not choose, you will be decalred automatically neutral in x seconds"ATTACk ..... DEFEND ..... RANDOM
27. A visible shaded circle around the toon's position on map that matches the compass range setting.
28. Guild property - The ability to designate special items as Guild property, whereby if a player does not log on for xxx days, it reverts back to Guild Storage.
29. A way to filter map flags (landmarks) by more categories category, sort of like we do communication channelsNPCs - [ x ]Mission Mats - [ x ]Craft Mats (B-F-C) - [ x ]Craft Mats (E-S) - [ x ]Named / Bosses - [ x ]TPs / Portals - [ x ]
30. Ability to use 3D Map In Game.
#7 Added by Moniq 4 years ago
Fyrosfreddy4. Ability to Trade Wheel RewardsNo, definitely no. It would heat up inflation a lot and would only increase imbalance between players with different playing time. Keeping that per character is good enough. You can trade zigs already.
#8 Added by Fyrosfreddy 4 years ago
Edited 9 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 years ago)
#9 Added by Elke 4 years ago
Elke:Most these issues are a matter of scale. Melee Protection Aura (MPA) and Speed as they exists requires judicious usage ... you don't want to waste it indiscriminately. What do you think of the idea of MPA with no cooldown ? How would that be different from a virtually unlimited supply of eggs ?
3-4-9. Opt Out function - If there's a downside here, I'm not seeing it. If ya have one, please give me an example, cause Im missing it. I am ill inclined to participate in event, when the one thing I spend the **most** time on is destroying the rewards. Events provide direct rewards via eggs or items that lead to tokens. The event team works hard putting these events together ... I think it would be good if it was worthwhile for all players to invest the T & E to participate. I foiund the eggs in the last event not at all worth the T & E. But, as I was doing Daily Missions, I'd simply spam the egg macro as I trotted along. Then spent as much time deleting stuff to empty bag bulk as I did doing the mission.
Wundahmat - of no value to me whatsover, but I can't even give them to guildies ... tho not of value to me personally, players would benefit from an exchange where they could trade in lower level mats for a smaller number of next higher level mats. A F2P player gets all crafts to 101 .... what value is there to the player to receive level 50 / 100 Wundahmat ? How does he gain an unfair advantage by not receiving them ? How is the level 50 player harmed by that higher level player not receiving them ?
Inflation - I'm not seeing this; can you provide an example ? perhaps it's just a matter of different perspective between different player mindsets. I wasn't aware we had an economy.... ever. If I'm missing something I need for a craft, I offer to trade 6 mats for 6 other mats. The reality is whomever I asked is likely to just give me the mats and I do the same.In 16 years, I have never paid for anything with dappers other than TPs or NPC stuff like the relic. I have never charged anyone dappers. If I have (2) ragus teddies and you have (2) Lumper teddies ... what's wrong with trading ? And even if you could use dappie, I'm not seeing how buying a teddy bear changes the world economy. As you said, you don't have to buy it at a price you don't like. You can't inflate the price of a Teddy if you can't sell it. How about an "NPC exchange" ... trade in a Teddy for another Teddy with a nice cut for the vendor ?
8. Perhaps I am hindered by perspective here, you can blame it on me being one of those clueless creatures called a "man" :) ... not that we don't have "male clothes horses". But I don't fathom why people choose to craft "attractive outfits" and sacrfice stats to do so. Same with walking around shirtless and sleeveless or even nekid ... why ? is it to show of a "hot bod", ? Why make your healer's job a bit more difficullt because of the missing HP bonuses ? Now, to be clear, while I might not be able to understand why one would make such a choice, I by no means object to such choices ... to each his own. I'm all about choices ....dislike restrictions that serve no viable purpose but just make things annoying, frustrating an unnecessarily time consuming.
25. It is not a translation issue. It's a change of status issue. It was explained to me that an unscupulous tactic is often used whereby peeps place toons in defense areas, remain neutral and suck up bomb heals. Rather then eliminate the ability for OP participants to affect neutral participants in any way, it was decided to force them into one of the two opposing sides. While I don't see this as a logical approach ....A. If used it should be confined to the 2 hour battle time window. This mechanic remains in effect long before and after that 2 hour time window.B. As I travel to my desired dig spot, I see that I have apparently crossed some invisible line and I get a pop up ... as I do a quick reverse, reading the pop up it's asking me to chose to:a) Join Faction Ab) Join Faction Bc) Ramdomly be assigned to A or BI see the decision time counter going down and when it's at some number significantly greater than 0, and I sigh knowing I have plenrty of time to get back over that line, I find that I am now part of Faction B's Defense of an attack by Faction A ... (...)
28. It seems a quick read left you envisoning potential usages far beyond the scope intended or I guess I didn't emphasize the "special" part of "special items" enough. The quotes around "special items" were intened so convey that this would be limited to ***O N L Y*** rare and special items. All craft mats (basic => Supreme), OP mats, normal gear are by no means "special". Let me present one example that will put this item in the intended light. An individual obtaining enough points to "win" an NPC HA set can take years. These are generally obtained by:a) Guild Huntsb) Faction Huntsc) Group HuntsWhile people have obtained sets participating as individuals, it most instances folks are participating as a "Guild Effort". When you get one, you are generally getting the benefit of points earned by other players. So when someone gets a set, they didn't necessarily "earn it", the guild did. This is a ***special item*** that required the entire guild's effort to obtain. Each hunt has its own structure but generally, when an individual earns one ... the reward goes to the individual as compensation for his / her individual effort ... when a guild earns one, and gives it to a player, that guild should have the option of reclaiming it *** if *** the player is no longer interested in the game.
Say no... it goes awaySay yes, it goes in GHIf GH full, you have 3 days to make room for it.
30. Have you ever looked at Ryzom 3D maps ? They can be found on Google Docs with a web search but easier and more relatable this way. I find it odd that so few players are aware of only the Google Docs thing.(...)
#10 Added by Fyrosfreddy 4 years ago
Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 months ago)
#11 Added by Kaetemi 4 years ago
#12 Added by Fyrosfreddy 2 years ago
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 year ago)
#13 Added by Fyrosfreddy 1 year ago
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 months ago)
#14 Added by Fyrosfreddy 12 months ago
Edited 7 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 months ago)
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