
#1 [en] 

Following on Tamarea's topic:

What would you like for this year (2019) on Ryzom ?

These are the ones I can remember from the "running list" of dreamsand wish lists I and others have pondered over the years.

1.  For the Nexus Event, every time the 20 hour cool down expires, recreate the visual and sound cues from the bark-quake event as "aftershocks".  Would allow those in western hemisphere to experience the effects since most all were at work when it happened, fits well in the story line and serve as an "alarm clock" when peeps can go record another marker.

2.  Re-balance Event Wheel rewards.  Often when the pendulum swings to far in one direction, tweaking that in response to observations sometimes results in an over-correction, swinging the other way.   The egg rewards were plentiful enough and I thought the event team did a great job making the event more accessible and rewarding for low level players.  Previous events allowed higher level players to reap ridiculous amounts of rewards.  However, the upper level players got shorted this last time around (2020 Easter) ...

I wasn't particularly interested in chasing eggs as a task in and of itself but while trekking to designated locations doing DMs, might as well blast some eggs while running.   So I was doing this for the week or so every day while it lasted.   I walked away within just over 1 stack of 250 Wundahmat.  Certainly disappointing, especially considering I spent more time destroying "rewards" to low for me to use than doing anything else.

3.a  Along the lines of the above, it would be great if the game could detect player levels and parcel out rewards as appropriate.   If the decision is a player working an event should be able to collect half a stack per day of Wundahmat of various types, then if the player is 250 in x number of craft trees, only give that player 1/10th of a stack and not all the lower levels that they can't use and will spend precious hours of play time avoiding / destroying.

3.b  Provide a check box screen like for DMs where the player can just say, I only wanna see those items for which I checked a box.

3.c   Provide a Reward materials exchange merchant where mats could traded ... 5 stacks of QL 50 gets you 1 stack of 250s, etc

4.  Ability to Trade Wheel Rewards

5.  As a reward for mastering all occs, once all 8 occs are done, allow the player to have 4 concurrent occs as opposed to 3 ... it will encourage advancement and makes the system easier to navigate as alternating 3 out of 8 occupations isn't a good fit.  Alternating 4 x 2 allows one to alternate with having to keep a desktop calender or spreadsheet to schedules one's efforts.

6.  Provide an explanation of bonuses on DMs ... get a lot of questions like "How come I get the same rewards for level 50 missions as 250 missions.

7.  Fix craft mission "hand in thing" so crafts don't have to be done in order ... also fix that completing 2 missions at same time steals one of your rewards.

8.  Add the ability to use Mission Mat Pigments in crafting.

9.  If we can't trade wheel rewards, let us limit wheel reward options w/ checkboxes like on Daily Missions (Don't force me to accept and then delete, stuff I don't want) or keep clicking "Drop All".

10.  Guild / Faction Info on Fiends list

11.   "Destroy all Mission Mats in bag" option and "Sell all crafted items" option.

12.  Mini NPC "action figures" (drops) from Sirgio for apartment ... could also be made available from Wheel

13.  Ability to add (safe - incapable of carrying malware) files to forum .. PDF, ODs, etc.

14.  Keep list of Dynamic Events held so users can get a jist of frequency and scheduled times.

15.   When editing say a 225 Double Poison spell, let the default be to keep the level fixed, instead of dropping to level 5 when ya wanna switch spells because of mob resistance.

16.  When ones becomes Spirit of the Bark, give them an extra focus buff of 6 points so they could go all out Gentle with a 276 (now max is 270) Focus credit.

17.  This one is almost 20 (edit) years old ... during Focus Beta, had suggested that we drop magicians staffs and instead have "Magic Gloves" which would "amplify" the power of spells up to 100%.  But also suggested a melee equivalent perhaps called "Greaves of Steele" which would amplify the power of melee attacks by up to 100%.  Well, as everyone knows, the amp idea was implemented ... it would round out the craft trees to have a 40th craft tree instead of 39 and would allow a new round of experimentation in crafting and melee techniques.  Of course base damage would have to be adjusted proportionately.

18.  The ability to obtain Sigils and imprint them on breast plates and shields

19.  Advanced Occupation to bring back ability to improve NPC Crystals

20.  Advanced Occupation to improve OP mats. We got this w/ Transmogrifier on Guild Island

21.  Since recipes for Occupations are stored in game, how about an option to "Use Best Recipe" instead or having to do the "clickety click" thing 7 times and punching the desk when you misclick with a wrong number.

22.  Fix the "Knowledge of Atys" number in Identity / Advanced Stats window ... so I don't have 8/7 numbers.

23.  Balance the Occupation Special Items ... everyone has too many ambers and too little waters.  Should be 4 flowers as you use one for every improve and 2 waters / Ambers as to have 50-50 chance of needing either.

24.  Fix the lack of compass icons for NPCs from Primitive Tribes.

25.  Please fix the OP Popup.

a)  The message does not match the options:   "If you do not choose, you will be declared automatically neutral in x seconds"


b)  I was going to take a screenie but the system decided for me .... with 3 seconds left, a OP icon appeared over my head.

c) If you are trying to avoid getting forced to get involved,should you cross the unseen line, by the time you get a pop up, it does not remain on screen long enough to get out. Extend the response time so as to stop forcing people to get tagged .... or put some kind of circle on the map warning players that they will have a choice forced upon them if they pass it.

d) Consider advising the player what side they are on.

26.  Compass Icon for Hawkers

27. A visible shaded circle around the toon's position on map that matches the compass range setting.

28. Guild property - The ability to designate special items as Guild property, whereby if a player does not log on for xxx days, it reverts back to Guild Storage.

29. A way to filter map flags (landmarks) by more categories category, sort of like we do communication channels

NPCs - [ x ]
Mission Mats - [ x ]
Craft Mats (B-F-C) - [ x ]
Craft Mats (E-S) - [ x ]
Named / Bosses - [ x ]
TPs / Portals - [ x ]

30.  Ability to use 3D Map In Game... the alternate map on BM site

31. Ability to take GUI windows out of game Window like for CAD, animation and desktop publishing apps ... leaving a clear came window on one screen and all the GUI Windows, Discord, Rocket chat on a 2nd or 3rd screen.

32. Fix Guild Island

33.  Resolve the 14 /7 discrepancy ... Q70 scrools say the boost is 14, craft windows says 7.

34. Ability to make memorials for passed-on Guild members on Guild Island.

35. A "bang weapon on shield" emote would be nice to have available for such events.

36. Additional Forum (or even chat channel) for just social activities (unrelated stuff, jokes, stories ... Hey hows the wife and kids ? ... where'd ya go on vacation this year ... Hey I have a good joke for ya", kinda think. It would encourage deepened social relationships and make players more likely to pop in and reconnect w/ friends"

37. Whenever a player gets a PM, have the game produce a "ding" so if attention is away from game, they know someone trying to reach you ... I'm calling this the "Ulsort Mod"

38. An allegory that reduces Mission Cooldown Times.

39. A Map Function ... "Map Teammate's Location"

40.  Knowledge 4 with "Spirit of the Bark Title" (displays number of mats in a node).

41.  With the above, an option to display / not display all knowledge to other players.

42. Closets:

For those that like to Collect Stuff..... Lingerie, Armor Sets. etc but only one of each type.

Special Items ... i.e. Shield of Prestige
NPC Armor Sets ... One of each Looted Set

I am sure that folks will have dozens of other ideas but Icks-nay on any hoarding.

43. Trasmografiers:

You could put x number of say:- X QL50 Wundahmat in and get out Y number of QL Wundahmat out where X is say 150% of Y- X QL of OP mats in and get out Y number of QL OP mats out where X is say 150% of Y
44. With the advent of skins, for me at least, it would be nice to have extra "grazing slots". For example, if you had Have 3 Zigs in Game and 3 Grazing Spots for Zigs, each having a unique name .... If Im understanding correctly, there's 8 zigs in game (so far) and only 6 slots (3 IG /3 Grazing) so they each can't have a Unique Name.   I know that George Foremen has 5 sons named George Foreman but I'm thinking most folks would be partial to unique names if it wouldn't involve a lot of programming effort.

46. Since we can send *some* stuff to other players about the ability to send stuff to ones alts on same account ? ... or even place on merchants and recover with any toon on same account.

47. Add the dashed lines for borders on the map between regions in Wastelands.

48. Allow the Transmogrifiers in Guild Island to increase the value of Marauder Crystals as well as OP Mats.

49. I have 16,110 skill points to spend ... we ever gonna see additional weapon and armor plans for Kami, Kara, Ranger and Marauder ?

50. TPs to Guild Hall

51. A TP Item that one could use cast a portal of limited duration, say to a desired mob spawn that one is leveling up on. Would have to be rare enough that it could not be abused and expire after 2 - 6 hours.

52. An animation (triple back flip) at the new ramp in FH. Oh and a diving board

53. Add a "Gangman Style Dance" emote.

54. As an OPTION, complete Sets of Jools, LA, MA, HA and apply the same success rate / degrade to the set ... at least you will have a set of all the same level instead 204, 208, 213, 219, 222. In addition, have all crafts do into a temporary bag on screen w/say up to 10 slots and give you the option to:

Move to bag
Move to Target (GH, Pet, Player, Hawker)

55. When you use sap recharge, have it "fill" the targeted weapon with 1, 2, 3 whatever crystals it needs to fill instead of repetitive clicking / key tapping.56.  For Ryzom Home ... more "pictures / wall hangings" for event bosses to hang in Apartment and same for GH where is the guild participated in a kill, you'd get a ticket to hang the portrait in GH.56.  For Ryzom Home ... more "pictures / wall hangings" for event bosses to hang in Apartment and same for GH where is the guild participated in a kill, you'd get a ticket to hang the portrait in GH.New items are added at the end of the thread so folks following the thread can get notice.... these will be removed over time and placed here.  When implemented, the request will get "stike-through"

Edited 43 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 months ago)


#2 [en] 

Smaller eggs. Not 0-bulk as that would cause a different set of problems, but maybe 0.2 each?


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#3 [en] 

Depending on the kind of eggs, yes.
For an example, invulnerability eggs should keep their actual bulk otherwise it can results in abuse.

#4 [en] 

I don't really have a strong opinion on eggs, one reason being they take up too much room so I dont keep them. The other reason is .... must are too weak to bother with.

I keep a few for those rare occasions say I have a mission way up in the maze. I see one downside tho ... and it's akin to the "we have 10,000 Zun in GH thing. Shall they be so light that one can store 1,000s of them and make boss hunting a no risk daily exercise ? I would want to remove the value of practicing the sneak technique ... being able to walk thru any region unscathed should remain a desired skill ... wouldn't want to have eggs make that unnecessary. Ideally, from my view ....

1. Eliminate rewards below the player level ... giving low level eggs, crystals, etc to a player w/ multiple masters is just annoying. You can't give them to guildies, you can't trade them ... you just have to waste significant time deleting them.

2. Reduce bulk ... don't go crazy ... maybe start at half .. and see how it goes. Take another look at it in 6 months.

3. I like the steenky. rotten eggs. If an egg sits around too long, let it degrade. maybe % goes to a 4 after a month ... a 4 goes to a 3 ... eventually if you have 3 egg events in a year ... they should be close to expiration by next event,


#5 [en] 

Depending on the kind of eggs, yes.
For an example, invulnerability eggs should keep their actual bulk otherwise it can results in abuse.

Speed eggs are the only ones I care about. I agree on the Invul eggs as I've seen that trick done at OP battles. Speed eggs are great for those difficult rezzes though. And since you can still be hit with spells, they are not nearly as unbalancing. 

But the main reason I say anything is that my apartment has enough space taken up by speed eggs that I have to hang my armor in my GH. Sadly, I dont' think we can have different bulks in bags than we do in apartments, so.... 
I like the steenky. rotten eggs. If an egg sits around too long, let it degrade. maybe % goes to a 4 after a month ... a 4 goes to a 3 ... eventually if you have 3 egg events in a year ... they should be close to expiration by next event,

I'd rather they remove the eggs entirely than go that route unless they have egg events be a monthly thing. In fact, the scarcity of such events is why I spend the entire time stocking up.

Last edited by Gidget (4 years ago)


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#6 [en] 

I wasn't particularly interested in chasing eggs as a task in and of itself but while trekking to designated locations doing DMs, might as well blast some eggs while running.   So I was doing this for the week or so every day while it lasted.   I walked away withn just over 1 stack of 250 Wundahmat.  Certainly disappointing, especially coinsidering i spent more time destroying "rewards" to low for me to use than doing anything else.
I think it's ok that you don't need most of them. They are a bonus - and the better ones can really give quite a boost, when used in the right context, especially the speed and invul ones - but the others can help also, if you play solo and don't do the noxous multi-accounting to train. They take an incredible amount of space - so their hoarding is limited. Might be interesting to limit their temporal use... yet via storage space is more fair towards the more occasional players.
3.a  Along the lines of the above, it would be great if the game could detect player levels and parcel out rewards as appropriate.   If the decision is a player working an event should be able to collect half a stack per day of Wundahmat of varous types, then if the player is 250 in x number of craft trees, only give that player 1/10th oif a stack and not all the lower levels that they can't use and will spend precious hours of play time avoiding / destroying.

3.b  Provide a check box screen like for DMs where the player can just say, I only wanna see those items for which I checked a box.
3.c   Provide a Reward materials exchange merchant where mats could traded ... 5 stacks of QL 50 gets you 1 stack of 250s, etc

9. If we can't trade wheel rewards, let us limit wheel reward options w/ checkboxes like on Daily Missions (Don't force me to accept and then delete, stuff i don't want)
Yes. No. IMHO depends. Having an option to not get certain items would somewhat help - yet you have the option to use the whee
4.  Ability to Trade Wheel Rewards
No, definitely no. It would heat up inflation a lot and would only increase imbalance between players with different playing time. Keeping that per character is good enough. You can trade zigs already.
7.  Fix craft mission "hand in thing" so rafts don't have to be done in order ... also fix that completing 2 missions at same time steals on of yoiur rewards.
That definitely would help. I stumbled over that numerous times - and it's not an obvious bug until you know the reason. It makes an especially bad impression on new players.
8.  Add the ability to use Missioin Mat Pigments in crafting.
Rather not... it would de-value the crafting skill which includes getting the colour right. There's a separate thread with this suggestion, though
10.  Guild / Faction Info on Fiends list
Oh yes! I dearly need that.
13.  Ability to add (safe) files to forum .. PDF, xls, etc.
A forum which allows to attach files (especially images) would be sooo much appreciated. That's currently a big annoyance to posting anything with an image.
14.  Keep list of Dynamic Events held so users can get a jist of frequency and scheduled times.
Yes... there's already an ingame calender. Maybe that can be somewhat extended to allow for that and get better visibiltiy.
25.  Please fix the OP Popup.

a)  The message does not match the options:   "If you do not choose, you will be decalred automatically neutral in x seconds"

Seems a translation issue? --> Become translator :)
27. A visible shaded circle around the toon's position on map that matches the compass range setting.
Nice-to-have for sure. Yet not essential
28. Guild property - The ability to designate special items as Guild property, whereby if a player does not log on for xxx days, it reverts back to Guild Storage.
I feel that idea is not thought-through. What would happen to an item in player storage... would it overload the guild hall? Can you use that to store additional items as they remain in the player inventory? In essence I see no loophole-free way to get anything like this.
29. A way to filter map flags (landmarks) by more categories category, sort of like we do communication channels

NPCs - [ x ]
Mission Mats - [ x ]
Craft Mats (B-F-C) - [ x ]
Craft Mats (E-S) - [ x ]
Named / Bosses - [ x ]
TPs / Portals - [ x ]
Oh, I would be craving for that :)
30.  Ability to use 3D Map In Game.
I don't understand that. What do you mean with 3D map and how would that look like?


#7 [en] 

4.  Ability to Trade Wheel Rewards
No, definitely no. It would heat up inflation a lot and would only increase imbalance between players with different playing time. Keeping that per character is good enough. You can trade zigs already.
I would be only happy if I could get back my rewards that were possible to trade before, I have put them in alt's aparment years ago and now I can't get them back.

#8 [en] 


I think we would agree on most of these things ... It would appear that I didn't explain some of the concepts well or you may not be aware of some things.  Most these issues are a matter of scale.   Melee Protection Aura (MPA) and Speed as they exists requires judicious usage ... you don't want to waste it indiscriminately.   What do you think of the idea of MPA with no cooldown ?  How would that be different from a virtually unlimited supply of eggs ?

1.  Eggs - So yes, I agree with everything you said ... and, as i said, I support reducing the bulk size ... but not to the extent that it make playing Ryzom a walk in the park.

One of the most valuable skills in Ryzom is learning navigation or "picking the right path" and ... having the patience to recognize a pattern and wait.   It's a cerbreal skill that a super abundance of eggs would completely negate the value of.     What kind of challenge does the game present when every day that you play you can walk thru PR, BB, or any 250 region with complete impunity ?  No risk boss scouting ? ... no risk PR travel ?  No risk trekking ? I have the Big 4 ... Melee Protection Aura, Invulnerability, Self Heal and Speed on every bar ... these are great things.  But the cooldown makes these "last ditch" efforts something to save ya butt in a pinch.  What fun is it treking from Desert to FH if ya can just spam INV / Life eggs the entire trip ?  I don't like the idea of "taking the brain" out of Ryzom play.

3-4-9.  Opt Out function - If there's a downside here, I'm not seeing it.  If ya have one, please give me an example, cause Im missing it.  I am ill inclined to participate in event, when the one thing I spend the **most** time on is destroying the rewards.   Events provide direct rewards via eggs or items that lead to tokens.  The event team works hard putting these events together ... I think it would be good if it was worthwhile for all players to invest the T & E to participate.  I foiund the eggs in the last event not at all worth the T & E.  But, as I was doing Daily Missions, I'd simply spam the egg macro as I trotted along.  Then spent as much time deleting stuff to empty bag bulk as I did doing the mission.

Id rather get 2 rewards out of 100 actions than get 100 rewards and have to sit around destroying 98.  There's no benefit for usage, there's no downside that I can see to having it available and not using.  It was over  ayear before I realized that I could selectively take wheel rewards, bagging what I want and dropping rest on floor.

Eggs - anything but the higher level one are useless to a large section of the player base.  About as useless as the umpteen bras I own.  

Wundahmat - of no value to me whatsover, but I can't even give them to guildies ... tho not of value to me personally, players would benefit from an exchange where they could trade in lower level mats for a smaller number of next higher level mats.  A F2P player gets all crafts to 101 .... what value is there to the player to receive level 50 / 100 Wundahmat ?  How does he gain an unfair advantage by not receiving them ?   How is the level 50 player harmed by that higher level player not receiving them ?

Crystals - I destroy anything less than 250 and even those are a PITA.   Same as above, no advantage obtained / no disadvantage incurred ... well other than giving players back hours of their lives and perhaps saving the cost of a wrist brace.   If you think the low levels are of value, then don't check the "I don't want to receive" box.  Either way, no harm, no foul.

Another aspect is this.  It is useful that when a player can not find a team to grind a skill they can use crystals ... but to we want to make crystals so easy to obtain that no one even bothers to find  a team ... I'm not against the use of ctystals at all ... I am concerned about a game known for having the "best community"  at some point making crystals so easy to obtain that teaming with other players becomes a rare thing.   I like the idea of Windahmat because it gives players a break from digging .... but I hate the idea that at some point folks could master a craft skill w/o diggging ... these are all matters of scale and finding a balance.   In the real world, a 2-3 week vacation gives peeps a nice respite from the every day grind ... but if it gets to the point where we're all  lounging in chair with an umbrella drink in our hands every day ... that wouldn't be a good thing.

Wheel - Not sure what you mean there but if your saying "I don't have to play it if I don't want to" ... then again why participate in events at all  ? ... why renew my subscription ?     And the wheel rewards is just part of it  .... no interest in flowers, fireworks, potions, surprises, and above mentioned items so why can't I just say "no thank you".   I'm not suggesting increased odds of getting missing / desired items ... Im saying please allow us to avoid boredom and risk of Repetitive Stress Injury by forcing players to make unnecessary KB taps and mouse clicks thousands of times.

Inflation - I'm not seeing this; can you provide an example ?  perhaps it's just a matter of different perspective between different player mindsets.  I wasn't aware we had an economy.... ever.  If I'm missing something I need for a craft, I offer to trade 6 mats for 6 other mats.  The reality is whomever I asked is likely to just give me the mats and I do the same.

In 16 years, I have never paid for anything with dappers other than TPs or NPC stuff like the relic.  I have never charged anyone dappers.   If I have (2) ragus teddies and you have (2) Lumper teddies ... what's wrong with trading ?  And even if you could use dappie, I'm not seeing how buying a teddy bear changes the world economy.  As you said, you don't have to buy it at a price you don't like.   You can't inflate the price of a Teddy if you can't sell it.  How about an "NPC exchange" ... trade in a Teddy for another Teddy with a nice cut for the vendor ?

8.  Perhaps I am hindered by perspective here, you can blame it on me being one of those clueless creatures called a "man" :) ... not that we don't have "male clothes horses".    But I don't fathom why people choose to craft "attractive outfits" and sacrfice stats to do so.  Same with walking around shirtless and sleeveless or even nekid  ... why ?  is it to show of a "hot bod", ?   Why make your healer's job a bit more difficullt because of the missing HP bonuses ?  Now, to be clear, while I might not be able to understand why one would make such a choice,  I by no means  object to such choices ... to each his own.   I'm all about choices ....dislike restrictions that serve no viable purpose but just make things annoying, frustrating an unnecessarily time consuming.

In the early years, if someone made you a focus set of LA and jools, it was tryker ... an HP set was Fyros.... because HP (and Fyros thumbnails) are red and Focus is blue and when pulling a set from GH, this made them easy to differentiate.   Focus sets are white because, using PR mats, you can make + 2 dodge LA using choice mats and those mats produce white.

So it seems unneccessarily "limiting" to force people to make a choice between "looks" and "stats".   Perhaps a satisfactory solution would be to allow one to add color to only to crafts using PR mats or to require elyps of other cost to be associated with the effort.

25.  It is not a translation issue.  It's a change of status issue.  It was explained to me that an unscupulous tactic is often used whereby peeps place toons in defense areas, remain neutral and suck up bomb heals.  Rather then eliminate the ability for OP participants to affect neutral participants in any way, it was decided to force them into one of the two opposing sides. 

While I don't see this as a logical approach ....

A. If used it should be confined to the 2 hour battle time window.  This mechanic remains in effect long before and after that 2 hour time window.

B.  As I travel to my desired dig spot, I see that I have apparently crossed some invisible line and I get a pop up ... as I do a quick reverse, reading the pop up it's asking me to chose to:

a)  Join Faction A
b)  Join Faction B
c)  Ramdomly be assigned to A or B

I see the decision time counter going down and when it's at some number significantly greater than 0, and I sigh knowing I have plenrty of time to get back over that line,  I find that I am now part of Faction B's Defense of an attack by Faction A ... and here I am tagged as a defender while well outside the invisible line I crossed and in the midst of faction A's arriving attackers.  This happened before my time expired.

C.   Or... I am doing Daily Missions and I have to deliver something to an NPC in the maze, the only approach way to which leads thru an OP Battle of which I am unawares.  So I have fought my way thru mobs solo to  a point where my spell credits have depleted my HP and sap to  apoint where it's MPA + Speed time to sprint thru the remaining mobs ahead, and lose the ones behind.

Then I find myself, chased by a horde of mobs ... into the middle of an OP battle I want nothing to do with and am immediately cut down.  The battle hasn't started yet and yet I'm an innocent casualty.  I can come back 3 hours later, after its over and anyone still there still has an easy kill.   While incovenienced, I wouldn't have issue with that being the case for the 2 hour window ... what I don't like is being tagged 10 hours before or after its over.

I don't know if this  has been tweaked since then, but I have experienced all of those things.  Haven't been doing any missions or digging in several months so haven't had any recent encounters.

28.   It seems a quick read left you envisoning potential usages far beyond the scope intended or I guess I didn't emphasize the "special" part of "special items" enough.  The quotes around  "special items" were intened so convey that this would be limited to ***O N L Y***  rare and special items.   All craft mats (basic => Supreme), OP mats, normal gear are by no means "special". 

Let me present one example that will put this item in the intended light.   An individual obtaining enough points to "win" an NPC HA set can take years.  These are generally obtained by:

a)  Guild Hunts
b)  Faction Hunts
c)  Group Hunts

While people have obtained sets participating as individuals, it most instances folks are participating as a "Guild Effort".  When you get one, you are generally getting the benefit of points earned by other players.   So when someone gets a set, they didn't necessarily "earn it", the guild did.  This is a ***special item***  that required the entire guild's effort to obtain.

Each hunt has its own structure but generally, when an individual earns one ... the reward goes to the individual as compensation for his / her individual effort  ... when a guild earns one, and gives it to  a player, that guild should have the option of reclaiming it *** if *** the player is no longer interested in the game.  

I have earned a number of sets as part of a guild effort, but my "points' far exceed that to earn as an individual.  If I were to croak, I would hate for these to be lost forever.   I'd want them to be reclaimed by the guild.

Given the small number of items that would be unique enough to be considered "special items", the idea of  player or guild capacity being "loopholed" is something I am unable to wrap my head around.   Taking a shot at it  ...

"Hey I talked to one of our guildies, he's not going to be playing for another 8 months till he graduates .. lets get him to come on Saturday and we can offload some sup mats to his meks and apartment, and then when he comes back, maybe we can find room for them and put back in GH".

A.  That seems like quite a lot of hoops to jump thru and far to much T & E when right now an alt can be made on one's account and get 12,000 extra bulk in a heartbeat.   I would expect that the number of items that would earn special item status woule be less than what would fit on a mount ... at worst a packer.  These special items arent being "stowed away", they are just being recycled.

B.  The "transfer to" mechanism as perceived is, when the item is awarded or won by the guild, the GL or designated HO, would tag the item as "Guild Item".  The item will take up the normal bulk in the guild / players inventory.  At any time, the guild could remove the tag.

C.  If a player stops playing, at the end of the prescribed period, the guild would get a message saying "A guild item, [insert extremely rare ***special*** item here] is available for recovery."

As far as the overload ... this woud be handled same as when ya mek dies... 72 hours to make room or lose it.  Could even be an RP experience ...

[i]"Guildmate [Insert name here] had undertaken an adventure, failed to return and has been missing for [insert time in atys years  (~ to 6. 8 12, months or  whatever real time) here].  The [insert national authority] has declared said guildmate deceased.  In accordance with his / her stated wishes, said homin leaves [insert item here] to his guildmates.  Do you want to accept this parting gift ?"[/insert]

Say no... it goes away
Say yes, it goes in GH

If GH full, you have 3 days to make room for it.

Looking at that item again now, I can see how not knowing / recognizing what was intended by "special items", I could foressee the issues as you describe.   But special means reaaly really really rare / unique items and the limits would not allow for any abuses.  Guild Item Storage would be limited to small numbers ... say 300 - 500 total bulk.

30.A  Similar logic could be applied to "player owned" special items that are kept just for notalgic purposes.   This falls under the long and harrowing Player Bulk Storage threads.   During the events we get to win "punkin" heads, "punkin" staffs, icycle staffs and the like ... these and wheel rewards like teddies should not penalize the player's storage capacity.. Suggest we have a chest in our apartment whereby anything put in there has 0 bulk.   Storage would be limited ONLY to event items or wheel rewards and also be limited to 1 item of its kind.  You put in a Yubo teddy, no more allowed.  If you gonna keep 6 more Yubo teddies, they all will have normal bulk.

Right now, I like the balance between having adequate storage and putting a bit of restriction to discourage hoarding.   But sound arguments have been made on both sides and I think this would offer a bit of respite and serve as a compromise.

30.  Have you ever looked at Ryzom 3D maps ?  They can be found on Google Docs with a  web search but easier and more relatable this way.  I find it odd that so few players are aware of only the Google Docs thing.

A.  Go here:

B.  Now zoom on the area Southwest of Min Cho (Mystic Falls) so that you can see Min Cho and you can see Mystic Falls w/o having the city map open

C.  Now look at the vertical array of icons in the upper right area of the map.

-Mouse over the top one and it says "zoom out"
-Mouse over the next one down and it sats "zoom out"
-Mouse over the next one down and it says "recenter"
-Mouse over the 4th one down and it says "toggle map"

When you click the toggle icon, it toggles between the vastly inaccurate in game map and the very accurate 3D Map.

* By doing this, a player can now very easily find one's  way thru the maze to Mytis Falls when doing that Welcomer Mission

* How often have you been in game taking "Goo Damage" when you were no where near any purple ground ? ... or been 200m into the goo and not taking damage ?

* Remember when as a new player you were frustarted trying to find your way thru BB or LoL and later finding a pond where you can shed aggro and be safe  ya said "  Wow I wish I knew that was here before"  ?

*  Ever been in Outlaw Canyon and wonder why passage ways shown on the map can not be found (they don't exist despite what the map shows) or wondered why cliffs in the north end of Outlaw Canyon are 100s of meters out of whack ?

* Ever get lost in the jungle and forest mazes before ya laeft a trail of bread crumbs (flags) ? 

The 3D Map makes all of the above issues disappear.  It's great for locating NPCs, Craft mats, Mission maps as it shows locations with respect to the real world around you.

If we had the option of diplaying the 3D map, I don't think Id ever use the current one.

Edited 9 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 years ago)


#9 [en] 

Moin Freddy,

seems on some points we talked cross eachother unvoluntarily, meaning the same thing:
Most these issues are a matter of scale.   Melee Protection Aura (MPA) and Speed as they exists requires judicious usage ... you don't want to waste it indiscriminately.   What do you think of the idea of MPA with no cooldown ?  How would that be different from a virtually unlimited supply of eggs ?
I totally agree. And I'm far from advocating making eggs free or near-limitless - for exactly the reasons you explained (again). They are a nice goody, but they must remain limited (thus have a size). The idea of rot is appealing, but does not add much and IMHO puts the less-frequent players at a disadvantage for no good reason. In essence: eggs are good as they are. One might discuss their bulk - but within limits. And maybe even have the bulk size depend on their effect.
3-4-9.  Opt Out function - If there's a downside here, I'm not seeing it.  If ya have one, please give me an example, cause Im missing it.  I am ill inclined to participate in event, when the one thing I spend the **most** time on is destroying the rewards.   Events provide direct rewards via eggs or items that lead to tokens.  The event team works hard putting these events together ... I think it would be good if it was worthwhile for all players to invest the T & E to participate.  I foiund the eggs in the last event not at all worth the T & E.  But, as I was doing Daily Missions, I'd simply spam the egg macro as I trotted along.  Then spent as much time deleting stuff to empty bag bulk as I did doing the mission.
No downside, and I don't mind. My argument was simply that destroying a few items is not much which bothers me (thus your itch there is not mine), especially as I always have the chance to not pickup those in the first place. And on the wheel I can do the same.
Wundahmat - of no value to me whatsover, but I can't even give them to guildies ... tho not of value to me personally, players would benefit from an exchange where they could trade in lower level mats for a smaller number of next higher level mats.  A F2P player gets all crafts to 101 .... what value is there to the player to receive level 50 / 100 Wundahmat ?  How does he gain an unfair advantage by not receiving them ?   How is the level 50 player harmed by that higher level player not receiving them ?
Neither. But they must not be traded. They allow so quick power levelling of crafting that making them tradable would de-value the crafting skill quite considerably. As-is now, you have to do a lot of daily missions etc in order to win tokens to win uni-mats on the wheel (or buy them at NPCs). Trading the crystals... is ok, even though it goes in the same direction.
I'm not arguing to not play the wheel of fortune, just to not take what you don't want. It's a fun past time - even when I don't need half the items I win.
Inflation - I'm not seeing this; can you provide an example ?  perhaps it's just a matter of different perspective between different player mindsets.  I wasn't aware we had an economy.... ever.  If I'm missing something I need for a craft, I offer to trade 6 mats for 6 other mats.  The reality is whomever I asked is likely to just give me the mats and I do the same.

In 16 years, I have never paid for anything with dappers other than TPs or NPC stuff like the relic.  I have never charged anyone dappers.   If I have (2) ragus teddies and you have (2) Lumper teddies ... what's wrong with trading ?  And even if you could use dappie, I'm not seeing how buying a teddy bear changes the world economy.  As you said, you don't have to buy it at a price you don't like.   You can't inflate the price of a Teddy if you can't sell it.  How about an "NPC exchange" ... trade in a Teddy for another Teddy with a nice cut for the vendor ?
Yes, that's how it usually works for me, too. Inflation as in, if thes uni-mats etc become completely free as they become tradable items, all the good gear and crafting levels become virtually free... that's not what we want (I think you neither).
8.  Perhaps I am hindered by perspective here, you can blame it on me being one of those clueless creatures called a "man" :) ... not that we don't have "male clothes horses".    But I don't fathom why people choose to craft "attractive outfits" and sacrfice stats to do so.  Same with walking around shirtless and sleeveless or even nekid  ... why ?  is it to show of a "hot bod", ?   Why make your healer's job a bit more difficullt because of the missing HP bonuses ?  Now, to be clear, while I might not be able to understand why one would make such a choice,  I by no means  object to such choices ... to each his own.   I'm all about choices ....dislike restrictions that serve no viable purpose but just make things annoying, frustrating an unnecessarily time consuming.
Yes, the current system is more limited as opposed to allowing to choose colour freely. And working with those limits, that's where skill and knowledge comes into play. A skill and knowledge not expressed in terms of levels, but in terms of knowing Atys, knowing crafting (similar to how you learn mob behaviour in order to go somewhere safely). Thus adding colour as a free and independent option to crafting will definitely de-value the skillset of crafting: there currently is a trade-off between the desired colour and stats (sometimes). Knowing where to make that and how to minimize that is a skill and knowledge - a set of skills which makes this game very unique and appealing to me. I'd be very sad if the crafting would become less complex by making colour a free choice of just adding a component or another which does not influence the other stats of the item.

So yes, every limit is "unnecessary" by some measure or skale. But limits are what make a game interesting in the first place. If anyone can do anything, maybe with a bit grinding but reduced complexity, it gets boring very quickly.

(NB: there's a difference between complicated and complex: complicated just means, you need to figure out how it works, for every property. Complex adds that challenge that changing one property affects others. And that's what we have in crafting - one of the aspects I find this game unique and one of the things I totally cheerish in this way. That ensures that it's an art, not just a skill levelled and a receipt applied)
25.  It is not a translation issue.  It's a change of status issue.  It was explained to me that an unscupulous tactic is often used whereby peeps place toons in defense areas, remain neutral and suck up bomb heals.  Rather then eliminate the ability for OP participants to affect neutral participants in any way, it was decided to force them into one of the two opposing sides. 

While I don't see this as a logical approach ....

A. If used it should be confined to the 2 hour battle time window.  This mechanic remains in effect long before and after that 2 hour time window.

B.  As I travel to my desired dig spot, I see that I have apparently crossed some invisible line and I get a pop up ... as I do a quick reverse, reading the pop up it's asking me to chose to:

a)  Join Faction A
b)  Join Faction B
c)  Ramdomly be assigned to A or B

I see the decision time counter going down and when it's at some number significantly greater than 0, and I sigh knowing I have plenrty of time to get back over that line,  I find that I am now part of Faction B's Defense of an attack by Faction A ...
Ok, I mis-understood your earlier posting here. That sounds like a bug - yet I think it does not exist anymore, though I am not entirely sure. I only always got the pop-up when I wanted to be part of one side or the other :D.
28.   It seems a quick read left you envisoning potential usages far beyond the scope intended or I guess I didn't emphasize the "special" part of "special items" enough.  The quotes around  "special items" were intened so convey that this would be limited to ***O N L Y***  rare and special items.   All craft mats (basic => Supreme), OP mats, normal gear are by no means "special". 

Let me present one example that will put this item in the intended light.   An individual obtaining enough points to "win" an NPC HA set can take years.  These are generally obtained by:

a)  Guild Hunts
b)  Faction Hunts
c)  Group Hunts

While people have obtained sets participating as individuals, it most instances folks are participating as a "Guild Effort".  When you get one, you are generally getting the benefit of points earned by other players.   So when someone gets a set, they didn't necessarily "earn it", the guild did.  This is a ***special item***  that required the entire guild's effort to obtain.

Each hunt has its own structure but generally, when an individual earns one ... the reward goes to the individual as compensation for his / her individual effort  ... when a guild earns one, and gives it to  a player, that guild should have the option of reclaiming it *** if *** the player is no longer interested in the game.  
ok, I see. Yet I think it's trying to solve a social problem by technical means. If I want to leave, I can still give the good stuff to other players. Or behold, share my login with a trustee. Ideally I could give a key to my appartement and access to my mektoubs via game interface to trusted people - so they have access to the stuff I store(d). Of course... that would mean essentially that unlimited storage exists via alts... not sure how to solve that.
Say no... it goes away
Say yes, it goes in GH

If GH full, you have 3 days to make room for it.
Yes... maybe. I'm not entirely convinced, but allowing a limited amount of shared guild storage could be an idea in a similar fashion (e.g. a guild can declare up to 500 bulk storage of stuff as guild property and that can be accessed by high officers, irrespective of where it currently is (but of course you have to go and get it, whereever it is).
30.  Have you ever looked at Ryzom 3D maps ?  They can be found on Google Docs with a  web search but easier and more relatable this way.  I find it odd that so few players are aware of only the Google Docs thing.
Now I see what you mean. They are not 3D, but the bird's view map. I call and know them as and was introduced to them as 'satellite maps' and use my own customized version of those :D Thanks for pointing out how to see them on BM, though. I wasn't aware of it.

You can simply swap your maps used by the game by placing replacement images in your user directory. Appropriately-named the new user-provided maps will be used. The satellite maps are available for convenient download from aps Game needs restart for new maps taking effect. This is my WIP jungle map of that type with some features contrast-enhanced for better navigation:


#10 [en] 

Yes, Elke ... it's as many like to say,

"The view changes based upon where you are sitting. And that's what makes Ryzom great ... it allows one to make choices.

I just called them 3D cause that's how they are named on BM site and google

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 months ago)


#11 [en] 

Ryzom Ring



#12 [en] 

OK, this was from 2020 .... we got 3  5 done... much thx to development team; well everyone except for... i won't mention the name but everyone knows who I mean .... see spoiler

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 year ago)


#13 [en] 

Moved to Post # 1

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 months ago)


#14 [en] 

And continuing ....

56.  For Ryzom Home ... more "pictures / wall hangings" for event bosses to hang in Apartment and same for GH where is the guild participated in a kill, you'd get a ticket to hang the portrait in GH.

Edited 7 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 months ago)


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