
#106 Multilingual 

in my opinion this is a topic that has been pushed by very specific people. it has started few weeks ago that beeficus has been accused of cheating. When this did not work, the developers were convinced to change the CoC so that they finally get what they want.
wait it's getting ridiculous, now these people act as saviors of role-playing and try to make it look like this change was the wish of the majority of the players. they go so far to call toons not participating in their roleplay as useless and bad for the game. wtf?!?
personally i think there are very few players pushing this and most people do not have a single problem with the style beef and the general would like to play.
My suggestion is to find out how many really want it and start a poll asking all players in atys


Leader of the faceless

#107 [fr] 

Avec tous les alts qui répondent au sondage ou pas ?

*rigole pour détendre l'atmosphère*

#108 [en] 

Avec tous les alts qui répondent au sondage ou pas ?

*rigole pour détendre l'atmosphère*


Last edited by Arxxan (4 years ago)

#109 [en] 

Let's face it: multiboxing is a way of pay-to-win.

It gives advantage in two or three areas:

It's used to level faster without user-interaction.
It's used to win fights without getting people behind your cause ("I am more than you").
It's used to quicker gain an economic advantage, like faster digging and keeping an eye on places to know when certain bosses or named re-spawn.

And it's a very valid question on how much you want to allow single people literally buy these advantages with real money and how much that impacts the motivation of people who don't want or cannot go that route.

The more extensivly you allow it, the more you implicitly limit the game to people who spend more money on both, accounts and hardware. That in turn reduces the playerbase and the result basically is where we nearly are: a group of a few players who all play ("play"?) several chars in parallel - and of course are not happy when their powerplay is frowned upon and slightly restricted in order to increase or keep the appeal of this game for the usual and possibly also occasional playerbase who is not a power player. It's a very precarious balance which has to be found here... and it very likely is neither fully one side (allow everything) nor the other (allow only one char). I don't envy the team to find it - but we all should assume good faith that their best interest is to make this the most exciting game for as many as possible.

And please: restriction to even one account per person does NOT limit your freedom of play. It just limits your freedom to outperform other players by paying more.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Elke (4 years ago)


#110 [en] 

And please: restriction to even one account per person does NOT limit your freedom of play. It just limits your freedom to outperform other players by paying more.

I don't agree with you at all. Mainly because I don't try to outperform anybody and this restriction from 4 to 2 toons (we don't speak of subed toons, I don't have 4 subed accounts) limit my freedom of play.

Please I ask everybody to stop thinking their way to play Ryzom is THE good way. We have many different ways to play Ryzom, and this difference is a real treasure. In my opinion this the heart of Ryzom interest.

This is a matter of tolerance, people are different, think different, like different things.

Please don't start normalising how to play Ryzom.


Ba'Arppy Jyrvie

#111 [fr] 

Dans ce cas, laissez les joueurs ignorez les adeptes du multibox, car ca sera leur façon de jouer egalement... et leur droit de penser.
On va en arriver là... c'est evident... et c'est très très très... dommage.


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#112 [en] 

Let's face it: multiboxing is a way of pay-to-win.

It gives advantage in two or three areas:

It's used to level faster without user-interaction.
It's used to win fights without getting people behind your cause ("I am more than you").
It's used to quicker gain an economic advantage, like faster digging and keeping an eye on places to know when certain bosses or named re-spawn.

And it's a very valid question on how much you want to allow single people literally buy these advantages with real money and how much that impacts the motivation of people who don't want or cannot go that route.


>faster leveling without user interaction? <--- not multiboxing
multiboxing is a human pressing buttons and clicking mouse.

>It's used to quicker gain an economic advantage, like faster digging
faster how? 4 people can do the same thing, same speed
>and keeping an eye on places to know when certain bosses or named re-spawn.
also not true, alts do not travel at the same time to different places, they can not go to places by themself.
4 people can visit more places and faster then any multiboxer, also 4 people have 4x brains and eyes, they can travel individually and to 4 regions at once, multiboxers cannot. best they can do is leave an alt in a single spot, thats just 1 boss and not worth it, and is something anyone can do not just multibox.

i think you are confusing multibox with botting, which is a very common misconception in this community.


#113 [en] 

And please: restriction to even one account per person does NOT limit your freedom of play. It just limits your freedom to outperform other players by paying more.

I don't agree with you at all. Mainly because I don't try to outperform anybody and this restriction from 4 to 2 toons (we don't speak of subed toons, I don't have 4 subed accounts) limit my freedom of play.

You don't seem to have read my posting. Sadly.

So, if neither of the three points mentioned applies to you, it shouldn't hurt, if toons of the same account cannot interact in any way anymore with eachother (no healing, no caring, not attacking same target). Otherwise you *do* use it to get advantage over accounts who don't multibox - whether you acknowledge it or not.

And no, I definitely don't mix botting and multiboxing. You have an advantage whether you click manually or by bot. The latter just makes it automated. I was referring to user as in different people.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Elke (4 years ago)


#114 [fr] 

yes I have,
I feel like you are insulting me after that.


Ba'Arppy Jyrvie

#115 [en] 

And no, I definitely don't mix botting and multiboxing. You have an advantage whether you click manually or by bot. The latter just makes it automated. I was referring to user as in different people.

multiboxers have disadvantages and advantages, but none of those you mentioned are advantages multiboxers have.

faster leveling, same speed as a team of people, only thing thats faster is not having to chat to find people.

Last edited by Magez (4 years ago)


#116 [fr] 

Retournez lire vos cours de philo: la liberté n'est pas l'absence de règles. Vous ne perdez pas en liberté parce que vous n'avez plus le droit de faire cela. Vous perdez des possibilités de jeu, c'est tout. Mais vous êtes toujours libres d'agir dans un cadre.
Poussons la logique jusqu'au bout: je trouve qu'on devrait être libre d'être invincible face au mob. Ben oui, ça limite ma liberté d'aller et venir comme je veux. Et quand je veux pexer, c'est trop dur. Il y a là pourtant une restriction. Et celle-ci est dans l'intérêt du jeu, de ce qui est recherché, de la philosophie du jeu.

Ici, sur ryzom, ce qui est recherché, c'est pas la culture du solo versus all, du warrior qui arrive à forer comme un dingue et tuer des rois sans l'aide de personne. OUI c'est une restriction de possibilité. OUI c'est un cadre contraignant, comme n'importe quel cadre. Et c'est dans ce cadre que les joueurs peuvent exercer leur liberté.

Et je le répète: si vous n'êtes pas fichu d'accepter ce cadre au point de partir, et bien partez. C'est que finalement, ryzom n'est pas fait pour vous.
J'accepte les gens pas d'accord avec cette vision du jeu. Mais je n'accepte pas le chantage. Et autant y'en a s'ils partent, c'est juste que ce cadre ne leur plait pas. Ils ne sont qu'une micro poignée (beeficus, mathimat, generalee et peut être 2-3 autres). Et là dessus, ok, c'est leur décision, pas de soucis. Ce nouveau cadre est là pour retrouver la philosophie, l'âme du jeu. Si elle ne plait pas, soit.
Autant, certains, c'est du chantage ce que vous faites. Ce nouveau cadre n'aura aucune incidence sur votre façon de jouer, et pourtant, vous menacez de partir s'il se met en place.
Alors voilà, si les dév se plient encore une fois face aux gens qui chouinent et font du chantage, c'est moi qui part.
Vous voulez faire tapis? Et bien je refuse de me coucher encore une fois. Je fais tapis également.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#117 [en] 

So with all due respect, 1 account per player online, you are punching people like me who have paid for multiple accounts over 12 years in the face. If that comes with the two-account online per player, I can live with it. It's not pretty either, but you can accept it. But here with one account per player we should forget about it quickly (GH trades, 1full + 1Trail and and and and.) No matter how will decided later, please try to act in the interest of all players.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Alexarwe (4 years ago)



In Vino Veritas

I FELL...... SO DID YOU !!!!


Another me is what there will never be... Another life like this, you'll never see !!!

#118 [fr] 

So with all due respect, 1 account per player, you are punching people like me who have paid for multiple accounts over 12 years in the face. If that comes with the two-account cap, I can live with it. It's not pretty either, but you can accept it. But here with one account per player we should forget about it quickly (GH trades, 1full + 1Trail and and and and.) No matter how will decided later, please try to act in the interest of all players.

Vous n'avez pas compris ce qui se met en place. Il n'est pas question d'interdire d'avoir plusieurs comptes. Vous pouvez même en avoir 40 si ça vous chante. La restriction est de limiter le nombre de comptes connectés en même temps dans le jeu à 2. C'est tout.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#119 [en] 

Sure i understand, Azazor. Thanks to deepl ;) But correct it manuel. merci

Last edited by Alexarwe (4 years ago)



In Vino Veritas

I FELL...... SO DID YOU !!!!


Another me is what there will never be... Another life like this, you'll never see !!!

#120 [en] 

This conversation has gotten a bit tense, and it is clear there are some strong feelings on both sides.

Personally I feel I may have over reacted initially. I have put many, many hours over many years into raising and training my alts, and training myself to be better at using them. I have enjoyed using my alts to play alone as well as socially with the friends I have here. I would be very sad to lose them, for many reasons.

But if the rules change, I will continue to play Ryzom with my friends under the new CoC. I will respect whatever decision Ulukyn makes and hope that we can move on from this.

Thanks :)


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