
#78 Multilingual 

Canillia attrape un Velin et commence à écrire.

Elle appelle Lyssan afin qui fasse parvenir le message à Ser Lorgilo-kin.
Après avoir retirer et soigneusement rangé Le "Grand Blanc", son uniforme d'Alkiëne,

elle quitte sa demeure.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Canillia (1 year ago)

#79 Multilingual 

Après avoir lu l'izam de Filira Salazar,
Canillia prend un Velin pour lui répondre.

Last edited by Canillia (1 year ago)

#80 Multilingual 

Canillia se demande comment elle a encore pus s'embarquer dans cette histoire.
Maintenant Nils l'a pris un peu au dépourvu avec sa démission.

bon le Gamin est volontaire et travailleur, bien qu'un peu naïf peut être.

Lyssan entre discrêtement et donne une enveloppe scellé à la Nindën du Filira Ordre Alkane.

La Matis ouvre l'enveloppe et lit rapidement le "pédigrée" de Ser Cinabre.

"Okal, pas grand chose à dire..."

"Le gamin semble propre."

#81 [fr] 

Canillia stands up,
It's early.
Pyr's heat prevents him from sleeping.
Light streams in through the shutters.
Léa, still drowsy, moves lazily in bed.

She's happy...

Her lover's training kept her busy.
Léa is now able to defend herself.
All it needs now is a real fight.

This week in the desert does them good.
It's a time to reflect on the future and enjoy life.

Even if she's here to verify a rumor, they should have come back sooner.

She dresses up and goes out "hunting" in the dunes.
If his information is correct, he should be there this morning, abusing his students.

#82 [fr] 

Léa is at Pyr's bath. She's sulking and moaning to herself.

_"...You bugger!

...Incredibly, the old dwarf whistled and the proud Nindën matis came running, her eyes wet with tears...

...we're really going to have to talk to each other.
I'm not going to spend my life waiting for him.

She'll have to choose!..."

Last edited by Leacuini (2 weeks ago)

Last visit Friday, 7 February 10:35:15 UTC

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