
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | English | Español | [Français]

Patch 750 - 18/5/2019

Un patch des clients et un redémarrage du serveur sont prévus le 18 septembre afin d'implanter les ajouts, améliorations, modifications et corrections listés ci-après :

Célébration des 15 ans de Ryzom

  • Nouveaux éléments visuel pour l'Île
  • Nouvelles récompenses

Améliorations du client

  • Ajout de la sauvegarde et restauration des couleurs (RVBA) et des index de position des canaux utilisateurs ( )
  • Ajout de l'affichage des bonus et enchantements directement dans les icônes des objets
  • Ajout d'une commande pour cibler le plus proche drapeau de la carte (/lmtar)
  • Ajout de la possibilité d'afficher les drapeaux les plus proches dans le menu du clique-droit de la carte
  • Ajout d'une erreur 404/500 côté serveur lorsque cela est possible
  • Ajout de la sélection automatique de la cible dans le radar après une commande /tar valide
  • Ajout du support des images de fond dans la balise [table]
  • Ajout de bordures indépendantes pour les paramètres haut/droit/bas/gauche des tableaux et cellules d'un tableau html
  • Ajout de la possibilité pour les balises HTML [tr] d'avoir une hauteur héritée des éléments [td]
    • Ajout d'un fichier browser.css pour le navigateur en jeu
    • Ajout des informations de soins de sève et d'endurance comme pour les soins de vie ( )
    • Mise à jour de l'affichage d'une renommée de tribu inconnue
    • Mise à jour des icônes de missions pour rendre leur type aisément reconnaissable sans utiliser les couleurs caractéristiques des nations

Corrections du client

  • Correction de l'espace manquant dans les dialogues de modification de l'opacité d'une fenêtre
  • Correction des valeurs de largeur/hauteur du css lorsque exprimées en pourcentages
  • Contournement des problèmes intermittents de chargement de pages web sous Windows
  • Correction des couleurs et images de fond dans les balises HTML [td]
  • Correction de la taille des [input] de type texte qui sont basés sur les caractères comme attendu et non sur les pixels

Corrections et ajouts de l'Installateur Ryzom

  • Correction d'un problème d'index et de duplication après la suppression d'un profil
  • Ajout de la gestion des langues par profil
  • Correction de la vérification de la langue utilisée sous Linux
  • Correction des codes de langue non reconnus dans les .cfg (désormais remplacés par les codes par défaut)

L'Équipe Ryzom reste à votre disposition pour toute information supplémentaire et vous souhaite un bon jeu !

L'Équipe Ryzom


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Report | Quote[en] 


Good work! :)
Can i make a suggestion? Please add a checkbox in the configuration so that people who wants can disable the new mechanic of switching the compass target after a successful /tar.

(I like the old behavior most of the time! I usually run around mostly afk and i'd like to know where that vortex or something is, even after using /tar or a macro)


#3 Report | Quote[en] 

Can i make a suggestion? Please add a checkbox in the configuration so that people who wants can disable the new mechanic of switching the compass target after a successful /tar.
I'm bad at GUI or naming things, so next client patch should have "TargetChangeCompass=0;" config file option to disable changing the compass targets just as before.



#4 Report | Quote[en] 

Can i make a suggestion? Please add a checkbox in the configuration so that people who wants can disable the new mechanic of switching the compass target after a successful /tar.
I'm bad at GUI or naming things, so next client patch should have "TargetChangeCompass=0;" config file option to disable changing the compass targets just as before.

You rock! Thanks! :)

#5 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español | Русский
A few small bugs have appeared during the last patch. We didn't invite them, I promise!

- Some messages appear in English while the client is in French.
Cause: For years the translation files (the phrase_[lang].txt files to be precise) have been polluted by unnecessary modifications. For each language we had several thousand invalid modification lines. When we added a translation, it was in the pile of unwanted changes, it had to be found, isolated and patched. It was long and tedious. So I created a script that removes all the superfluous. Yeah! Yeah! We now have clean translations. Except that at the time of committing (sending the changes to the source repository) one of the files, the phrase_fr.txt did not want to appear in the new software (we changed from Hg to Git and the software to it also changed). The night being already well advanced, I preferred to watch it more quietly the next day. The next day, while reading the messages, I was asked if the faction_rf would be translated for the patch? Having cleaned the translations, it will only take 2 mins added. So I added this and at the same time I validated some unwanted changes on the phrase_fr.txt introducing the fr/en mix
Solution: It was enough to restore the previous version of the phrase_fr.txt, clean it up and revalidate the recent additions.
(commit: cd95ebc3d3ff1be79a)

- The Nexus map is no longer the same.
Cause: It's an unwanted running gag. The map is the future map of the Nexus. This is one of the ongoing projects and the problem comes from a file renaming. The file is called while the future map is called nexus_map.tga. During a previous patch the 2 files were patched at the same time. The ryzom patch system takes the latest patch, replaces the files with their new version before producing a package to distribute. With both files there was a conflict and the only way to delete one is to add the delete command to the patch script. As was deleted for the tests, nexus_map.tga was taken into account.
Solution: Delete nexus_map.tga in the patch script to keep only version

- The names of some items are no longer displayed in the inventory or at the merchant when the display is a "list" mode
Cause: This bug was introduced with the addition of statistics and enchantment information on objects. It happens because the text of its objects is made using the getContextHelp() function which is actually a function of the code that generates the tooltip. This was not at all logical at first reading. The bug has not been detected because very often we only use one view, if the view is in "list" mode at the connection, the bug does not appear. He may have appeared and the tester could think of a temporary problem since the problem had disappeared when the reconnection was made.
Solution: If the customer has not yet received the information, add the name of the item anyway 0c7ee5a9b501962f6ce40

Translated with

Edited 8 times | Last edited by Tamarea (5 years ago)

Last visit Thursday, 12 December 03:35:56 UTC

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