

#16 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Involvements are now Elips, Elipsis ... huh?

You can also choose your reward type, Dapper, Elips ... where? I see no option to select a reward type.

When you open your mission log, there's now a 'Mission Booklet' button which apparently opens the Daily Missions. I obviously have the non-premium version because when I click that button nothing happens.

After filtering to find the missions, "... NPC wants made-to-order-weapons/jewels/armour" but when you #RunAllOver to go speak to the NPC, they don't have any made-to-order missions to give. The Daily Mission version of the NPC text doesn't match with the actual NPC text to tell you which mission to take o.O

Overall, humm? Anyone have a 'Ryzom for Dummies' book :D

Last edited by Bubbason (5 years ago)


Everone has an opinion, and of course are entitled to have one, but others are equally entitled to decide whether they choose to agree or disagree. Acting like a complete Muppet isn't likely going to change minds or win support :)

#17 Report | Quote[en] 


The rewards

  • Choice tokens for the wheel
Welcome to Atys Theme Park!



#18 Report | Quote[en] 

@Bubbason - Is this the first time you've seen good intention lead to bad results or simply not work? But I'm sure that having a daily lead to you to a mission you took 2 days ago that's still on cooldown, thus locking you out of the daily bonus, was fully intended.


Do not assume that you speak for all just because you are the loudest voice; there are many who disagree that simply have no desire to waste words on you.

#19 Report | Quote[en] 


The rewards

  • Choice tokens for the wheel
Welcome to Atys Theme Park!

All rewards are now based on this "awesome" gambling system. So yeah.

#20 Report | Quote[en] 


You can also choose your reward type, Dapper, Elips ... where? I see no option to select a reward type.

When you open your mission log, there's now a 'Mission Booklet' button which apparently opens the Daily Missions. I obviously have the non-premium version because when I click that button nothing happens.

After filtering to find the missions, "... NPC wants made-to-order-weapons/jewels/armour" but when you #RunAllOver to go speak to the NPC, they don't have any made-to-order missions to give. The Daily Mission version of the NPC text doesn't match with the actual NPC text to tell you which mission to take o.O

1. Mission Booklet. On your Game Pad, click Missions. This appears:

2.  Click where circled in red and this appears ... I think you might need to have set up your preferences tho.  BTW, no need to go find the NPC who gives the mission, you already have it.  In fact if ya do, may make "mission invalid".

3.  Now I have selected the 1st mission to gather some prrservatives and it got highlighted.  That means it's now in your Mission Journal.  Note, again, I was in Sorched Corridor when I took the mission ... I never went to Cuzans camp to "get" the mission.  I dug the mats in Scorched Corridor.

4.  Now after I go gig it and hand it in ...... This window appears

5.  You click it .... and this window pops

Click whatever suits ya fancy ... not that if checking your Elypsies or whatever the blue balls called, hit the IDENTITY tab on Game Pad , then Advanced Stats, then hit the refresh button in lower right.  To learn about Elypsies, click the "currecy reform" link

To open the Daily Missions window at any time, click the scroll icon on yur app bar.  (See post 14.)

I havent messed with the occupations ... I have had no problems with cooldowns ... so far.   However ... as i recall, the timer for NY turn ins is 23:00 hours and the Daily Missions is like 19:00 hours so not suren how that works.

Unless you never went past the low levels in Occs... switching occs shouldn't be a problem.  I used to do enough certs such that I had enough for 6 practices.   I would then to practice all at once and practice levels 1 thru 6 for 2 occupations.   That gives say:

Water Carrier = 6 x 18 = 108 mats
Mag Cartographer = 6 x 18 = 108 mats

216 mats / 36 per day = 6 days of Hand ins ... or if you improve them ,,,,

Water Carrier = 6 x 24 = 144 mats
Mag Cartographer = 6 x 24 = 144 mats

288 mats / 36 per day = 8 days of Hand ins .

I don't know what the reward range is ... but Im being offered 24k dappers, 18 Elypsies or 18 Choice Tokens.  Also being offered 7 missions  ... I thought it was supposed to be 8.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)


#21 Report | Quote[fr] 

Avec mes réglages, j'ai des missions fyros ou tribu fyros (sans perte de renommée kami/fyros), mais aussi des missions kamis (et ça je m'en moque). Je pourrai toujours mettre que je ne souhaite pas voir la renommée kami augmenter, mais je perdrai alors les missions tribu fyros kamiste, et c'est ce qui m'intéresse (renommée des tribu fyros kamiste/kara).

Mettre la possibilité de restreindre les missions à un continent ne réglerait pas tout, car j'aurai encore des missions kamis du désert. Mais peut être rajouter une option pour n'avoir que des missions tribu et non des missions factions pures? En fait, l'idéal ce serait même 3 cases à cocher: acceptez-vous les missions faction/civilisation/tribu?


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#22 Report | Quote[fr] 

Azazor si ton but est de monter vite les renommées, je pense que tu ferais mieux d'aller voir directement les tribus ciblées et faire leurs missions qui augmentent le plus fortement la renommée (de type exploration/livraison).
Les daily missions semblent intéressantes pour leur récompenses additionnelles (dont le choix "dappers" me semble faible), avec un moyen de filtrer pour ne pas risquer de casser les réputations que l'on a monté ou descendu.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Zendae (5 years ago)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#23 Report | Quote[fr] 

Merci pour ces quelques précisions :) !


Si vous chercher une belle auberge au coin du feu alors bienvenue ! Du RP, des rencontres et des dés

#24 Report | Quote[fr] 

Azazor si ton but est de monter vite les renommées, je pense que tu ferais mieux d'aller voir directement les tribus ciblées et faire leurs missions qui augmentent le plus fortement la renommée (de type exploration/livraison).
Les daily missions semblent intéressantes pour leur récompenses additionnelles (dont le choix "dappers" me semble faible), avec un moyen de filtrer pour ne pas risquer de casser les réputations que l'on a monté ou descendu.

Oui je sais, mais c'était pour avoir le beurre et l'argent du beurre. ;)


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!

#25 Report | Quote[fr] 

Il est également possible de prendre une mission quotidienne, de noter le PNJ et la mission, de l'abandonner, d'aller voir le PNJ qui la donne, de la faire normalement, puis de la refaire en tant que mission quotidienne. (Pas de délai d'attente)

#26 Report | Quote[fr] 

Foklks are reading way way too much into this.  As with Tribe Missions, amost every mission you do gives + fame and - fame.   The idea o "messing up ya toons fame is really not an issue.  This is my experience.

I do a daily mission and receive + 18,000 fame with the tribe i took the mission from ... As a result I find my faction fame dropped 238 fame points and abother ribe dropped 120 fame points.  So in fame table:

Tribe fame went up +3 (18,000 / 6,000)
kami Faction fame went down - 0.04 (-238 / 6000)
Other Tribe Fame went down -0.02  (-120 / 6,000)

Now i do next mission

Tribe fame went up +3 (18,000 / 6,000)
Kami Faction fame went upn + 0.05 (300 / 6000)
A different Tribe Fame went up 0.02  (-120 / 6,000)

Since Daily Missions started ....

One tribe fame dropped to 99.94
One tribe fame dropped to 49.97

Fryos fame dropped to 49.53

Masters of the Goo seems to be involved a lot .... i think I have gone KoS and back to they like me again about 5 times w/o putting any effort in.

I have a -50.02 now and am have 5 tribes that I am now KoS with ... but 3 of those ..were already that way from doing tribe Fame before DMs started.

In short ... the + fame to - fame ration has ranged from 20:1 to 240:1  So the gain is ***at least**  20 times greater than the loss.  I am not concerned because they keep cancelling each other out.... and if I get concerned, I might take just 1 or 2 missions to erase the deficit.

Im usually 50-50-50-50 so the fact that today I am 49.53 - 50 - 50 -49.99 is not a concern.  They go u big, they do down a teeny bit but in the end it really doesn't affect anything significantly.

Last Mission:

Night Tuners Tribe = +3.00000 fame ... I needd that
Kami Fame = -0.00217 fame (1382:1) ... Its a bit high from last mission, so cool
Karavan = + 0.04417 fame (68:1) ... It's a bit low from last mission, so cool.

If you do the tribe missiosn directly, not through Daily Missions, the exact same thing happens ... your fame with the mission giver goes up... the fame with aligned / opposite faction and tribes go down... dropping the daily mission and doing by itself wont chnage this.  What the restrictions in the DM window do  is look at the 11,000 missiosn and select ONLY those missions that meet your criteria.

As to the cooldowns ... at the higher levels,  the mission cooldowns are usually 1 to 2 days ... for DMs th cooldown is only 20 hours from the point you take the 1st mission.  So if you take a high reward mission in a 250 area ... the DM timer is down for only 20 hours and you will not be offered that mission again for as long as 2+ days (whatever it is normally) ... at the end of the 20 hours, the DM screen will offer a different mission.  And when the 2+ days passes, you may get that same mission again as a DM.

Also while delivery missions offer the best rewards, if you limit your choice to just those .... then you will max out at 16k dappie, 12 elypsies ord 12 choice tokens.  if you open it up to all categories, the you can choose between 24k dappie, 18 elypsies ord 18 choice tokens.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (5 years ago)


#27 Report | Quote[fr] 

What's wrong with this picture ?


#28 Report | Quote[en] 

Special order for fur for the Night Turners ?


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !

#29 Report | Quote[en] 

What's wrong with this picture ?
The fact that you're doing dailies?



#30 Report | Quote[fr] 

Après quelques jours de test depuis la mise en place des missions quotidiennes, je ne les ferai plus :

Si l'idée est excellente, les récompenses ne me paraissent pas du tout adaptées.

-Les bonus en dappers sont ridicules en regard de ce que rapporte une mission facile de chasse ou d'exploration . Les bonus devraient etre un pourcentage de la récompense de la mission (20-30% minimum pur que ce soit incitatif)

- Les bonus en elyps sont beaucoup trop faibles : gagner de 15 à 18 elyps par mission prend beaucoup de temps alors q'un event invasion kitin permet d'en gagner 400 en 20-30 mn (j'ai testé) et je ne parle pas des autres events. Pourquoi s'embêter à faire des missions quotidiennes...

- Quant au bonus en jetons choix...Il aurait été plus judicieux de donner davantage de jetons basiques, qui permettent de gagner des choix a la roue donc plus de fun. 30 jetons choix sont joués en une fois à la roue alors que 1000 basiques offrent plus de temps de jeu à la roue.

- Je me serai attendu a ce qu'il y ait un bonus supplémentaire si toutes les missions du jour sont faites, mais ce n'est pas le cas. (Par exemple un tirage au sort permettant de doubler les bonus obtenus ou une autre récompense aléatoire)

- Pour ce qui est de l'implémentation, je trouve gênant et inutile l'ouverture automatique de la fenêtre du carnet de mission quand une mission est terminée : c'est très pénible quand par exemple on vient de terminer une mission de chasse au milieu des agros. (De toute façon ce que tout le monde sait faire, c'est de récupérer des récompenses)

- Dans certaines circonstances, on a plusieurs fois le message de la récompense pour la même mission (même si on ne la récolte qu'une fois)

- Si sur Atys il y a trois sortes d'homins, ceux qui savent compter et ceux qui ne savent pas, il y a à choisir entre quatre récompenses, les dappers, les elyps et les jetons...
Last visit Monday, 9 September 00:56:17 UTC

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