
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English] | Français

The Mysterious Four


A mysterious group of adventurers arrived at your camp.
It looks like they are searching for new members.
If you are curious about them, talk to them near the stables.

[OOC] This event is only for players of the marauder faction and they need to have access to all four continents. It replaces the event “Gifts for Mr. Snow”. This event can only be done once by each homin. It will run for two weeks (Monday 12.02. - Sunday 25.02). [/OOC]

#2 [en] 

The Mysterious Four event has been taken offline temporarily due a problem. We will restore it as soon as possible.
L'événement des Quatre Mystères a été mis hors ligne temporairement en raison d'un problème. Nous allons le restaurer dès que possible.

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
The event is online again! Enjoy!


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Deutsch
[OOC] Marauders!

Due to an error, the missing reward (1,8 million dappers) from the event 'The mysterious Four' is now given when using the item 'Mysterious Pearl' again.

The virtual item ‘Mysterious Pearl’ is in your special bag, once you finished the event. You will be able to use it until January 2019. Please make sure to get your reward as soon as possible. You can finish the event till and including Sunday, 25. February 2018. [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
Last visit Monday, 10 February 07:09:45 UTC

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