

#1 [es] 

Hola que tal! no estuve jugando por un tiempo. Hoy quise hacerlo, instale el ultimo parche y elijo el personaje... Aparece la pantalla de carga, ni bien entro en Atys, al segundo, el juego se me cierra.... que puede estar pasando?

Lo juego en linux 16.04 64bits. Nunca antes tuve problemas para jugarlo


#2 [en] 

Did you try to log in with new/clean character? Did you try to log in with your current character on clean game installation?

If one of locally stored character config files is broken, it might cause a client crash.

#3 [en] 

I have that problem too if my chatlog cant be accessed. (It's in HDD via symlink to minimize SSD usage and just after reboot system havent mounted it yet => no log file => down goes Jahuu.)

Other that comes to mind are the config files, like Moniq said. I suspect interface_(account name).icfg file. Cut it away from the Ryzom/0/Save/ and the game will do a new one. It will mean no map flags or window placements etc tho =/

Good luck!


#4 [es] 

No Moniq, I didnt tried with a new character. And with clean installation you mean re install the game? I didnt do it.

What I did was to open the game with "ryzom_configuration_qt" in the game folder and works good. But the game behave like its the first time i'm playing, and all configs made to controls and appearence are gone. Its like a new game.

So, I tried to open the game with the normal launcher, and it crashed again... Any ideas?

Thanks for your help! Merry Christmas

#5 [es] 

Hola que tal! no estuve jugando por un tiempo. Hoy quise hacerlo, instale el ultimo parche y elijo el personaje... Aparece la pantalla de carga, ni bien entro en Atys, al segundo, el juego se me cierra.... que puede estar pasando?

Lo juego en linux 16.04 64bits. Nunca antes tuve problemas para jugarlo


Hola Poxi, ¿llegaste a solucionarlo?
Me pasa exactamente lo mismo, he rescatado mi vieja cuenta y ahora se cierra el juego justo después de elegir el personaje.
Tengo el juego en linux, en una debian a través de steam.

Saludos y gracias.

Last edited by Jesbron (6 years ago)

Last visit Wednesday, 12 February 17:50:16 UTC

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