#46 Added by Kyriann 7 years ago
Edited 7 times | Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)
#47 Added by Azazor 7 years ago
L’éveillée Zhan est chargée d’une mission auprès du sharük pour tenter de lui expliquer la situation.
Edited 2 times | Last edited by Fyrenor (7 years ago)
#48 Added by Zhan 7 years ago
#49 Added by Kyriann 7 years ago
#50 Added by Kyriann 7 years ago
#51 Added by Ghost of Atys 7 years ago
To all Ranger Aspirants, Greetings.I ask that all of you who can do so meet near the camp of the Masters of the Goo tribe in Lost Valley in Void at 21h - Tria, Germinally 3, 2nd AC 2595 in order to carry out the request made by Mabreka-Cho. I ask that you speak with Bo-Qung Fao, the chief of the tribe, and render any assistance that is asked for. I trust your abilities and your adherence to the Precepts.Good luck,Wuaoi Yai-Zhio, Ranger Instructor
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (7 years ago)
#52 Added by Bitttymacod 7 years ago
To Wuaoi Yai-Zhio, greetings: I have just finished running what I call The Goo Line to see if the Zorai packages had any effect. The answer is that they have had some effect. The golden glow in the three locations has faded and the incursion of the Goo has retreated in almost all areas. The overly active Goo Clouds, however, continue to wander far from the border where Goo damage occurs, and the boundary has not pulled all the way back to where it was before the incursion. The end result is that the Masters of the Goo camp and the Zorai Kitin Observation Camp are now free of the Goo. The guards have returned to the latter, but the tribe continues in its temporary location, not trusting this change since it was brought about by Zorai action. The places where it has not pulled back include the area just to the west of Kipucka Hill where the Void entrance to the training Path is located, and the Mull of Despond where the boundary has actually advanced significantly at the eastern end of the Mull. I trust this message meets with your favor.MacOd BitttyRanger Aspirant
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