
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Never again slaveni-ka! (August, 25th 2017)

O'Banon Emmen carefully prepared a new filtering psykopla. This one would be the right one, he knew it. He had checked every measurement, every single figure, everything. He poured the mix he had prepared with great care... and the psykopla went boom like almost every other one before it.Emmen stood up, removed the dirt and the psykopla's bits from his vest, and went back to his study desk to find what had gone wrong. Again.

[OOC] Event played in English. Meeting at Zora stable, 19:00 UTC. [/OOC]

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch | Français
[Great Outback well] Never Slaveni-ka again! Part 2

The Federal Government would like to call the Tryker Citizens and all friends from all nations and friendly groups to meet with the dynastic healer Tao Sian at the Zorai stables on 6h - Tria, Germinally 9, 4th AC 2595 (*) to help search for one of the still missing Tryker engineers in the Withering. There have been some new hints on the whereabouts of Be'Arroy Arty that need to be investigated.

(*) [OOC] Friday, 17 November 2017 20:00:00 UTC (7 years ago) [/OOC]
Last visit Saturday, 21 September 02:19:01 UTC

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