

#106 Report | Quote[en] 

Picck a title ....

a)  Am I high or is he ?

b)  We wentto Billy Bob's and had a couple of Bacon Bodoc Burgers and Bean 'n Boccoli Burritos

c)  The Potion merchant has an elixer for that gas problem.

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (1 year ago)


#107 Report | Quote[en] 

its good to be back, can't go to beach irl so here I am.



#108 Report | Quote[en] 

A nice massage on my day at the spa

Edited 14 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (2 years ago)


#109 Report | Quote[en] 

Dance Party

Edited 10 times | Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 months ago)


#110 Report | Quote[en] 

Talk about stubborn DP


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