
#1 Multilingual 

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Level Design Group

New Encyclopedia
[PtitBill] On the Level-Design topic, not much new, we're waiting for the Ark Team for the first rites. We have to organise ourselves in oder to meet on another day than Mondays. As I mentionned on the forum, I'm looking for volunteers to help writing missions. The Zoraï rite is progressing, but slowlier than expected. Ark is also interfering. The missions workflow is being proofread.

Weapons tribe craft plans
[Skeepy] I am checking datas and I have found a whole bunch of weapons tribe craft plans ready to use, they even are translated. They are mainly grade 3 plans of nations with specific bonuses. There is around 50 plans ready to use (to check exactly but I picked some up and they were alright).  And a pinch more to check moreover, as they are not translated I presume they are not finished, but it has to be checked. I gave the list to Tamarea, I think she will forward it to people in charge.
[Virg] Could marauders get a new sheild skin or could the tribe get a new one?
[YannK] It means creating a new texture but also, and especially, a new object .sitem, and hence modifying everywhere in the code to distinguish the calls between the tribe shield and the marauder shield, so it's not as simple as that, and will require some time. It means also creating a new craft stanza, by the way, and so define its addressing. Adding an object which cannot be crafted by the homins is never trivial.

Artist group

Nothing new.

Dev group

Fighting stanzas
[Skeepy] Just for later note/ideas, i have found some entries in the FamilyId of fighting stanzas, probably there to develop some special powers related to grade 3 national weapons. There is room to create and develop new figthing skills to use ie fire on fyros weapons, poison on matis ones and so on. I have not checked yet if it is feasible technically speaking, if some commands can be used for such a use, but I think it could be interesting to let people know first, to see if it can be interesting on a LD/GP.basis
[Goki] such a thing is possible, but may need new code, things like vedice weapons have special code for it.
[Skeepy] There should need new .sbricks of course, but perhaps no new c++ development, I don't know. It could be only new skills, not new feature, if you see what I mean.
[Glorf] If you want to search in the stanzas: http://dsryzom.glorf.fr/liste.php

Test server
[Madi] During the last meeting, I told you about the ongoing work to install a test server. Now, I've installed deposits to make this work accessible and allow everyone to join in:
1) https://bitbucket.org/maadi/packer. This is a template for building a minimal image of the Jessie. I uploaded an image of the virtual machine créated with this script to: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/madi/boxes/jessie-amd64. Note : you can gnerate a virtualbox or kvm virtual machine with this script.
 2) https://bitbucket.org/maadi/vagrant: This second repository hold a vagrant script to initialise et execute a virtual machine. The repository contain also an ansible script. This script automates the provisionning of a ryzomcore server. I.e: configure the packages, download the sources from bitbucket, compile the ryzom server, etc... The ansible playbook, can be used to provision a virtual machine for local test but can also used to configure a real server or a VPS.
 3) As I said during the last meeting, the aim of packer/vagrant/ansible is to automate the implementation of a virtual machine or a real server, let's say in a few minutes. Except that here, between the creation of the image of a debian, getting the sources from ryzomcore, compiling... it may take 1 day on my machine, so there's a problem. I had discussed with Kervala, and we had stated on the fact that we had to provide binary packets of the tools. Matter of fact, installing under linux is just a simple "apt-get install ryzomcore", "urpmi ..." "yum ..." (it all depends on the distribution). so keeping the same approach as before, but this time using binaries and having nothing to recompile. For this, I forked the sources of libwww, squish and ryzomcore in order to complete what was missing to generate the binaries packets. I've started to complete this on my deposits here (for debian jessie/wheezy):
This will be used as deposit for the dev, then will be integrated in the official ryzomcore deposit.
And finally I also settled a binary deposit for these packets on bintray.com
For now, I've uploaded the binary packets (jessie/wheezy, i386/amd64) for libwww and squish (dependancies of ryzomcore): https://dl.bintray.com/ryzomforge/ryzomforge. You can of course register to join this deposit and help completing it.
(I've decided to work on linux, with a debian distribution, but the tools can be used on any OS (mac, windows, linux)).

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Tamarea (10 years ago)


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