

#1 [en] 


The Ark Ui Editor has been changed a lot (in a best way i hope :p)
Still in a very alpha version, lot of things need be checked and fixed (asap).

I'm working with Event and Ld Team to make it usable very soon.

So we know that's not working at 100% and we ask to don't send ticket but you post here any bug :)

Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


< Ryzom Developer >

#2 [en] 

When editing the GiveItem module weSNewGiveItems I get the following messages above the editing window.

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/app/web_hg/api/common/ryform_v4.2.php on line 477

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/app/web_hg/api/common/ryform_v4.2.php on line 553

#3 [en] 

Very nice improvement- the biggest issue I have is that I am working on a 13' screen. The two editor sides overlap in the middle making it difficult to see everything properly.

#4 [en] 

Virgem (atys)
Very nice improvement- the biggest issue I have is that I am working on a 13' screen. The two editor sides overlap in the middle making it difficult to see everything properly.

What's your browser and resolution ? Can you post a screenshot ?


< Ryzom Developer >

#5 [en] 

Very nice improvement- the biggest issue I have is that I am working on a 13' screen. The two editor sides overlap in the middle making it difficult to see everything properly.

I have a similar issue, which makes me unable to drag the modules properly, can be overcome by modifying the script from the source code for the first steps, then it allows to see things properly :)

Browsers: Chrome, Safari and Firefox
Resolution: 1920:1080

#6 [en] 

Tell me if it's fixed :)


< Ryzom Developer >

#7 [en] 

That was fast, it works now. Thanks! :)

Last edited by Aleist(Yubo) (9 years ago)

#8 [en] 

Sorry only just saw the reply- yes its all fixed :)



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Last visit Monday, 16 September 13:45:45 UTC

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