

#31 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

15th of february 2016

1 Recruitment
Lore team under NDA is happy to welcome a new member: Tupuna! Welcome!


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#32 [fr] 



The Clan

#33 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
29th of february 2016

1 Recruitment
Lore Team under NDA is happy to welcome a new member: Namcha! Welcome!

2 First Steps
Gaueko: I want to add few words here. As Lore Team Manager I have started to reorganize the Team so we can work better and with a fluid flow. We made a meeting few weeks ago and we have already started to introduce this new changes. The most important will be start working on the Public Wiki too. Is one of the Lore Teams task, but mostly players are taking care of it. Soon we will actively work on the update, fix and implementation of new content on the wiki.

3 Lore Team Mail
A mail for the Lore Team has been created: lore@ryzom.comUse this mail to send your ideas to be validated: such a chronicle you have and you don´t know if fits the lore, or you want to learn about an specific part of the lore you can´t find nowhere, or make question, or just suggest ideas. 


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#34 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
7th of march 2016

Zendae: First, regarding the Lore Wiki, I remember that at a time it was difficult to register for me also. It would be great if for example, you could just give your nickname, get a confirmation izam with a clickable link, and then, registering done. Starting from the idea that all the players can volunteer.

Next I can give more precisions about the needs for updating the list of NPC and PC? With Vaiatua we've first worked on the update of the NPCs (I'm still speaking about the Lore Wiki). We've gathered information from the other players, but it's not always correct. The simplest way would be to get an official list. Then, regarding the PC, I thought that the best would be to involve the players, especially the ones who're attending the assemblies in their countries. Nonetheless, it's not easy to have them come on the wiki where, as was already said, it's hard to register. Maybe we can create something with the forum as a relay, where the player would announce the new appointments, replacements, leaves... To be thought about.

Gaueko: About who is who inside the politics of the different factions, I can ask to the Event Team, and then, create a task so the Lore Team works on a list to make this names official. The most important towards this, of course, is that the Lore Team regularly updates this changes.

Q: Otheriwse, an OOC announcement at the beginning of the Assemblies? Or sending an IG mail to the ones who're attending often and asking them to forward?
A: I've done that with the Fyros, but they're under restructuration and couldn't answer. But they weren't opposed to the idea.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#35 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]
6 juin 2016

Q : Il y avait des travaux en cours sur le background des tribus. Est-il toujours d'actualité ? Ou est-il mis en attente ?
R : Nous faisons de gros efforts pour reorganiser l'Équipe Lore afin de travailler mieux. Nous avons beaucoup de taches en cours, mais pour autant que je sache, celle ci est toujours d'actualité. Dès que les documents serontprêts à être validés, 'l'Équipe lore s'en chargera bien sûr.
Lyne : Ca veut dire que le travail sur les tribus dans le wiki est en attente que l'Équipe Lore soit réorganisée ?
Gaueko : Non. Pour le moment le travail est fait par le groupe Lore de Ryzom Forge. Donc ça dépend d'abord de ceux de ce groupe. L'Équipe Lore en est juste à ses premiers pas vers un travail meilleur et plus fluide. L'Équipe lore dans ce cas est là pour apporter son assistance et valider le travail.

Last edited by Gaueko (8 years ago)


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#36 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
11th of july 2016

The lore team is going well with the writing about main Ryzom theme: fire goo kitin but also raw material, teleportation,... when a file will be finished, a public version will be created translated and posted.
Aside of that, the "lore people" will take care of there delay on the validation asked by othezr group. interested people will be informed in time.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#37 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
12th of september 2016

Namcha: So in Lore Team we have to kind of works, external and internal. external. external means working with other teams, for example helping to prepare a event. that's the case for a matis sequence.
internal works, means thing that are a bit, or a lot "secret" for the moment. But those are documents that will be declined for the use of event team, and sometimes into docs or chronicles for players. like this we have docs that cover all flora, for all ecosystem, including microvegetation. other docs resume history of each nation since the begining
and we have also "technical lore" that describe scientifically (don't forget it is SF) all phenomena on atys.


Communications Manager Assistant - Translation Team Manager, Lore Team Member - ES/EN


#38 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
2016 october, 10th

Lore group finished writing 5 documents on flora (one for each ecosystem). These documents will be translated then given to Event Team first, so they can make botanic events. Then they will be published in Lore Wiki.

Last edited by Tamarea (8 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#39 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
21st of november 2016

1 Peoples history: chronologies 2194-2525 JY
Ongoing: writing and update of the chronologies of each people (fyros, matis, tryker, zoraï) between 2194 and 2525.

2 Rangers Consolidated Lore
The Ranger Lore is almost finished, there are only a few updates left to do before its final validation. Which will allow then to restart both the ranger events and the end of the writing (scenario) for the ranger rite

3 Update of the Flora documents to include the botanical knowledge from Leanon server
Everything is in the title. ;)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#40 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français


Tamarea :
I'm currently working on the Lore  wiki, directly on the multilanguage wiki of Ryzom Forge. To lay the foundations of the RP, little by little. It's easier than trying to validate more that 10 years of articles spread on several Lore wikis with different tree views...

Since I'm responsible for the fyros events, I've started a mock-up... with the Fyros.

Reminder: Since it's still a mock-up, it is incomplete and can change. It is missing tabs in FR, the EN tabs need to be updated, and the tabs in other languages still need to be created.
I'm reusing as much as possible of the articles on the other wikis, of course, while updating them. And also the articles written by the Lorists.

Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)

Last visit Thursday, 12 September 01:42:02 UTC

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