Mutual Mac


#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch

I've got a problem, can anyone help me?

Every time i try to log in with alt (second client), i get till character selection and when i klick the Play button there, i crash. Not only ryzom crashes but OS X and i get to the login screen of OS X. It's not a problem of Character, because i can log alt in, if i haven't another client logged in at same time.

Has anyone got something similar or an idea how to solve it?

Greetings Siela

Last edited by Siela (10 years ago)


#2 [de] 

Hi Siela,

ich habe 2 Clients auf mein Macbook noch nicht ausprobiert, aber den Fehler kenne ich, dass liegt an dem wechsel zu Vollbild Modus.

Wechsel einfach mal die Display Auflösung im Anmeldefenster, dass klappt bei mir immer.

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Deutsch | [English]
That didn't work :( it still crashes at the same place



Nach testen mit Siela muss man folgenden Terminal Befehl nutzen. Der Befehl bewirkt, mehrere Instanzen einer App gleichzeitig zu öffnen.

open -n /Applictions/

Last edited by Syphox (10 years ago)

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch
any other ideas? that problem is back

Last edited by Siela (10 years ago)


#6 [en] 

Happens to me too ^_^



#7 [de] 


I just got a new iMac in December, and when I first installed Ryzom to it, I had the same issue only it didn't just happen for a second client. My only resolution was to trash the client and reinstall. Try making a new copy of the client?



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