
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | Deutsch | English | [Español]
Equipo de soporte

"Necesito ayuda, ¿Con quién hablo?"

Cuando tengas una duda sobre el juego, te invitamos a que lo preguntes a la comunidad de jugadores. Puedes hacerlo en Región (/r TuPregunta) o en Universe (/u TuPregunta). Para lo demás, tendrás que contactar con el equipo de Soporte a través de las diversas vías (ver a continuación).

"¿Qué es el equipo CSR?"

En muchos de los otros juegos en linea, el soporte se provee a través de Game Masters (GM). En Ryzom, el soporte es provisto por el equipo CSR (Siendo GM un rango en el equipo). CSR significa Customer Services Representative (Representante de Servicio al Cliente).

 "¿Cómo me pongo en contacto con un miembro del equipo CSR?"
 Existen diferentes maneras:
 1. En el juego:
 - A través del menú: "Ayuda" y "Asistencia";
 - Haciendo click en el icono "Soporte" en la página principal del WebIG (shift + W);
 - Directamente: La lista de los CSR online está disponible en la ventana SYS INFO introduciendo "/who gm" en la ventana de chat, y es posible contactar con ellos con el comando "/tell NombreDelCSR" (cuidado: no escribas el (CSR) después del nombre);

2. En Rocket Chat :;
3. A través del correo electrónico;

4. En el foro técnico:

"¿En qué idioma puedo esperar recibir ayuda?"

Francés, alemán, inglés, español y ruso.

"¿Quíénes son los actuales CSR activos?"

(Lista actualizada a fecha 27-03-2021)
Responsable de Soporte: Tykus.

    Aileya (DE - EN)
    Boar (DE - EN)
    Emiro (DE - EN)
    Iribulin (FR - EN)
    Jadeyn (FR - EN - DE - ES - RU)
    Tykus (FR - EN)

    Valhoell (DE - EN - ES - FR - RU)
    Wrox (DE - EN)

    Heli (FR)
    Kamdot (EN)

"¿Cómo unirme al equipo CSR?"

Si estas interesado en comvertirte en CSR, por favor, mira la publicación relativa ello. 

El Equipo de Soporte

Edited 38 times | Last edited by Tamarea (3 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | Deutsch | [English] | Español

Dear Homins,

The CSR team (Customer Support Representatives) is relaunching its recruitment campaign.
We need you, your availability, your technical and gameplay knowledge but also your patience, people skills and diplomatic abilities to expand our ranks and to better respond to the expectations of the players. We're looking for those dedicated and motivated individuals that wish to not only be a part of the community but also want to give something back, particularly as a CSR.

"What are the roles of a CSR?"

As a CSR, you will have various tasks depending on your knowledge and these can be:

- Computer Assistance: helping players make the game run properly on Windows, Linux or Mac;
- Technical assistance: answer questions from players on various problems with the gameplay;
- Handling bugs: help players deal with a bug and reporting it, bug handling by checking the ticket system and then transmit them to the development team;
- The role of tester on the test server;
- Ensure that the game Rules and Regulations are respected;
- Moderation of chat channels, forums and other media used by Ryzom.

"What are the requirements for becoming a CSR?"

To become a CSR, you must meet the following conditions:

- Have a good knowledge of the game;
- Have good people skills, patience, humor, a passion for the game, practical sense and can work well in a team;
- Good computer knowledge is most appreciated;
- Have a good knowledge of English;
- Be of age (we can only accept applicants over 18years old).

"How to apply?"

To submit your application, please send an email to with the following information:

- Full name and date of birth;
- Account name;
- Name and levels of your main character(s);
- An estimate of your knowledge of the game;
- An estimate of your technical knowledge;
- Languages known;
- Your time zone;
- General availability;
- A short text explaining why you want to join the team, and why you think you would make a good addition to the team.

If your application is accepted, we will proceed with an interview and, if all goes well, then you will become a member of the Ryzom Support Team.

See you soon!

Ryzom Support Team

Edited 5 times | Last edited by Tamarea (6 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#3 [fr] 

Le recrutement de CSR francophones est de nouveau ouvert !

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (10 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Welcome to Graciela, currently under training! (EN, timezone US)

Recruitment for CSR is open!
We're looking especially for Frenchspeaking and English-speaking volunteers. If you are interested, please read this post.

Last edited by Tamarea (9 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Welcome to Amosys (FR), Hakaye (FR), Kanynda (FR), Pipoka (FR), Tykus (FR), Xuxl (DE)!

Recruitment for English-speaking CSR is open!
We're looking for English-speaking volunteers. If you are interested, please read this post.


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]

Welcome to Arionasis (EN), Nephelo (FR), Tarsey (DE) and Xun (FR)!

Recruitment for English-speaking and French-speaking CSR is open!
We're looking for English-speaking and French-speaking volunteers. If you are interested, please read this post.

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Tamarea (7 years ago)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

This topic is locked

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