
#1 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
could we have anti-mara guard in pyr, like everywhere else ? There is only the old guard who attack at -50 fame, so for the non-assuming mara who have -44(or -42, don't know the exact value), they aren't attacked ... A fix would be much appreciated !


#2 Report | Quote[fr] 

le mieux je pense (ca a été le cas pour les trykers en tous cas) c'est d'en parler en assemblée face à l'anim...

après, il y a des reglages à faire sur les gardes je pense! d'ailleurs est-ce que les maraudeurs pourraient nous donner un retour d'experience sur l'aggro de ces gardes svp?? (constructifs hein ^^)


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#3 Report | Quote[fr] 

Jazzy (atys)
le mieux je pense (ca a été le cas pour les trykers en tous cas) c'est d'en parler en assemblée face à l'anim...

après, il y a des reglages à faire sur les gardes je pense! d'ailleurs est-ce que les maraudeurs pourraient nous donner un retour d'experience sur l'aggro de ces gardes svp?? (constructifs hein ^^)

Arf j'avais oublié ça dans le premier post, mais Eeri & Lerya avait déjà demandé à une assemblée à Pyr, et ça avait été refusé à l'époque (mais accepté pour thésos/dyron ...)


#4 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Español
Eeri brought the topic long ago to the assembly at Pyr. Once we decided where to place the guards, they told us that would not be posible to put guards at cities. Later those guards appeared at Fairhaven, as they did in other places.

So, well, is not that imposible.


Lerya Rechtuch

#5 Report | Quote[fr] 

That afraid of us huh? hahaha


"We won our freedom and will not fold to any homin laws of the New Lands. The only law we recognize is ours." ---Hail Melkiar the Black Varinx---

#6 Report | Quote[fr] 

RP parlant, oui! nous avons peur des maraudeurs Lilz! puisque que RP parlant, les maraudeurs sont "sans-peur" "sans-coeur" et "sans scrupule".
Je vais me répéter encore et encore... mais les gardes anti-marau ont 2 utilités:

1/ RP
il est logique que les maraudeurs soient attaqués par les gardes tout comme il est logique que nous soyons attaqués par les gardes du camps maraudeur.

Il n'y a aucune logique de jeu à ce qu'un maraudeur puisse rester au bar d'une ville et être servit en bière alors qu'il est l'ennemi de cette ville.

Ce qu'il faut savoir, c'est que les gardes anti-marauders sont "réglables". Un réglage par défaut a été fait mais nous attendions un retour de la part des joueurs maraudeurs concernant, le gameplay! Il est evident que le but n'est pas de rendre le jeu impossible aux maraudeurs! je pense qu'un juste milieu doit être nécessaire.
Par exemple: tuer la garde de FH en solo devrait être impossible mais tuer la garde de FH à 8-9 joueurs devrait être faisable.

c'est pour cela que ce réglage doit être plus précis avec les retours "techniques" des concernés: vous les marau!


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#7 Report | Quote[en] 

Hey y'all :-)

So here is my opinion - as a marauder and as a player - on the anti-marauder-guards.

As a marauder (trying to rp here, dont do it much, so dont blame me if you dont like it) I totally agree that hominkind should beware of us. Like Jazzy says, we are fearless, heartless, shameless, we come to your cities to plunder, rape and pillage what and whom we can. So yes, fear us and have anti-marauder-guards, that make us laugh in your faces, because nothing can stop us !! (Omg, the rp flows strongly in this one, master!)

As a player in this game with such a small community I respect that rp is very valuable to a lot, that you wish to play it out and "live" by it .. but .. its kinda sad, because as it is, the community is small, if everybody keeps just to himself we will all play on our own at some point, which is not the meaning of an mmorpg, in my opinion. Having said that .. "our" (meaning marauder) community is by far the smallest of them all, at the moment we are not more than maybe 15 players .. so please dont blame us for wanting to mix with you guys, without having to pledge allegiance to faction or nation.

So .. nuff said about that, here is my personal point of view on the Tryker anti-marauder guards ...

In general .. in Fairhaven (I dont visit the others Tryker cities that much) .. they are perfect now. They guard the inner city well, keep us from entering by the main gate (close to kara tp), they are not too many and not too strong. For a single marauder they are pretty hard to kill, for a small team (2-3 marauders) they are not a big problem. And what I really appreciate, and I think even our lovely "stable sitters" will agree, the roaming and agro range is not too bad, we can still access the waterboard to do our Occ as well as see friends at the stables. So for me, thats pretty perfect, kinda best of both worlds for all.

Now for any other main city .. that might be a LOT different. For instance Yrkanis. The florist is in the centre of the city, the anti-marauder-guards roam there also, so doing florist occ would be impossible for us. And I do think this would be similar in Pyr and Zorai also. Now you may say "so what, occ is a nations-thing, marauders hate nations, why should they do occs in our cities", right? Well, the answer is simple ... Because we dont have our own !!! And that - seen from a gamers point of view - makes it pretty unfair.

So my suggestion on this .. If you cannot set anti-marauder-guards in such a way as in fairhaven, so that we can still access occs in all the cities (as long as we dont have our own occ in our "city" - and we are all hoping and keeping our fingers crossed that ONE day, we will) stationing guards that make for a very unfair gameplay for a certain group of players will - in the long run - only cause one thing .. make these players leave, for beeing treated unfairly. Now you may say "Hurray! Gone are all the bad marauders!", but please dont forgett that over this, community looses players too, players you might actually like, get along with, even enjoy fighting with.

So, just my 23447578 dappers on this, thanks for reading and


Seralee :-)


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#8 Report | Quote[en] 

I understand the basic thrust of your argument Seralee, but why do florist when you can do scrollmaker, right there at the edge of town (and it gives tps to Almati).


Remembering Tyneetryk
Phaedreas Tears - 15 years old and first(*) of true neutral guilds in Atys.
(*) This statement is contested, but we are certainly the longest lasting.
<clowns | me & you | jokers>

#9 Report | Quote[en] 

because each occ offers a different effect for the user. other then magnetic cart i think they could "copy and paste" all the other occ npc's into the mara camp (just my thought and likely not that easy, but it would be fair).

the only reason i say other then mag cart (there are a few i don't know about for sure) is because for the mag cart occ you have to run around zora to the different carto's people as part of the mission, given the size of the area of zora vs the mara camp, the mara mag cart players would have much less ground to cover then the other homins in game (which would cut down on the "time" it would take them to do it vs the time it would take running around zora) i only bring this up because we're talking about fair and equal treatment.

these are just my thoughts, and while they are not worth 2 dappers to most, i'll still voice my thoughts because so often other players use the excuse of BALANCE as a response to things i post.

i'm all for putting the sand back in the sandbox for EVERYONE.


Remickla (atys)
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#10 Report | Quote[fr] 

As FH guards came up in the convo- can their hp please be lowered to something sensible. Trykers are a sturdy bunch but the hp currently is just stupid (if it hasnt been changed in the last month).

This is in reference to all guards- not the anti-marauder ones.



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#11 Report | Quote[en] 

Bitttymacod (atys)
I understand the basic thrust of your argument Seralee, but why do florist when you can do scrollmaker, right there at the edge of town (and it gives tps to Almati).

Mentioning florist was just ment as a basic example .. in general I am of the opinion that all players should have access to the same stuff to keep it as fair and balanced as possible .. there are xyz numbers of occs .. they should all be available to all players, not just some to some. And as long as we dont have occs in our own "city", like everybody else (non-marauder), we should have access to those openly available to everybody.

Just my opinion, of course ...

Seralee :-)


Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all.

#12 Report | Quote[en] 

Just an idle thought - from a balance point of view, it's always hard to make rewards completely equal for everyone, in any game out there.

Even in Ryzom, craft missions punish those who take up amps first (no money in that) - or jewels even (low reward). Some paths are less lucrative than others. So, instead, what most game devs do, they give different groups similar rewards, or things that complement each other.

In due time, making up occupations for marauders would make the most sense. Why would your character trust a marauder-made bouquet of flowers, they could be poisonous. Their flasks of water could be goo-infected, etc. No thanks. Let them create specific items that have a recognizeable marauder origin. (RP speak; don't hate).

But ... back to reality ... such a development would take ages. Until then, everyone should have a way to access the same occupations.


#13 Report | Quote[fr] 

Virg (atys)
As FH guards came up in the convo- can their hp please be lowered to something sensible. Trykers are a sturdy bunch but the hp currently is just stupid (if it hasnt been changed in the last month)

No, enough changes have been made in Fairhaven to adjust to non-role play marauders, keep the strong guards for those who are still determined to be "fearless, heartless, shameless" and who come to Fairhaven to "plunder, rape and pillage"


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#14 Report | QuoteMultilingual 

Je suis tout à fait d'accord avec Mjollren,
pourquoi un New Horizon aurait-il confiance au bouquet d'un maraudeur?

je reste toutefois sceptique sur l’accès à tout pour tous:
pourquoi un joueur qui ne fait pas de pvp ne peut obtenir une robe pvp marau?
pourquoi un joueur neutre ne peut obtenir un bouclier pvp kara?
=> parce que chacun a choisit "son camp" dans l'histoire de ryzom.
pourquoi je ne peux pas valider l'accomplissement de l’étable du camp maraudeur?
=> parce que je ne suis pas maraudeur donc je me fais attaquer par les gardes (oui je sais, il y a un bug au camp marau mais je n'en tiens pas compte car j’espère vraiment que ça soit réparé un jour!)

on finit toujours par tourner en rond sur le sujet, pourquoi ne pas créer des métiers spécialement pour les maraudeurs? (je sais que ca ne depend pas des joueurs...)
ou alors une derniere question qui me saute aux yeux...
"Pourquoi faire le choix d'être maraudeur si vous souhaitez continuer à entrer dans les villes sans soucis, à faire les metiers comme tout le monde, et a être choqué de voir les nationalistes ou religieux s'armer contre vous?" (là c'est une reflexion rp!)

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Jazzy (1 decade ago)


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

#15 Report | Quote[en] 

Jazzy (atys)
"Pourquoi faire le choix d'être maraudeur si vous souhaitez continuer à entrer dans les villes sans soucis, à faire les metiers comme tout le monde, et a être choqué de voir les nationalistes ou religieux s'armer contre vous?" (là c'est une reflexion rp!)

Must admit when I read Virg advising Wild Magus to go Mara - I did think he was being a bit potty / crazy - why anyone who enjoyed actually playing the game - wandering about and getting involved in things - would go Mara is quite beyond me - only 15ish about Seralee said - and no surprise, it is amazing there are any

Last edited by Binarabi (1 decade ago) | Reason: submitted in french in error


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)
Last visit Monday, 20 January 06:42:15 UTC

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