#1 Added by Tamarea 10 years ago
Last edited by Tamarea (10 years ago)
#2 Added by Copal 10 years ago
#3 Added by Binarabi 10 years ago
The other piece of news is the will of the taliari to reopen a tryker market, where the price for the stands would be chosen depending on the nation of the seller. With the higher price applied to the Kingdom’s subjects.
Last edited by Binarabi (10 years ago)
#4 Added by Copal 10 years ago
To Serae Binarabi,It has come to my ears that you considered my last reports of the debates among the Nobles Assembly as untrue.I am Note taker for Matis Nobles Chambers, as you are Note taker for Tryker meetings.As such, I am sure you are fully aware, as I am, that minutes of a meeting have to be loyal to what is said during aforementioned meeting. Hence I assure you that everything I've written down is what I've heard and witnessed.If reports made before the Karan's representative seem undue to you, you are of course free to express any objections to our Ambassador towards the Federation.In the meantime I won't betray the trust entitled to me by the Karan himself, by changing a single word of these minutes.Yours sincerely,Copal FreriniRoyal Scribe for Avalae – on behalf of Yrkanis’ Royal Scribe
#5 Added by Binarabi 10 years ago
Hence I assure you that everything I've written down is what I've heard and witnessed.
#6 Added by Bitttymacod 10 years ago
Serae Alco, ambassador towards the Federation, has then told the last news from the Lakes.
#7 Added by Erminantius 10 years ago
Ser Copal,Knowing you, I know well that you have transcribed faithfully the words said during this Chamber. Personally I repeat my trust in you.However I’ve got a question, and a proposal indeed for the future. Which representative of the Lakes did attend this Chamber? Was the tryker ambassador towards the Kingdom attending?If the Ambassador Alco had misunderstood the Lakes intentions, or if she had been badly informed of the Taliari’s intentions towards our kingdom, the tryker ambassador could have corrected and then avoid any misunderstanding…Ser Copal, while you remain master of your reports to the Karan, I suggest that you may add the names of the attendants along with their titles (ambassador, leader of a House…)Ser Erminantius
Last edited by Erminantius (10 years ago)
#8 Added by Alco 10 years ago
Deles silam,Lors de l'assemblée des Taliari, il a été discuté du marché tryker. Plusieurs solutions ont été proposées, dont celle du prix fort pour les sujets du royaume, peut-être me suis-je mal fait comprendre mais je n'ai pas dit que c'était la solution choisie. En revanche, elle a bel et bien été formulée, je ne fais que remonter l'information au royaume, celle-ci pouvant être signifiante au sujet de nos relation entre nos deux peuples.La décision finale n'a pas été communiquée officiellement à la fin de l'assemblée, l'annonce officielle a eu lieu après la chambre des nobles, et je confirme que finalement la location d'un stand au marché sera de 5% du revenu de la journée.Stevano Aiye !Matis Aiye !Jena Aiye !
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Alco (10 years ago)
#9 Added by Copal 10 years ago
Last edited by Copal (10 years ago) | Reason: Correction des rangs
#10 Added by Copal 10 years ago
Last edited by Copal (10 years ago) | Reason: Prise en compte des retours et commentaires
#11 Added by Copal 10 years ago
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Copal (9 years ago)
#12 Added by Ghost of Atys 10 years ago
#13 Added by Luxee 10 years ago
Last edited by Luxee (10 years ago)
#14 Added by Copal 10 years ago
#15 Added by Naema 10 years ago
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