#1 Added by Tamarea 10 years ago
Last edited by Tamarea (10 years ago)
#2 Added by Copal 10 years ago
#3 Added by Binarabi 10 years ago
The other piece of news is the will of the taliari to reopen a tryker market, where the price for the stands would be chosen depending on the nation of the seller. With the higher price applied to the Kingdom’s subjects.
Last edited by Binarabi (10 years ago)
#4 Added by Copal 10 years ago
A l'attention de Serae Binarabi,Il m'a été rapporté que vous considériez mon dernier compte-rendu des débats de l'Assemblée des Nobles comme faux.Je suis greffier pour la Chambre des Nobles matis, tout comme vous l'êtes pour les réunions tryker.En tant que tel, je suis certain que vous avez parfaitement conscience, comme moi, que le compte-rendu d'une réunion se doit d'être fidèle à la-dite réunion. A ce titre, je vous assure que tout ce que j'ai écrit correspond à ce que j'ai entendu et dont j'ai été témoin.Si les rapports présentés devant le représentant du Karan vous semblent injustifiés, vous êtes bien sûr libre de présenter vos objections auprès de notre Ambassadeur auprès de la Fédération.En attendant, je ne trahirai pas la confiance que le Karan lui-même a placée en moi, en changeant un seul mot de ce compte-rendu.Sincèrement,Copal FreriniScribe Royal d'Avalae
#5 Added by Binarabi 10 years ago
Hence I assure you that everything I've written down is what I've heard and witnessed.
#6 Added by Bitttymacod 10 years ago
Serae Alco, ambassador towards the Federation, has then told the last news from the Lakes.
#7 Added by Erminantius 10 years ago
Ser Copal,Knowing you, I know well that you have transcribed faithfully the words said during this Chamber. Personally I repeat my trust in you.However I’ve got a question, and a proposal indeed for the future. Which representative of the Lakes did attend this Chamber? Was the tryker ambassador towards the Kingdom attending?If the Ambassador Alco had misunderstood the Lakes intentions, or if she had been badly informed of the Taliari’s intentions towards our kingdom, the tryker ambassador could have corrected and then avoid any misunderstanding…Ser Copal, while you remain master of your reports to the Karan, I suggest that you may add the names of the attendants along with their titles (ambassador, leader of a House…)Ser Erminantius
Last edited by Erminantius (10 years ago)
#8 Added by Alco 10 years ago
Deles Silam,At the Taliari's assembly it was discussed about the Tryker market. Several solutions have been proposed, such as the high price for the subjects of the kingdom, perhaps I was misunderstood but made it clear I did not say it was the chosen solution. However, it has indeed been proposed, I only pass the information to the kingdom, it may be significant about our relationship between our two peoples.The final decision has not been officially communicated at the end of the meeting, the official announcement was made after the Nobles' assembly, and I confirm that finally renting a booth at the market will be 5% of the day's income.Stevano Aiye !Matis Aiye !Jena Aiye !
Edited 3 times | Last edited by Alco (10 years ago)
#9 Added by Copal 10 years ago
Last edited by Copal (10 years ago) | Reason: Correction des rangs
#10 Added by Copal 10 years ago
Last edited by Copal (10 years ago) | Reason: Prise en compte des retours et commentaires
#11 Added by Copal 10 years ago
Edited 5 times | Last edited by Copal (9 years ago)
#12 Added by Ghost of Atys 10 years ago
#13 Added by Luxee 10 years ago
Last edited by Luxee (10 years ago)
#14 Added by Copal 10 years ago
#15 Added by Naema 10 years ago
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