#1 Добавлено Ulukyn 2 года назад Доклад | Цитировать
In addition to generic colored materials and 3* Archoleths, the Happy Hunt and Joyful Harvest allegories now also allow you to obtain 4* Archoleths (albeit more rarely).
Archoleths can be exchanged with the Collector, who will give according to what he has in stock (randomly, that is):
for 3* Archoleths, rewards (excluding armor) earned with the Wheel's excellent tokens, as well as, very rarely, the Muse skirt (skins 1, 2 and 3) and Rizyin weapons;
for 4* Archoleths, rewards earned with superior Wheel tokens, as well as, rarely, Rizyin weapons and the Muse skirt (skins 1, 2 and 3)
What's more, the equipment given in exchange for 4* Archoleths will always be of Archoleth quality, i.e. between 50 and 250.
A test island called A LONE ISLAND is now available to all daring ones. It can be accessed from the Scenographic Editor terminals (called now Funtasy Islands) by clicking on the first link:
As this is a beta-test island for upcoming content, some bugs may appear.
The first test is a boss named "Sweet Cutie", level 1 to 30. Once defeated at a given level, its next-level version unlocks. However, you'll have to wait 20 hours before you can face it again.
Finally, it gives basic tokens and a 3* or 4* Archoleth, depending on the chest chosen.
All plushies in raw wood version are now available and functional
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Edited 8 times | Last edited by Ulukyn (2 года назад)
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