

#1 [en] 

Just add an invite button in the window, or if the other person is already a friend, replace the friend button with an "invite" button



#2 [en] 

Added !

Displayed in the window if the player are in friendlist and online.


Sujet déplacé

#4 Multilingue 

Really cool but it looks like only the receiver has the button. Would be nice if the sender had it too. :)



#5 [en] 

The button is currently only active if the player is in your friendlist and online.

For technical reasons, we can't activate the invite button for all players if are online, because the client only get the online status of the players in friendlist.

Another option is enabling the invite button all the time, even player not online.

What is the best ?

Edité 3 fois | Dernière édition par Ulukyn (il y a 2 ans).

#6 [en] 

The problem is there is a bug. I reported this to support@ a few weeks ago where the case of the character names are not consistent.

Doing: /tell Nikole hello

results in a window where it says 'nikole' (lower case n)
and my contacts has Upper case 'n'.

Afaik you cant even have a character with a lower case name:

Edité 2 fois | Dernière édition par Tgwaste (il y a 2 ans).



#7 [en] 

The button is currently only active if the player is in your friendlist and online.

For technical reasons, we can't activate the invite button for all players if are online, because the client only get the online status of the players in friendlist.

Another option is enabling the invite button all the time, even player not online.

What is the best ?

Not online is probably the best. Since you can /invite SomeoneNotOnline already



#8 [en] 

this updated was removed, unintentionally by the latest patch or the dev intentionally removed it, just putting it out there and lettying you know.



#9 [en] 

this updated was removed, unintentionally by the latest patch or the dev intentionally removed it, just putting it out there and lettying you know.

The update is still in place. But the player has to be in your contact list and online for the button to appear.

This behaviour could be changed for an always visible button
Last visit vendredi 13 Septembre 01:58:27 UTC

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