
#1 [en] 

Daily missions sometimes effect tribe fame harshly. Nation and Powers fame is easy to recover. but those for tribes require the most hard work.

Allowing for those with bad tribe fame to recieve missions from journeyman and those who don't require tribe fame would improve game play:) and help to ease the endless search for that elussive npc we always seek:) It will help player emmersion with the tribes of Atys. And make roleplay more enjoyable:)

Thanks for your time and hope you enjoyed this Idea for Ryzom:)

#2 [fr] 

Cela rejoint un peu ce que j'avais proposé ici : Varier les possibilités sur les missions journalières.

La difficulté est de trouver quelle sorte d'interface proposer pour que ça soit pratique. Je n'ai pas encore eu d'idée de génie. Peut-être un mode basique, comme celui actuel, et un mode "avancé" où on pourrait choisir les tribus en plus des nations...

#3 [en] 

Thanks Zatalyz. I can't read the post but, Jugding from the context. A post like this already exists and it was found to be difficult to implement.

#4 [en] 

Except the karavana and kami missions, all other nations/tribes missions have a gain/loss fame with specific tribes, depending on your alignement and race.

Really, it would be too dificult to get specific missions for every tribe.

You have to choose a nation and see how the missions affect the fame.


Legion of Atys

#5 [en] 

As Neutral ranger I can do missions for all tribes I'm not alined
Last visit Montag 10 Februar 13:08:03 UTC

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