
#76 Multilingual 

Canillia est chez elle à Yrkanis épuisée, comme vidée.

Sa mère est absente. Elle doit être allé chez ses commères...
Léa lui manque...
Elle relit le message qui la convoque au conseille des Filirai ce soir.

"Cela ne présage rien de bon... "

Elle entre dans son laboratoire, ouvre le coffre secret après avoir désactivés les pièges qui le protège.
Elle attrape Deux Flacons portant une étiquette rouge.
Sur le premier est marqué 1/2 et sur le second 2/2.

Elle regarde les deux petit flacons se souvenant du jour où elle à conçu ces produits:
"je n'aurais jamais pus imaginé devoir m'en servir sur ne...

...Mais ne me dois d'être prudente.

Il ne me livrera pas a Naverus la Ragus Ktheros du vieux...

Mais, il pourrait me faire payer l'embarras que je lui cause en déshonorant ma famille, mes amis et mon Ordre.

"La Mort n'est rien, seulement un passage, une aventure.

Ma seule crainte est de manquer à ma parole en ne pouvant pas achever la Formation de mon Selsym: Ser Lorgilo..."

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Canillia (1 year ago)

#77 Multilingual 

Canillia est chez-elle complétement abattue,

Dans sa main un flacon roule entre ses doigts.

"Même si je ne l'ai jamais testé, je sait ce qu'est censé faire cette formule antique.
Je n'ai pas oublié le jour où je l'ai découverte dans l'un des Antiques grimoires secrets du Filira Ordre Alkiane...

Mais le Karan m'a interdit cette sortie honorable..."

"Venger et protéger ma famille était de l'incompétence...

Mourir serai de la lâcheté, une fuite!"
Qu'il a dit.
Je n'oublierai jamais son regard méprisant!

Je m'attendait bien à recevoir un blâme et peut être une punition. Mais le retrait de ma gemme de Noblesse et la mise à disposition de l'ensemble des sujets du royaume est pire que la mort.

Cette mort qui m'a été refusée, c'est la honte sur ma famille et sur le Filira Ordre Alkiane.

Je n'avait d'autre choix que de rendre mes insignes, grades et prérogatives.
Poser mon insigne au pied du Karan fut ma dernière bravade et la chose la plus déchirante que je n'ai jamais faite.

La vérité est que Stevano n'a jamais accepté l’ascension de la petite voleuse que j'ai toujours été pour lui.
Aujourd'hui, je ne suis même plus cette petite voleuse innocente.
Je ne suis plus personne, juste un outil forgé pour défendre le royaume.

Je ne regrette pas d'avoir défendu ma famille et mon honneur.
Le Prix ne compte pas:

Qui serai-je si j'avais laissé faire?

Last edited by Canillia (1 year ago)

#78 Multilingual 

Canillia attrape un Velin et commence à écrire.

Elle appelle Lyssan afin qui fasse parvenir le message à Ser Lorgilo-kin.
Après avoir retirer et soigneusement rangé Le "Grand Blanc", son uniforme d'Alkiëne,

elle quitte sa demeure.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Canillia (1 year ago)

#79 Multilingual 

Après avoir lu l'izam de Filira Salazar,
Canillia prend un Velin pour lui répondre.

Last edited by Canillia (1 year ago)

#80 Multilingual 

Canillia se demande comment elle a encore pus s'embarquer dans cette histoire.
Maintenant Nils l'a pris un peu au dépourvu avec sa démission.

bon le Gamin est volontaire et travailleur, bien qu'un peu naïf peut être.

Lyssan entre discrêtement et donne une enveloppe scellé à la Nindën du Filira Ordre Alkane.

La Matis ouvre l'enveloppe et lit rapidement le "pédigrée" de Ser Cinabre.

"Okal, pas grand chose à dire..."

"Le gamin semble propre."

#81 [fr] 

Canillia stands up,
It's early.
Pyr's heat prevents him from sleeping.
Light streams in through the shutters.
Léa, still drowsy, moves lazily in bed.

She's happy...

Her lover's training kept her busy.
Léa is now able to defend herself.
All it needs now is a real fight.

This week in the desert does them good.
It's a time to reflect on the future and enjoy life.

Even if she's here to verify a rumor, they should have come back sooner.

She dresses up and goes out "hunting" in the dunes.
If his information is correct, he should be there this morning, abusing his students.

#82 [fr] 

Léa is at Pyr's bath. She's sulking and moaning to herself.

_"...You bugger!

...Incredibly, the old dwarf whistled and the proud Nindën matis came running, her eyes wet with tears...

...we're really going to have to talk to each other.
I'm not going to spend my life waiting for him.

She'll have to choose!..."

Last edited by Leacuini (3 weeks ago)

#83 [fr] 

Canillia slowly closed the last report, her fingers clenching the leather cover.

Words blurred before his tired eyes.
Always the same problems, the same tensions that plagued the region.
The Marauders were extending their influence, and Akila, at the head of the Hidden Spring camp, was consolidating his power with relentless brutality.
Failed attempts, ill-timed blows.
Chaos seemed to reign, slipping like sand through Canillia's fingers.

She had hoped for a sign, a breakthrough, however small.
But the reports left no room for optimism.

As if that wasn't enough, Léa had left.

An absurd argument, triggered by an unimportant spark.
A misplaced word, perhaps, or that tense silence she knew so well how to maintain when she was at her wits' end.
Léa had raised her voice, thrown her hands in the air with that familiar exasperation.
Then she was gone, her boots pounding the house floor like a knell.

- I'm going back home to Pyr. I'll be waiting for you...
But not forever," she said in a cold voice.

Altarae, posted a few yards away, had seen everything.

All heard.

The old hominin, with her hunched back but piercing gaze, crossed her arms over her wrinkled chest.
His face, weathered by years in the dust and shadows, showed an almost comical expression of disapproval.

She strode towards Canillia.

- Oh dear!
Are you out of your mind?
Léa, she's not just a figurehead you put in a corner when it suits you!

- Altarae, not now... sighed Canillia, exhausted.

- Well, S'rae hasn't got the time?
I'm not going to teach you that you can't become a boss by snapping your fingers, am I?
But if you think that work replaces everything, you'll end up alone like an old sock with a hole in it!

Canillia raised her head, surprised by the harshness of his tone.

- I'm talking about life, kid!

Altarae added, hammering out each word with her hooked index finger.

The real one, not the one in your bloody rubber reports!
You've got to get your head in the game before everything that matters gets away from you!

Silence fell for a moment. Canillia lowered her eyes, biting her lower lip.

- She said she'd wait for me... but not forever," she murmured.

- Well, what are you waiting for to join him, then?
A kick in the derriere? Grumbled Altarae with a smirk.

Canillia smiled in spite of herself.
Altarae had a gift for reducing life's complexities to a brutal but salutary truth.

- Maybe you're just a smart businesswoman," concludes the old hominid as she walks away,
But when it comes to love, baby, you've got a lot to learn..."

#84 [fr] 

Pyr was sweltering under the merciless sun, and the heat made the air in the working-class district of Route du Sud vibrate.
The shouts of merchants, mingled with the yellow dust kicked up by passers-by, and the smells of spices, tanned leather and sweat filled the atmosphere.
Canillia split the crowd, taut as a rope ready to snap.

Eventually, she spotted it, leaning nonchalantly against a shady wall, a few steps from a small dried-fruit stall.
Lea stood there, arms crossed, an indecipherable expression on her face.
She wore her light Zoraï tunic tied at the waist, leaving her shoulders bare.

His gaze shifted to the Matis without any particular sparkle.

Canillia slowed down, her heart pounding in her chest.

- Hi," she breathed hoarsely.

- Hi," replied Lea, dryly.

A heavy silence settled in. The crowd continued to mill around them, indifferent.

- I've come all the way here to apologize," Canillia tried, feeling insecure.

Léa raised an eyebrow.

- Ah? So you found a niche between two reports?

Canillia felt the blow, but remained calm.

- I screwed up... I know I left you out.

- Put aside?" repeated Léa, inclining her head.
Are you serious right now?

I wasn't "sideways", Canillia, I wasn't even in your field of vision anymore.

She straightened up, leaving the wall to face Canillia, her eyes burning with restrained anger.

- No matter how gifted you are, didn't you see I was burning up?
Didn't you feel that you were losing what we had?

Canillia lowered her eyes, the weight of guilt crushing her.

- I want to fix it," she murmured.

- Repair? Léa laughed bitterly. You fix a broken piece of furniture, not a story that's falling apart.

Canillia felt a wave of despair wash over her.

- Tell me what to do... Please, Lea.

Léa stared at her for a long moment, her expression oscillating between hardness and tenderness.

- What you have to do? Choose.
Between me and your damn secrets.

Because I don't want to be a shadow in your life, an option when you've got nothing else to do.

Canillia felt her legs buckle under the pressure.

- I love you," she breathed, tears welling up in her eyes.

- Then prove it," Lea said softly, but with implacable firmness.

The dam gave way.
Canillia burst into tears, her shoulders shaking with pain too long contained.

Léa looked at her for a moment, then her expression softened.
She took a step towards her, then another, and finally drew her into her arms.

- Come here," she murmured.

Canillia let herself go against Lea, her tears wetting the light tunic.

- You're a real head-turner, you know?" Léa breathed, gently stroking his hair.

Canillia lifted a face still ravaged by emotion, desperately seeking an ounce of forgiveness.
Léa finally smiled at him, that warm smile that had always been her light.

- But you're my head," she added, before kissing him gently.

The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the warmth of this suspended moment.
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