
#1 [en] 

Players are often puzzled as to whether a mission is truly broken or if circumstances (seasons, not fully killed spawn, whatever) are just preventing me from doing so. I'll try and keep this post updated with post number, description and status. Users can report their experiences and possible ease the burden on support staff if we can cut down on the number of mission submitted if answers can be found here. Format I'll suggest is:

Post No. - Region - Mission Giver - Allegiance - Problem - Result


002 - Maiden Grove - Belchi Beerdowner - Delta House - Kill 1 Lumper of level 145 or higher in Maiden Grove ? Does not exist, highest in region is 139, 151 in 150+ zone

Yellow text w/ strikethru = mission no longer offered as DM.

Post 005 - Help Cecaon Lyseus forage for some bones [C011V007_2203]
Region Frahar-Towers

Last edited by Fyrosfreddy (4 years ago)


#2 [en] 

Burning Desert - Sawdust Mines - Cecaon Lyseus, Huntress - Cecaon Lyseus asks for bones, choice skull fragments from Varinx Q100, Zerx Q120 and Frahar Q140 - Frahar come only in 139 (too small) and 151 (not in this region); Higher ones in other regions don't drop mission materials at all.

Long description:

I have no Mission ID, since it wasn't a daily mission. Here comes the description:

In Sawdust Mines, the Huntress Cecaon Lyseus asks for bones (first of three bones missions): choice skull fragments from Varinx Q100, Zerx Q120 and Frahar Q140. Issue is: Frahar have a gap in theis levels, lurking is 139, and the next are creeping (151), and because of that the latter cannot be found in this region at all.

We also tried the next sizes in Frahar in other regions, but they did not drop mission materials at all. Neither did Scythe, the named Frahar in the region.

Edit: Screenshot

Last edited by Mcnoob (5 years ago)

#3 [en] 

Burning Desert - Sawdust Mines - Cecaon Lyseus, Huntress - Cecaon Lyseus asks for bones, choice skull fragments from Varinx Q100, Zerx Q120 and Frahar Q140

This one is confirmed by me and some other players, added to task #9971

#4 [en] 

Mission No. C011V0026_3045

Craft and Deliver 120 Morikov Smashing Ammo to Master Overseer Rosiera Pedi in Avalae

I'd not have bothered with this but I have gotten the blue flaggies for NPCs inside buildings before.


#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Deutsch
Got a daily mission:

Help Cecaon Lyseus forage for some bones [C011V007_2203]
Region Frahar-Towers

It says you have to get Frahar skull of at least quality 140.
In the whole region there are max Lvl 139 Frahars (only nameds are higher) and the frahars from other regions don't count. I tested it: the nameds can drop it but I think it's just too hard to have to kill a named for a daily mission.

Last edited by Margote (4 years ago) | Reason: Fixing multilanguage tag

#6 [de] 

Habe eine tägliche Mission erhalten:

Cecaon benötigt Hilfe, um Knochen zu besorgen [C011V007_2203]
Region Frahar-Türme

Man soll Frahar-Schädelfragmente mit mind. der Qualität 140 besorgen. In der kompletten Region gibt es maximal Frahars mit Level 139 (außer Boss-Frahars sind höher) und Frahars aus anderen Regionen zählen nicht. Ich habe es jedoch getestet: Boss-Frahars können das Schädelfragment fallen lassen, es ist jedoch für eine tägliche Mission zu hart Bosse zu erlegen.
Das kann ich bestätigen - und habe mich auch schon gewundert, ob das genauso beabsichtigt ist. Es fällt definitiv aus dem üblichen Rahmen der Missionen.


#7 [en] 

Yes, that would qualify as a broken mission. We talked about this in Uni. There's a handful of these in Loria and other areas. Thanks for documenting


#8 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Heretic Hovel - Viccia Lichini - Matisagoo - No kipesta in the area

Viccia Lichini in the Heretic Hovel gives two missions related to kipestas: one where kipestas are to be killed, the other where they are to be targeted (with other critters). The second is of limited duration.

I have walked every path of the Hovel in winter, spring and summer, without ever finding a kipesta, either in the labyrinth part or outside. Jadeyn has just given me confirmation that there is no kipesta in the area at the moment (summer, night).

#9 [en] 

If you could include the Mission No., it will help Devs get these fixed at some point.


#10 [en] 

My missions window doesn't show any mission numbers (didn't they use too?). If we're not provided the information we can't use it in bug reports.


Yaandor | Cult of Dgambi | He who walks alone
Atys is a stern and determined teacher; willing to repeat the same lesson as often as necessary.

#11 [en] 

The ID used to be shown in daily mission tooltip.

Last edited by Moniq (4 years ago)

#12 [en] 

Back before we had Daily Missions, I recall seeing a mission ID display for the regular missions you get from NPCs. The mission ID is something that should be displayed in the Missions window for every mission. Otherwise you'll never get any decent bug feedback from the players.

For a long time I quit bothering with any missions; too many of them were/are buggy.

I think I've done less that a dozen Daily Missions since the feature was added ... I really don't care for the way it works and the name makes it sound like a required task.

One major problem is that there is no bug tracking system (at least none visible to the players). Trying to report and keep track of bugs via forums and messages just doesn't cut it. To encourage players to even report bugs, they need to be able to see what bugs have been reported, their status and their resolution. Otherwise it looks like we're talking to a big empty void and we start to wonder what's the point...



Yaandor | Cult of Dgambi | He who walks alone
Atys is a stern and determined teacher; willing to repeat the same lesson as often as necessary.

#13 [en] 

The missionID does show in the mouse-over tooltip of the daily missions, only.Indeed I don't see currently a way to currently obtain the missionID from missions when looking at the missions selection window from any quest giver; there are no tooltips for me (anymore?).It would be especially useful to be able to get the missionID from the entry in ones own missions log diary, thus to obtain them after accepting them. That's only when one usually finds to have a question regarding it.


#14 [fr] 

Voici une mission de 100-150 donnée par le Patrouilleurs Ba'Reiliam Breggan basé aux sources.
Mission de reconnaissance qui demande d'aller au Poste d'échange de Tupile qui est aux plages d'abondance, zonne 200.
Je l'ai a chaque fois.
Mission C007V003_32446

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Erenkyl (3 years ago)

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