
#1 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | Français
Ba’Naer Liffan is desperate. Although he has served his best byrh to Ashgan and Kyriann, the mugs are losing their original freshness for nothing; the two trykers are engaged in an exciting discussion.
« The problem is here, Kyriann. When young refugees arrive on the Mainland, they don’t know who to contact. And so, they face the dangers with poor quality equipment. On the other side, we have the resources to make good quality equipment at a reasonable cost but we can't find a buyer because we don't know who to sell it to.
- You're right, Ashgan, it wouldn't take much for the two of them to meet. I suggest we talk about it to Nair-Governor, she'll probably have some good ideas! »

Poster on the walls of all cities and the Ranger camp
Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the first edition of the Fairhaven Little Ones Market.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have just arrived from Silan or are about to leave it.

It will offer at very reasonable prices quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
We will offer a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (Q 50 to 110) and for all training purposes.

To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an Izam. [OOC] In response to this post on the forum or by Izam express to Ashgan who centralizes requests.[/OOC]

If you don’t have the TP to reach Fairhaven, don’t hesitate to contact Ashgan or Craftjenn, they could organize trek to give you the TP.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 20h - Holeth, Mystia 18, 2. AZ 2603* on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before arriving, you will leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Craftjenn, Kyriann and all the « Marché des Petits » collective.

* [OOC] From Samstag 25 Mai 2019 19:00:00 UTC (vor 5 Jahren).

5 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Kyriann (vor 5 Jahren)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#2 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | Français | [Deutsch] | Español
Hier können Sie eine Bestellung aufgeben, wenn Sie bestimmte Geräte wünschen.
Sie können bei Bedarf mit Ihren Muttersprachen (EN, FR, DE, ES) posten.

DeepL translation

Zuletzt geändert von Kyriann (vor 5 Jahren)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#3 Mehrsprachig 

Je viendrai avec quelques amplis maga 100 et plein de cookies ;)

Cheffe du bois d'almati
Ambassadrice auprès de la nation fyros
Croqueuse de cookies à lein temps.

#4 [fr] 

j'aurais de quoi partager ces cookies en pleins de petits morceaux très fins, et plein d'autres choses.

venez nombreux!

#5 [fr] 

Poster on the walls of all cities and the Ranger camp

We invite all homins to the first edition of the Fairhaven Little Ones Market.

A Fairhaven Little Ones Market? How cute! I would like to just come and watch them walk away with all their new shiny gear, all happy and dancing! :D

#6 [en] 

Looking forward to this once I set off to the mainland.


#7 [fr] 


Si vous avez besoin d'un multi crafteur toute races toutes qualité je peux me mettre a votre dispositions homins!

#8 [en] 

Just starting the trek from Pyr with a guildmate to the market. Would it be possible to have some QL 50 Heavy Fyros armor made?

Edit: Thanks for the armor and weapon to Naveruss. Will get a lot of use.

Zuletzt geändert von Dioaxius (vor 5 Jahren)


#9 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | Français


I'm writing a short article on the wiki (sorry, in French for now): The English page on the Market is

(it is better to consult it offside, with a browser)

Lucios are here (all images of the wiki are on the common wiki).


  • Busy with the sale, I made the lucio quite late (and haven't put them all in yet)... Sorry if I forgot a craftsman's name (please let me know, or come and complete).
  •  Did you see a (big) mistake on the wiki? Or do you think something important information about something is missing? Please send us a link (of the relevant paragraph) with a short explanation on the dedicated Rocket Chat channel


2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Craftjenn (vor 5 Jahren)


Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#10 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English | Español

Lordoy ad toll ! Bonsoir ! Hello!
Thank you for coming to the first edition of the Fairhaven Little Ones' Market.
It is a great pleasure to give this opening speech but don't worry I won't put you to sleep.
This project started from a very simple observation that we have all made, that merchants charge exorbitant prices for equipment that is just poor. And on the other hand, low level boss and other excellent materials are almost never looked for because the crafters can't find anyone to sell their good quality production.
So after hours of discussion...
smiles at Ashgan.
... We have come to this market which I hope will allow you, great crafters, to find buyers, and you, young refugees, to leave ready to face the dangers of Atys.
For the purpose is there: That young homins may walk the paths of our regions and discover their beauty, that they become in their turn actors of our world, having benefited from their youth and their enthusiasm, that they can do it at their own pace without having to choose from the outset to lock themselves into a monolithic vision of Atys because nothing is more beautiful than diversity.
And what a better place than Fairhaven, which echoes the cries of TRYKA MEER SELLA to welcome this market full of sharing.
I wish you all a successful business and declare the first Fairhaven Little Ones' Market open!

It is with these words of enthusiasm that Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie opened the first Fairhaven Little Ones' Market on this 20h - Holeth, Mystia 18, 2. AZ 2603.

Fairhaven beach was shining with the lights of the lanterns, the crafters have dressed in their best clothes and the sound of the mektoubs loaded with goods added to the cacophony of the atmosphere.

Because, the buyers were present and the festive atmosphere lasted for many hours to the great delight of young and ancient alike.

There is no doubt about it, this Market will become a major event of the Atysian year.

Zuletzt geändert von Kyriann (vor 5 Jahren)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#11 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | Français
In this beautiful summer of 2604 CA3, Ashgan and Kyriann are at the Fairhaven bar. Ba'Naer sees the Byrh coming down, it's a good omen, the discussions will be fruitful.
- Let's recap! You have Scooby's approval for the class. I sent an izam to Azazor and Balkhog. Les Larmes offered us many amps. We have armours and weapons waiting for the buyers. But, then... everything is ready!
Kyriann smiles at Ashgan: We must wait no longer Ashou, the little ones will not continue in their old dented armour. I’ll quickly write the announcement and, in a few days, the posters will appear on all the walls.

Poster on the walls of all cities and the Ranger camp
Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all Homins to the second edition of the Fairhaven Little Ones Market.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have just arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.
It will offer at very reasonable prices, quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.

We will propose a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (Q 50 to 110) and for all training purposes.

To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an Izam*.

As a new feature for this second edition, the market will be preceded by a tutorial by an independent expert who will demonstrate what needs to be checked to make the right choice of equipment.
Scooby from Les Larmes will share with you her great experience in the choice of a high quality magic amplifier.

And of course we'll have fireworks, because what would be the trykers without Boom!

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 20h - Dua, Nivia 8, 3. AZ 2604** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before arriving, you will leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Craftjenn, Kyriann and all the « Marché des Petits » collective.


* In response to this post on the forum or by Izam express to Ashgan who centralizes requests.

* * From Samstag 24 August 2019 19:00:00 UTC (vor 5 Jahren).


2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Kyriann (vor 5 Jahren)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#12 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | [Deutsch] | Français | Español
Kyriann zählt ihre Plakate: … Und einer für das Ranger-Lager! Alles klar, ich habe alle Plakate. Nun kann ich gehen und es in den Hauptstädten jeder Nation zeigen.
Sie blickt auf ihren Schreibtisch. Ein Plakat bleibt allein.
"Und das Marodeuren-Lager?", flüstert sie.
Ihr Bewusstsein von Gleichberechtigung kämpft gegen ihre Wut: "Auch unter den Marodeuren gibt es junge Homins, Kyriann. Sie habe einen anderen Weg als deinen gewählt, aber es sind Homins und gegen Kitins. Wir sind alle gleich..."
Sie packt das Plakat auf den Schreibtisch: "Okay, aber ich werde es mit einem Izam verschicken! Aber nie und nimmer werde ich auch nur ein Fuß in das Lager der Marodeure setzen!"

Plakat an den Wänden aller Hauptstädte, des Ranger-Lagers und dem Marodeuren-Lager
Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

Wir laden alle Homins zu der dritten Edition von dem Markt der Kleinen in Fairhaven ein.
Dieser Markt ist primär für die jungen Flüchtlinge gedacht, die in letzter Zeit aus Silan angekommen sind und ihre Ausrüstung verbessern wollen.
Es wird Ausrüstung in guter Qualität für einen angemessenen Preis geben, um beim Fortschritt und der Erkundung in den neuen Landen zu helfen.

Wir werden eine breite Palette an Ausrüstung bis zum elften Zirkel (von q50 bis q110) und für alle Trainingszwecke anbieten.

Um sicher zu gehen, dass du auch findest, was du suchst, kannst du uns auch eine Bestellung mit einem Izam zukommen lassen.*

Rückblickend auf den Erfolg des ersten Marktes wird es eine Einführung durch einen unabhängigen Experten geben, der demonstrieren wird, was zu prüfen ist, um die richtige Wahl der Ausrüstung zu treffen.
Wir schlagen vor über die Basics für die Auswahl für eine Rüstung zu sprechen.
Über den Namen des Experten werden wir euch sobald wie möglich informieren.

Und selbstverständlich haben wir Feuerwerk, denn was wäre eine Tryker ohne ein Kaboom!? Unser Feuerwerkskünstler hat versprochen das Wasser in Brand zu setzen.

Wir warten auf dich am 20h - Holeth, Winderly 18, 3. AZ 2605** am Strand von Fairhaven.

Vergiss nicht deine Tasche zu leeren, bevor du ankommst! Du wirst gut versorgt zurückkehren!

Ashgan, Craftjenn, Kyriann und alle von dem Kollektiv "Marché des Petits".


* Als Antwort auf diesen Eintrag im Forum oder per Izam Express an Ashgan, der die Anfragen bündelt.

* * Vom Samstag 19 Oktober 2019 19:00:00 UTC (vor 5 Jahren).



3 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Kyriann (vor 5 Jahren)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#13 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English | Español

Sitting alone in Fairhaven's bar, Kyriann let her beer vent, to Ba'Naer's great displeasure. Morale is not high, her daughter's departure to Avalae left a void.
On his way to the Wheel of the Fortunate Gubani, Ashgan sees her somber face.
- What the hell is this, Kyriann? A byrh that's fanning out? Do you want Ba'Naer to become mad about it?
- Liosta's gone....
- Oh, that's right! So, first, she's in Avalae and you can see her whenever you want and second, she's not a little girl anymore and I remind you that we have lots of little ones to take care of! Come on Kyriann, swallow your byrh quickly and let's get some Boss!

Poster on the walls of all cities, the Ranger camp and the Marauders camp
Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the fourth edition of the Fairhaven Little Ones Market.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will offer at very reasonable prices quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
We will offer a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (Q 50 to 110) and for all training purposes.

To be sure to find what you need, you can place an order by sending us an Izam*.
If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Ashgan, we can arrange treks to give you the teleport.**

It is now a tradition, the market will be preceded by a tutorial by an independent expert who will demonstrate what needs to be checked to make the right choice of equipment.
This year, we will discuss melee weapons. Naveruss, "Légions Fyros" Guild leader, will tell us everything we need to know.

And of course we'll have fireworks, because what would Trykeri be without Boom!

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 16h - Quinteth, Floris 29, 3. AZ 2606*** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before arriving, you will leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the « Marché des Petits » collective.

* In response to this post on the forum or by mail in-game to Ashgan who centralizes requests.
** We will organize treks during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game.
*** From Samstag 4 Januar 2020 20:00:00 UTC (vor 5 Jahren).


Zuletzt geändert von Kyriann (vor 5 Jahren)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille

#14 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | [English] | Français

The lesson (from Naveruss) will be published on wiki at

Some images are on the wiki



Mon profil sur le wiki Francais

Craftjenn, Ranger

#15 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | English | Français

Kyriann is more than happy with her discussion with Nair Zendae. The Amazon has enthusiastically accepted her proposal to do the tutorial on jewels. The ideas seemed to be racing through her head. Kyriann could no longer keep up. But the basics are there and right there. The course will perhaps be a little longer than usual but she prefers to cancel the fireworks. Everyone will benefit greatly from this lesson. She's ready to bet that even old experienced homin will come and listen.
It is with obvious pleasure that she leaves to distribute her posters.
Poster on the walls of all cities, the Ranger camp and the Marauders camp
Lordoy ad toll, Woren siloy!

We invite all homins to the fifth edition of the Fairhaven Little Ones Market.
This market is primarily for young refugees who have recently arrived from Silan and need to up-grade their gear.

It will offer at very reasonable prices quality equipment to help them progress and discover the New Lands.
We will offer a wide range of equipment up to the 11th circle (Q 50 to 110) and for all training purposes.

To be sure to find what you need, you can also place an order by sending us an Izam*.
If you cannot reach Fairhaven by your own means, do not hesitate to contact Kyriann, we can arrange treks to give you the teleport.**

It is now a tradition, the market will be preceded by a tutorial by an independent expert who will demonstrate what needs to be checked to make the right choice of equipment.
We will have the pleasure to welcome Nair Zendae, Mistress of Arms of the Kingdom, who will give us a presentation on jewels.

We are therefore waiting for you, starting from 16h - Prima, Folially 19, 3. AZ 2607** on Fairhaven beach.

Don't forget to empty your bags before arriving, you will leave well loaded!

Ashgan, Kyriann and all the « Marché des Petits » collective.

* In response to this post on the forum or by mail in-game to Kyriann who centralizes requests.
** We will organize treks during the days before the market. To benefit from it, contact us in the same way through the forum or in-game.
*** From Samstag 14 März 2020 20:00:00 UTC (vor 4 Jahren).


2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Kyriann (vor 5 Jahren)


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille
Last visit Montag 9 September 16:06:55 UTC

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