
#1 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français

Attracted by growls and other vituperations, Euton Krinn read a poster on the walls of Pyr.
Oren pyr,
Patriots, Desert inhabitants and Empire’s friends, the time has come to launch the last stage of work for the greater glory of the Empire. Meet me by Thesos citadel on 10h - Tria, Medis 21, 4th AC 2601(*). Under the strict supervision of Ibiritis Ibirus, Thesos strategos, I will unveil the plans for the last fortifications of Thesos and we will launch the campaign for gathering materials for the buildings.

Iribitus Iribus, Thesos strategos
Gramald Xarius, Imperial Academist, Chamber of Honor

He burst out laughing, but with an anxious look around him, he reverted quickly to a worried face. It was better not to make fun of them, city dwellers could be very sensitive. He will soon be back in his Barkers tribe and could laugh more and more at the so-called patriots reluctance to build a few towers. How would they have built Pyr without the Barkers?

* [OOC]On Monday, 28 January 2019 20:00:00 UTC (5 years ago).[/OOC]

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Arionasis (5 years ago)

#2 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français
Here is a summary of what happened in the first part of the event: The Empire's shield: Towers!

Gramald Xarius gathered Patriots in Thesos and announced the amount of materials needed for the construction of the eleven remnant towers:
300 000 Motega or Tama choice wood , 60 000 Visc or Silverweed sap , 170 000 choice oil, all of that at quality 200 or higher, and 4000 ligaments of Varinx, 2500 Timari skins, at quality 150 or higher.

Due to the huge amount, some patriots decided to ask for the Barkers' help.
For the patriots willing to forage, Gramald Xarius promised they will be able to deposit their materials in Thesos in a few days.

Pebus Iriraan, Barkers chief, asked the Patriots to help them find Icala Perimenix, one of their overseer who had disappeared. They would then provide the foraging materials. The patriots could take care of the hunting ones.

Patriots went to Barkgully and talked to Iocamus Miros, an old overseer. While they were talking, the foragers caused a Kamiblast, thankfully without too much damages. Finally, they learned that Icala and Xycaron Theron were sent into Outlaw Canyon a few days ago to test the bark for forage materials.

At the end of a ramp for Outlaw Canyon, the patriots found Xycaron Theron in a pitiful condition. They were assaulted a few days ago by the Lawless, he had managed to flee but Icala was probably still held by them.

For scenario balance, we proposed you to start from here, even if something has already be done in Lawless tribe.
The meeting point will be at the kami altar in Sawdust Mines on Tuesday, 29 January 2019 20:00:00 UTC (5 years ago).

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Ptitbill (5 years ago)

#3 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English] | Deutsch | Español
(Event fyros) The Empire's shield: Building the Towers!
Aemodon Apotis is at your disposal in Thesos to store the materials you bring to it.

Edited 3 times | Last edited by Drecyan (5 years ago)


P'tit Bill
Level-Design Team Manager [FR]

#4 Multilingual 

Multilingual | Français | [English]
Here is a summary of what happened in the second part of the event: The Empire's shield: Towers!

The next step for the Patriots and their allies was therefore clear: to go to the camp of the Lawless and free Icala Perimenix from their grasp.

The Lawless did not give them a chance to try a diplomatic approach: they attacked the Patriots on sight.

The fight was fierce, but considering the many Lawless corpses littering her camp, Ulythus Apocaps, their leader, finally agreed to engage in a dialogue. Although very reluctant, she eventually revealed the location of Icala Perimenix to them: the camp of the Buccaneers, notorious bandits operating in the region and settled somewhere south of the Dragon's Spine.

When they arrived on the outskirts of the bandit camp, the Buccaneers and a handful of Lawless were waiting for them.

The clash was intense, but they finally found Icala Perimenix who had been held in a tent.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, many Lawless warriors jumped on them. The trap was close to being fatal for the Patriots and their allies, but they withdrew and charged back, eliminating the last guards and releasing the prisoner, for good this time.

They then escorted her to the Barkers' camp, where Pebus Iriraan, the tribe's chief, welcomed them with great relief, happy to see his overseer alive.

He confirmed that he would fulfill his share of the deal and that the Barkers would provide them with the materials they needed.

#5 Multilingual 

Multilingual | English | [Français]

Assise à l’ombre d’un auvent, Aemodon Apotis était inquiète et cela la rendait grognon.

L’appel aux patriotes avait eu finalement un effet inespéré : un accord avait pu être passé avec les Percécorces pour la fourniture d’un grand volume de matériaux. L’immense savoir-faire de cette tribu en matière de forage était reconnu à travers tout l’empire : la grande cité de Pyr elle-même n’aurait probablement jamais vu le jour sans eux. Mais il n’était habituellement pas aisé d’obtenir leur aide.

Les jours passaient, puis les semaines, et si Aemodon était ravi de réceptionner les matériaux de construction apportés par les patriotes, on était encore loin du compte. Et les Percécorces ne s’étaient toujours pas manifestés. Qu’allait-elle bien pouvoir répondre à Gramald Xarius lorsqu’il demanderait l’état d’avancement du projet ?

Quelqu’un jura à côté d'elle, puis un autre. Les yeux écarquillés, tous les homins présents fixaient quelque chose au loin, derrière lui. Se retournant, Aemodon Apotis pris rapidement la mesure de ce qu’elle voyait. Se détachant des dunes voisines, une longue procession de mektoubs progressait en direction de Thesos.

Passés les premiers instants de stupeur, les gardes reprirent leurs esprits et sortirent leurs armes, prêts à affronter la menace en approche.

Les lèvres plissées d'Aemodon se transformèrent en un franc sourire tandis qu’il reconnaissait les couleurs portées par leurs visiteurs.
- Du calme ! dit-elle en levant la main en direction des gardes. On dirait bien que les Percécorces ont finalement décidé de nous rendre visite !

Lorsque le convoi fut arrivé à portée de voix, Aemodon s’avança et vint à la rencontre du chef de file, dont le visage lui semblait familier.

- Oren pyr !
- Oren pyr !
- Es-tu Aemodon Apotis ?
- C'est bien moi.
- Je suis Euton Krinn. De la tribu des Percécorces. Je t’apporte la première partie des matériaux de construction que tes amis nous ont demandés.

Aemodon Apotis détourna un instant le regard pour évaluer le nombre d’animaux de bâts présents, plutôt conséquent.

- La … première partie ?
- Ney. Bois, huile, sève. 15.000. De chaque.
- Bien ! … Bien ! C’est une excellente nouvelle. Je vais envoyer des gens pour aider à décharger.
- Hem. La route a été longue et mes gens et moi, on ne serait pas contre quelques rafraîchissements, si tu vois ce que je veux dire.
- Ho ! Bien sûr, évidemment !

Après une brève pause pour se rafraîchir, Percécorces et ouvriers de Thesos furent bientôt à pied d’œuvre pour décharger la cargaison et l’entreposer sous l’auvent principal, tandis qu’Aemodon Apotis invitait Euton Krinn à s’asseoir non loin afin de discuter à l’abri du soleil.

- Sais-tu quand doit intervenir la prochaine livraison ?
- Une semaine, peut-être moins, cela dépendra d’Icala.
- … Icala ?
- Icala Perimenix, une de nos contremaîtres. Celle que vos amis ont libéré des griffes des Sans-Loi. Elle est en train d’organiser la collecte les matériaux de la prochaine livraison en ce moment même.
- Ha, excellente nouvelle ! Excellente nouvelle ! *se levant* Je vais vérifier que tout se déroule bien !

Aemodon Apotis était rassurée. La construction pourrait bientôt reprendre. Mais pour autant, son travail n’était pas terminé : elle devait maintenant s’assurer de la qualité des matériaux fournis et en faire le compte précis.

Edited 4 times | Last edited by Ghost of Atys (5 years ago)

#6 Multilingual 

Multilingual | [English] | Français | Español | Deutsch

Pyntis Cean was browsing the many messages received this morning. Monopolized by her filing work, she startled sharply as the door of her office opened violently, and in a reflex movement, she sent the stack of messages in front of her flying through the room.

On the threshold stood Gramald Xarius, her boss, so to speak, short-breathed, crimson-faced and whose features betrayed a barely contained anger.

Gramald Xarius "Cean! How is it going in Thesos?" he barked at his subordinate.
Pyntis Cean "Well… we received the… last report from Intendant Apo…"
Gramald Xarius "… And what were you waiting for to give it to me?! You know I have Strategos Iribus on my back!"

Not abandoning her calm, Pyntis Cean got up and picked up the parchment bearing the mark of Thesos, which had crossed the whole room to land at the feet of Gramald Xarius. Standing up, she handed it to him in a measured gesture, but her black eyes and tight jaw denied her apparent calm.

Pyntis Cean "You were already in an interview with the Strategos, so I couldn't…."
Gramald Xarius "… Yes, well, she has just made me aware of the full extent of her "patience", and I would have been fine without it, believe me!"

Still grumbling, but gradually regaining his composure, Gramald Xarius grabbed the parchment and browsed it quickly.

Gramald Xarius "Well, at least the news is encouraging…."
Pyntis Cean "Pretty much! But I wonder if it's not a little embellished. How is it possible…."
Gramald Xarius (sweeping the remark away) "Well, they're the Barkers. Their reputation is well established. Hmm. However, this last delivery was much lighter than the previous ones. How far have we got since the start?"

Pyntis Cean headed for her desk and, recalling the academician's crashing entrance, finally turned her eyes to the cluttered floor.

Pyntis Cean "Ha, here it is!" she said as she grabbed a faded parchment and scrolled it down to read it.

Pyntis Cean "The Barkers have made 4… no… 5 deliveries including the latest one. According to the data provided by Intendant Apotis, they gave us… (quickly computing) 190,000 units of wood... 130,000 units of oil and... 30,000 units of sap."
Pyntis Cean "To that, of course, are added the resources handed by patriots."

Gramald Xarius "Still about 100,000 units of wood and 30,000 units of oil, so." (slightly sighing) "Well, I'm going back to complete my report to Strategos Ibirus."

As he walked through the door frame, Gramald Xarius turned around to look at the papers scattered all over the room and sent a sheepish smile to his assistant.

Gramald Xarius "Akep!" he said, shaking the Thesos' report over his head.
Pyntis Cean "Oràch!"

Then he rushed into the hallway and disappeared from Pyntis Cean's sight.

Pyntis Cean "Well…" (noticing the state of her office) "I only have to start all over again…."

Last edited by Ghost of Atys (5 years ago)

Last visit Thursday, 9 May 07:39:09 UTC

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