

#1 Mehrsprachig 

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Stevano nahm den gerade seinem Sekretär diktierten Brief zur Hand. Nach abermaligem Lesen versah er diesen mit dem königlichen Siegel und entgegnete dem Schreiber mit entschlossener Geste: Dies ist umgehend an Orphie Dradius zu senden.

Zügig entfernte sich der Sekretär, und die Stimme des königlichen Heralds hallte bereits vor dem Palast wider; ein Aufruf an alle Vasallen und Bewohner des Königreiches zum Kampf gegen die Gefahr aus den Tiefen.

An Orphie Dradius,

Wir erwarten, dass die Ankunft der Kitin aus den Tiefen im Königreich nicht in Verbindung mit dem Tunnel im Hain der Verwirrung steht, welchen zu befestigen euch auf Unser Geheiß hin erlaubt war. Demzufolge erwarten Wir ebenso, dass ihr und eure Ranger den Nachweis dessen erbringt.
Um der Gefahr zu begegnen müssen alle Homins zusammenstehen, dies Bedarf keiner weiteren Erklärung. Und so sollen sich auch die Ranger beteiligen. Jedoch erinnern Wir daran, dass alle Maßnahmen, welche bezüglich der Tunnel unternommen werden sollen, von Uns gezeichnet werden müssen. Das Königreich weiß um andere Wege, als Termiten zu nutzen.


3 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Ghost of Atys (vor 6 Jahren)

#2 Mehrsprachig 

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A swift reply

Orphie Dradius looked at her mail again. She had just read the extensive report from Lou Tei-Sang regarding the reduction of the threat of the white kitins in the Forest. The fact that they had not re-emerged at once was reassuring, but not a cause to reduce vigilance. The next letter was marked with a seal, the seal of the Karan Stevano. She broke the seal and read the short missive within, then grumbled a little to herself. She took a deep, calming, breath. A swift reply was needed and one that was both carefully and accurately worded. She wrote:
Unto Stevano, Karan Mateis and High Priest of Jena, greeting this 14h - Quinteth, Harvestor 17, 3. AZ 2597.

I have received your most recent letter and make haste to reassure Your Majesty on your concerns.

Firstly, the path from the Grove of Confusion to Silan is patrolled daily by the engineers who work to keep it stable. There have been no signs of any Kitins in the tunnel at any time, neither normal Kitin nor the white Kitins of the Depths. You can rest assured that we will continue to be sure that this remains the case.

As for the current incursion, none of my Rangers has observed any new Kitin Mounds nor their associated tunnels. This is good news, but we shall continue our vigilance. Should any such Mounds be found in the Matis lands you may be sure that we will bring them to the attention of your officials and will attempt no action against them without Your cooperation.

With utmost respect,
Orphie Dradius,
Guide Ranger.

2 mal geändert | Zuletzt geändert von Ghost Of Atys (vor 6 Jahren)

#3 Mehrsprachig 

Mehrsprachig | Français | English
Unto Karan Stevano

Deles silam,

I allow myself this missive ahead of next chamber of Nobles, favouring promptness of intelligence over strictness of etiquette.

First of all the invasion of white kitins seems stopped as inexplicably as it started. It's good news, but as filira Salazar commented what is less good is that those kitins could appear and disapear without traces.

I'm aware that we suspected the recent openning of the path to Silan to be the cause of the invasion. However the facts refute this hypothesis, espacially because the invasion occurs simuntaneously in jungle, and that regarding forest, is was not centered on Confusion Groove. This tall jugula which was eliminated seems the only consequence of the openning to silan.

I have to inform you that the Rangers were remarkably active in the elimination of white kitins. On this side we cannot deny that they are commited to fulfill their mission.

However, the goal of my missive is also to share with you my personnal hypothesis regarding the reason of this invasion. And I think Rangers are really the cause.

Indeed, the invasion started not long after those last had introduce a new rite of passage for their aspirants. This rite occurs somewhere on Oflovak road and certainly has no link with the invasion, BUT, after the rite passed, the fresh ranger is invited to stride across prime roots seeking the pathway that form their transportation web.

My hypotheis, is that Rangers, while crossing massively those tunnels, with the euphoria and clumsiness we could imagine from new rangers discovering those paths, have excited a colonny from the depth, which move up to surface.

I talk about this hypothesis to rangers themselves but their instructor remained very dubious. Of course.
But he admitted that the question should be studied.

Whatever, the invasion has stopped, which I explain by the fact that most of aspirants have now becomed rangers that know all paths and most importantly that know how to use them with more experience and discretion. "The fever has gone" we could say.

We can also wonder why lakes and desert were spared from this invasion. My intuition is that comes form differences in the composition of our undergrounds.

I won't develop here more geological considerations on what is only a hypothesis. I remain at your disposal.

Jena aiye,

Mistress of Arms,
Royal Ambassador toward Rangers,
Operations leader at S.K.A

Zuletzt geändert von Zendae (vor 6 Jahren)


Beauté, curiosité, virtuosité !
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