
#1 [fr] 

Cybèle était scandalisée, perplexe, outrée et déçue. Elle prit sa plume et rédigea une lettre à l’intention de la population des Lacs.

« Nair-tali al tala,

Récemment un avant poste possédé par une guilde citoyenne des Lacs a subit une tentative d’invasion par un groupe hostiles d’homins. Nous savons hélas que cette pratique est courante et inévitable. Cependant j’aimerais attirer votre attention sur le fait que la guilde attaquante…était également Tryker!

Comment pouvons-nous fermer les yeux sur cet odieux fratricide! Tryka, Meer…et Sella…le partage. Comment avons-nous pu en arriver là? Nos propres frères portent la main sur nous! L’avidité de certains est-elle sans bornes?

Avant d’être neutres, kamistes ou karavaniers…ne sommes nous pas Trykers? Ne sommes nous pas une famille?

Est-ce que le désir de richesses justifie le meurtre de nos frères, sœurs et amis? »

Cybèle afficha son message sur les places publiques des quatre grandes villes.

Elle rentra au hall des Drakanis et se blottis contre Jazzy.

-Jazzy : Nous allons nous battre demain.
-Cybèle : Oui.
-Jazzy : J’espère que les nair-Talodis reviendront à la raison…
-Cybèle : …
-Cybèle : Cet homin peut se montrer persuasif, tu sais que sa fille fait partit du clan Talodi…il a du user de chantage émotif pour parvenir à ses fins.
-Jazzy : Ce n’est pas impossible qu’il ait un moyen de pression sur eux oy…
-Cybèle : Jazzy…je ne veux pas porter la main sur eux…que le Chef de la Lune se fasse manger par un torbak…mais je ne veux pas que les honnêtes citoyens souffrent à cause de lui…

Jazzy serra Cybèle dans ses bras et ne dit plus un mot.

#2 [en] 

Binarabi re-reads the letter, pushed aside her grilled kipee tails and picked up her best Igara pen

Lordoy Tali Cybèle,

I was with my Auntie Birra when I heard of an attack on a Tryker op (she has a pegleg and occasionally hits a homin so hard with it ... it breaks ...)

Ny-Pappasmurf then informed me it was a Tryker guild and I was horrified - to fight in the name of pretend deities is one thing - but to turn against your own sisters and brothers ...

I see that you and Nair-Jazzy consider there may be more to this than meets the eye, possibly a secret plot ... eminating from a homin who has recently become a Tryker (although he is Fyros by race ...) to divide Trykers ... this may happen in other lands as well. As Trytonists we are fearful of civil war - where sisters and brothers kill each other, so I am calling all Trytonists to come and defend Stronghold and keep the op in safe Tryker hands!


Binarabi makes copies of the letter then rolls one of them up and attaches it to her favorite izam and sends it up into the sky at Windyhead, the others she passes to Ozelott and Astarth to take to the Trytonist guilds ... then she sits and thinks ... Cybèle ... was this the love of Jazzy's heart, the one over whom he cried so many tears, Binarabi smiles and considers how happy he must be at her return


This idea of "I'm offended". Well I've got news for you. I'm offended by a lot of things too. Where do I send my list? Life is offensive. You know what I mean? Just get in touch with your outer adult. (Bill Hicks)

#3 [en] 

Rikutatis was calmly walking around Zora, contemplating the sounds of the city and the chatter of the kwaï around him, when suddenly he sees Cybele's letter posted on a bulletin board.

He finishes reading the letter and then proceeds to rip it off the bulletin board and tear it to shreds.

He shakes his head, looking somewhat amused, "The Trykers were the first homins to be honored with the presence of the Kamis, and yet they do not understand. Trykers, Matis, Fyros… none of that matters. In the end only your path towards Kami myan has any meaning… the Age of the Kami. To be one with Ma-Duk and the planet. And the Karavan is just an obstacle on that road."

He calls a guard nearby and tells him, "Aribini, could you please make sure no such garbage remains posted anywhere in Zora? Ari'Kami."

He bows to the guard and walks away.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#4 [fr] 

Virg layed atop the hill surrounding Zora grinning as he flicked bits of moss at guards struggling to comprehend where it was coming from.. 'So stupid.. so witless' he thought to himself. He watched Rikutatis, an old time friend still bewitched by Ma-Duk and his awful reeking morning breath, stride across to Cybele's letter. The overgrown smurf read the letter, snorted then tore it up. Virg chuckled a little.. good old Riku.. The trivial Tryker affairs would no more bother him than his deep inner knowledge that the Marauder life would give him the most joy.. Of course he would never admit it.

Virg watched the blue stick talk to a nearby guard for a little the walk right under his hiding place. He picked a small clump of moss up and flicked it at Rikutatis. Virg let out a small chuckle as the moss got stuck on his left horn.. would probably take him days to notice!



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#5 [fr] 

lol +1 virg

#6 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Deutsch
Salazar, returning from the Assembly of the Matis nobles, rushed in the monastery, crossed the Arboretum in haste and went straight to the priory, where he dropped his gloves on a table before sitting down at his study desk. He quickly grabbed his quill, then stopped in his movement when, on his writing paper, he recognised a notice which obviously was dropped by Menthys for him. It contained a message regarding the Trykers, signed by a homin called Cybèle. He had a quick look over it, then allowed himself a tired smile.

"Silly little Tryker," he thought to himself. "What a naive line of thought. There are Tryker cutthroats like Dante, opposing all nations, not choosing by race; there are religious and non-religious Tryker fanatics, there are Trykers in various military forces and tribes, both peaceful and - well - not so peaceful; there even are Tryker slavetraders. The Tryker ideals are a philosophical measurement for those who choose that path - who decide to swear an them, and even then the rate of Trykers staying true to them in every sense of the word is limited. But then, that might me the case in every race, in every nation, and even in every religious belief, might it be the the idol worship of the impostor or the adoration of Our Lady."

"Yet there are good homins amongst the misguided, and less honorable ones amongst the true believers. Whatever is the case of the Trykers in question; we have to call on all of them when our enemy is mutual. This is not a time to discuss petty property."

He dropped the notice into the bin at the side of his desk, dipped the quill into the inkpot and turned his attention to more important, more pressing matters.


Salazar Caradini
Filira Matia
Royal Historian
Member of the Royal Academy of Yrkanis
First Seraph of the Order of the Argo Navis

#7 [fr] 

Two days later Rikutatis sat at his apartment in Zora, going through some maps. His head was itching, so he reached up to scratch it… and noticed a small clump of moss stuck on his left horn.

He chuckled a bit and for some reason remembered Virg. Why had he turned marauder? He remembered the silly Tryker as a young homin running through the streets of Zora, eager to follow Ma-Duk. But so much had changed. Virg seemed to believe that Rikutatis would be more happy as a marauder as well.

They say each homin must follow his own path to enlightenment. But some paths are just so tortuous.


"We are Kami. We are here to be you. We are many as you are of many minds. We are one as you are one in Ma-Duk."

#8 [fr] 

'Eouwgh!', Virg smashed into the top of a palm tree with a sickening crunch, knocking the air out of him. It had come to him in a dream... a funny looking homin dressed in weird loose clothing, a head bandanna, unusual black hair and a scraggly beard. The homin had managed to fling himself from one palm tree to another in true style, using a rope attached to another tree, making it a makeshift slingshot. The maneuver had not gone well for Virg. He took a moment to regain his breath, checked no one had heard him and slid down the tree. He crept to the Fairhaven notice board under the cover of darkness, pinned his note and left. He had left the same messages in every city:

Trykers, the supposed most 'united' race, have attacked each other. Hardly surprising. The veil has, at least for them, been lifted. Why did they do this? Religion. It is time for the rest of you to wake up and see the true savagery behind your actions. Governments are weak, following religions blindly. The Kami have been reduced to nothing more than petty, greedy, thugs. Always thirsting for the blood of everyone who doesn't believe in their imaginary friend. Pushing for more and more materials to gather dust in their lofty halls. Not even sharing with their own kin. The Karavan.. they do not know who they really put their faith in. They are misguided to say the least. Where are these so called 'gods' of yours? You have no idea where they are, what they are and if they even exist! Do you think they will protect you from the Kitin threat? What about these petty guards who 'protect' your cities?

The rangers would rather prevent a Kitin attack than deal with one. They have plugged the Kitin tunnels but what does this truly mean? It means no invasions (except when a Matis stuck her head in a nest - quite admirable actually). Do you think the Kitins will produce at a lesser rate because they are not dying as much? I do not think so. I think their numbers are growing and the rangers are the cause of this! It is now harder to cull Kitin numbers when they don't come to us. They are mere petty homins, frolicking around in their ugly green armour, not understanding the true consequences of their actions.

The marauders... We are strong. We are the salvation. We do not run from Kitins. A message to those for whom the veil is still not lifted:

On the path to liberation, heads will roll.



Guild Leader of Syndicate

Syndicate's Page (Shuriiken here)
A glimpse into Virg's life
Thug life

I belong to the warrior in whom the old ways have joined the new
NB: Void respawn is where you can find the PVP, also willing to give lessons :)

#9 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Français

Pom est fatiguée, ses pensées cours vers ses amis perdus ou disparus...

ce nouvel évènement avive sa tristesse, les homini sont déments, leur jugement est...

Mais peu importe...

Pom prends de quoi écrire:
Izam à un ami

Lordoy Ni'Tala,

je viens d'apprendre ce qui c'est passé,

un Avant poste d'un Clan de la fédération a été attaqué.

Certain de tes ennemis prétendent que tu aurai quelque chose à voir la dedans, je n'ose y croire!

toi l'enfant prodigue que la fédération à accueillis en son sein, tu aurai mordu et griffé tes frères, je ne peut le croire.

Évidement tu n'es pas un gentils yubo caressant et énuclée...
Évidement, tu conserve une dent contre ceux qui t'ont jugés et punis... Mais ce jugement fut honnête et souhaité par toi!
Évidement, ta foi n'est pas celle des anciens maitres toi qu'ils qualifient avec mépris de "kterhos".
Évidement, tu dois te sentir exclus du partage des richesses apportés par ces horribles machines qui éventrent notre Mère pour en extraire sa puissance. Mais, ne pense pas que je sois plus tendre avec ces plantes monstrueuses que les kamistes utilisent dans leurs avant poste pour parvenir au même résultat...

Doit-on ramener tout cela à une histoire d'avidité?

Dois-je comprendre que j'ai été manipulée et que je ne fut qu'une pièce mineur au milieu d'autres.
est-ce que les projets de reprise en main de ta famille obscure par certain membres honorables de la famille tryker fait partis du projet?

Je m'interroge, je m'inquiète.
je désire toutefois te redire que je ne regretterai jamais d'avoir essayé de te sortir de ta condition de paria. Si je devais le faire à nouveau, je ne crois pas que j'hésiterai plus que la première fois.

Je te renouvelle mon amitié mais en bonne amie sache que je n'hésiterai jamais à te dire ce que je pense.

Je pense que si tu as participé d'une manière ou d'une autre à ce méfait, tu as commis un crime contre l'honneur. Même si j'ai peur que ceux qui se drapent dans la fraternité aujourd'hui, aient peut être un peu oublié le partage des richesses volées avec leur frère prodigue et sa famille.

De cette manière je crains aussi que ceux qui ont réclamer ta tête veuillent aussi un jour la tête de tous les repentis qui ont abandonné la vie de criminel mais qui pour cela n'ont pas subit le dure jugement de leur paires.

Je t'écris cela mais j'ai un peu honte car en le faisant je mords un peu la fédération et certain qui m'aiment moi qui ne suis qu'une petite apatride aimant les Lacs...

Seelagan Ny'Tala
Y Syln Senn, Eny Y Wint Ken Sul Kardeli Sulem Meeni

Tor Lochi, Meer, Sella Al TRYKA

Sulem Tali, Pom

Pom attrape un izam, lui fourre dans le gosier les graines réglementaires et lui chuchote à l'oreille:

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