

#1 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
akenak assembly of Pyr's notice board .

Editado 5 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (10 años hace)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#2 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | [Español]
Lerya mira el poster y lo pega en la pared de la academia:

cal i selak !!!

Lo que pasó en la última asamblea de akenos:

La asamblea comenzó con el celiakos Lyan y la akenos Lerya y el akenos Daavics, éste último no será akenos nunca más así que dejó la asamblea. El Patriota de Pyr Ventron también estaba presente y más tarde se unieron la celiakos Dios y la Ciudadana de Pyr Diwu. 

Ventron preguntó acerca de la Ruta de Cerveza-Agua propuesta por los Tryker y Lerya le dijo que daría una respuesta lo antes posible ya que ella está a cargo de este asunto. Lerya leyó una nota que le trajo un izam durante la asamblea. Era de Jazzy. Le decía que estaba invitada a la siguiente Asamblea Taliari para poder conocer más acerca del tema. Después de esa asamblea Lerya traerá más información.

Tras eso vinieron Diwu y Dios. 

Diwu estaba preocupada de la escasez de informacion dada a los patriotas y ciudadanos del sharük sobre Atreus, y cómo sólo esos que fueron a las asambleas sabían de ello. 

Los dos celiakos le dijeron a Diwu que el tema Atreus es delicado y que es mejor esperar a mejores tiempos para hablar de ello. 

Lerya añadió que es cierto que los que no estubieron presentes en las asambleas no fueron bien informados. Lerya le dijo lo duro que había trabajado para mejorar la comunicación entre los ciudadanos de Pyr (patriotas o no) y la asamblea akenos, y también entre los akenos, pero sin obtener resultados. Teniendo esto en cuenta, la akenos Lerya propuso hacer un censo de los ciudadanos de Pyr. De esta manera, los que vivan en Pyr sabrán quienes son sus vecinos y hará una comunidad más fuerte. 

Lerya buscará esos nombres entre los Líderes de Gremio y el celiakos Lyan hará el censo en las puertas de Pyr. 

Una vez tengan la lista, la asamblea akenos comenzará a pensar cómo hacer que estos homin trabajen juntos y traer más actividad y actividades a la capital, y por supuesto, en un sistema para que estén informados de lo que pasa en la ciudad y en el sharük.

Tras esto, el celiakos Lyan acabó la reunión. 

Si eres ciudadano de Pyr, patriota o no, mánda un izam a la akenos Lerya por favor.


Lerya Rechtuch


[OOC] Topic moved to Embassies. [/OOC]


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)


#4 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français | [Español]

Lerya pone un poster en la pared de la Academia:

cal i selak !!!

La última asamblea de akenak de Pyr fue larga, los temas fueron los siguientes.:

  • El Juicio de Atreus .
  • Visita del sharükos a Dyron y Thesos.
  • Las tribus del sharük.
  • Diferentes memorias.
  • Ruta del agua.
  • Censo de pyr.

Juicio de Atreus:

Decalion Krilus vino para hablar en su favor y esto es lo que dijo:

"oren pyr y akep por dejarme hablar aquí. Todos sabéis que he servido al sharük y al sharükos toda mi vida. Durante todos esos años en los que he servido para terminar liderando a los Caras Ardientes, nunca he experimentado mayor honor que permanecer leal y fiel al sharükos y su familia. Pero no puedo negar que he fallado en mi deber, que he dañado el pilar de la disciplina cuando el homin llamado Atreus apareció. Estaba ciego por mis profundos sentimientos hacia el sharükos Dexton. Le serví toda su vida y la esperanza de que siguiera todavía vivo me hizo olvidar mi deber: servir al sharükos Lykos. Esto no sólo ha dañado el pilar de la disciplina, también mi honor. Le he ofrecido al sharükos Lykos mi dimisión como líder de los Caras Ardientes. Pero he oído lo que ha dicho Atreus sobre la familia imperial. Y creo que Atreus no ha dicho la verdad. Durante todos mis años de servicio, fui cercano a la familia imperial. Atreus dijo, que el sharükos Cerakos y su madre Lydia lo abandonaron siendo un bebé, nada más nacer. Por motivos políticos, por ser el segundo hijo. Esto no tiene sentido. Nunca nació un niño de la mujer del sharükos en el Palacio Imperial que fuese abandonado. No había razón para ello. Las palabras de Atreus mancharon el honor del sharükos y sus ancestros una vez más. No puede ser cierto. Así que he pedido al sharükos Lykos que me permita encontrar la verdad. Es mi búsqueda personal, mi obligación para restaurar mi honor. Un juicio es inevitable. Pero me gustaría buscar por todo el desierto ardiente, por todo Atys pistas que revelen la verdad. Quiero encontrar testigos, pruebas, cualquier cosa que pueda cortar estás mentiras de raíz. El sharükos Lykos aceptó mi propuesta. Me dio libertad para realizar mi búsqueda de la verdad."

Después de esto la akenak Eeri y Mermaidia se ofrecieron voluntarias para ayudar a Decalion. Eeri le dijo que le ayudaría en su búsqueda, e Icus preguntó si podía ser el abogado de Atreus en el juicio. Después de hablar del estado de salud de Atreus, la decisión de hacer un juicio público o sólo para patriotas no fue tomada. El juicio será preparado en el tiempo de la siguiente asamblea akenos.


Visita del sharükos a Dyron y Thesos:

Icus dijo que para esta visita Thesos preparará un concurso de artesanía con diferentes categorías, una de ellas siendo la de hacer la mejor arma ardiente como regalo para el sharükos. También quiso saber si podrían usar algunos de los materiales raros que el sharük tiene en sus arcas como regalo para el ganador. Los celiakos aceptaron.

Como no había ningún akenos de Dyron presente, no se decidió qué hacer allí.


Las tribus del sharük:

Icus solicitó más poder para las diferentes asambleas de akenos para que puedan gestionar los problemas en cada tribu sin la supervisión del sharükos. Los celiakos aceptaron y esperan que los akenos se valgan por si solos y que cuando los problemas sean grandes, les pidan ayuda.

Diferentes memorias:

No se habló del tema por falta de tiempo.

Ruta de agua:

La akenos Lerya todavía a cargo del proyecto. Dijo que fue invitada a la última asamblea Taliari para que le informasen sobre el proyecto. Por ahora no tiene nada. Jazzy está a cargo del proyecto por parte de los Tryker y ella está esperando un izam con la respuesta. Los Tryker quieren hacerlo como la última vez, pero añadiendo alcohol al intercambio. Cuando, a través de qué sitio y quien son detalles que no sabía todavía debido a que Jazzy tiene que contestar primero. También pidieron alcohol del gremio de Geyos, y la akenos Lerya ya ha hablado con él. Geyos aceptó siempre y cuando se le ayude. Cuanta ayuda, como lo demás, todavía por saber.

Censo de Pyr

Debido a que la preparación para el juicio será al mismo tiempo que la siguiente asamblea akenos, Lyan Cexius llamó a Cencaon para que viniera a la asamblea akenak. La akenos Lerya pidió hacer un censo en Pyr en la última asamblea de akenos de Pyr y Lyan dijo que pediría a un malos ayuda. Cencaon es el fyros, y estará cerca del altar Kami para hacer el censo de todo homin que hable con él.

¡¡¡Que Fyrk os bendiga a todos!!!

Editado 11 veces | Última edición por Tamarea (10 años hace)


Lerya Rechtuch

#5 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | [Español]

Mucho trabajo, y he fallado con los títulos en multilingüe, perdón por eso. Disfruta del texto.


Lerya Rechtuch

#6 [en] 

Lerya (atys)

Mucho trabajo, y he fallado con los títulos en multilingüe, perdón por eso. Disfruta del texto.

te agradezco mucho la traducción a español, algo que no suele verse a menudo =)

#7 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | [Español]
Gracias por tus palabras. Siempre he traducido al castellano los sumários de las asambleas que hago. Puedes ver los anteriores si lo deseas :)

Ahora, con la herramienta multiligüa puedo hacerlo más rápido. Antes de este sistema tenía que hacer cuatro post, en inglés y castellano, uno para la sección rol del foro y otro para la seeción de foro.

¡Gracias de nuevo!


Lerya Rechtuch

#8 [en] 

I guess the Akenak isn't a thing anymore? I Miss my title :(


The fail whale!


My name is Lil, but you may call me Your Majesty. ;)

#9 [en] 

The Akenak still exists as an Institution of the Empire. Sadly, Lerya left us, I miss her sadly. No anglophone Fyros patriots were found since to obtain her post.

The ways Akenak are appointed have changed though. To cite the text of the imperial decree the link to which is broken for some reason (broken link) :
[Imperial decree] Civil reorganisation of the Empire cities around their akenak

Article 1 – Civil organisation of the Empire cities

Each city of the sharük is placed under the responsibility of a sole akenak. The akenak is the civil representative of the sharükos to the town inhabitants. Their duty is to ensure, as the Emperor himself would, that the needs of his fellow citizens, with respect to the four Pillars, are met.

a) To assist with their dutys, the akenak can appoint Patriots in his city to the title of akenos, to be entrusted with various tasks. akenak are ultimatly responsible for their appointed akenos. Those patriots appointed akenos will have to prove they are worthy, just as their akenak does.
Nevertheless, all Patriots are free to be part of the assemblies and to express themselves there by exchanging their ideas and opinions, as long as they do it in the respect of the Fyros values.

b) The akenak can ask the celikaos of his city for advice as they require, and communicate with the Imperial Senate or with sharükos if needed.

c) The military decisions remain the prerogative of the strategos.

The decisions concerning the whole Empire will be shared by the akenak of the three cities gathered in Pyr, subject to the approval of sharükos or the one of the Imperial Senate.

Article 2 – akenak appointment

The Emperor will appoint in person the akenak, every two years of Jena, among the candidates worthy of this office who will have presented themselves to the celiakos of their cities.

Application conditions

a) Only Patriots can apply to the akenak position.

b) The applicants will have to prove, by words or by their past actions, their devotion to sharükos, to the sharük, to the Pillars and to the Desert’s People. They’ll have to commit to continue upholding the Pillars, and to lead their fellow citizens, by their example and by their actions.

c) The applicants will have to prove their representation, by having the Patriots who support them attending their application speech.

d) Once the two years of Jena are over, the akenak will give back their position, and any Patriot who thinks he fulfils the required conditions can submit his application to the celiakos.
If an akenak wishes to continue his role, they will prove their worth again, by their acts to the trial of the sharükos, and his fellow citizens.

Post vacancy

a) In case of occasional vacancy in their position, the akenak can delegate their responsibilities to one of their akenos.

b) In case of extended vacancy, they will have to render their office, and the celiakos and the people of their Cities will present new applicants.

Article 3 – Multiple applications

a) If enough valuable Patriots are ready to serve sharükos and the sharük as akenak for a city, they will then share the length of the mandate in equal durations, starting with the one with the more supports.

b) There won’t be more than one applicant at the same time per patriot guild: it is up to each guild leader to chose with fairness in their ranks, the most capable Patriot to practice this responsibility.

Article 4 – akenak forfeiture

If an akenak disobeyed the Emperor, or betrayed the Pillars or the Patriots whom they promised to protect and guide, they would be immediately be dismissed from thier post. The greater the honour, the greater the responsibility.

Lykos – Pyr Imperial Palace
Germinally 25, 1st AC, 2585
I don't know how long you did not play. After the server merge first Akenak were elected as before, only per city, not nationwide (Akenak of Thesos (fr), Pyr (en), and Dyron (de) but due to dwindling participation that prove as impractical.

I mourn the days on Leanon when we had a lively Fyros (and not just Fyros) RP with several candidates, electoral campaigns and Meetings. After the merge much of that died down. Stiara, former Akenak of Dyron, applied for appointment months ago, but no assembly has been set since to introduce her, to see the patriots who would act as guarantors for her.

So I do not think that you can just get the Akenak title back you had before the merge on Arispotle (I do not recall you as Akenak since then). But it would be great if you could act as Akenak of Pyr, at least in case we find 2 or 3 anglophone Fyros Patriots willing at least to attend the assemblies.


Daomei die Streunerin - religionsneutral, zivilisationsneutral, gildenneutral

#10 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Deutsch | English | Français
Agenda of the assembly of the akenak of Pyr on Pluvia 14, 4th CA 2595 (*)

– Candidacies and appointments
– Reorganization of imperial institutions
– The floor is to the Ambassadors

(*) [OOC] domingo 19 noviembre 2017 20:00:00 UTC (7 años hace)
The assembly will be interrupted to counter an attack in the second half of the evening. Note that from a roleplay point of view, your characters cannot know it in advance. [/OOC]

#11 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
Lykos introduction

oren pyr!

*Looks at the few akenak and patriots who are present, through the dark air.*

We are in a turbulent time. Since Atreus and his trytonnist followers have divided the Patriots and destabilized the Empire, we are weakening and falling asleep in the immobility.
The Marauders are taunting us from their nearby camp, and we have been slow to react.
Are we going to take root like Matis?
What happened to our great ambitions?Where is cal, the strength of the sharük, hiding?
What glory are we chasing after?

*Looks at the akenak and patriots present.*

Your small number in front of me reflects these doubts and the state of the sharük, as well as mine, until today. But it's time to move on!
Fyros, it's time to wake up the Empire! To get it out of his immobility! To give the sharük his strength back! Together! I want you all to be proud to be part of the sharük!

*Raises his fist.*

sharük pyrèkud!

*Waits a little while.*

I know you need action, not long speeches, and you will have some! There's so much to rebuild!
But, in order to move forward, the sharük also needs to surround himself with the best possible men and not withdraw into himself.
I will therefore begin by filling the vacant posts, presenting my reform of the institutions and giving the floor to the Ambassadors.

Candidacies and appointments

Appointment of celiakos Graphybus Ceros as Imperial Councilor, replacing Abycus Zekops:
Since the death of Abycus Zekops, I no longer have an Imperial Councilor. I have just appointed celiakos Graphybus Ceros to this position.

of Xinna Cekaps and Melossen Aerus as celiakos:
Since Graphybus Ceros will become an Imperial Advisor, a celiakos position has become vacant. The two candidates for this position are Xinna Cekaps and Melossen Aerus.
I will soon seek the advice of the Patriots before choosing between them.

Candidacy of Stiara for a post of akenak:
Dyron's akenak position is vacant. Dios Apotheps, Celiakos de Dyron, supports the candidacy of Patriot Stiara. Is she present in the audience to introduce herself to me?

(Stiara was not there, so is invited to come to next assembly.)

Candidacy of Naveruss as ambassador to the Theocracy and the Federation:
Ibiphan Dynix, Celiakos de Thesos, supports the double candidacy of Patriot Naveruss Kynigrips for the post of Ambassador to the Theocracy and the Federation.Is Naveruss Kynigrips present in the audience to introduce herself to me?[i]

(Naveruss has been nominated Ambassador to Federation and Theocracy.)

[/i]Reorganization of imperial institutions

Let's move on to reforming the Imperial Institutions.

*Shakes his fists.*
I can't bear to see how slowly imperial files are being processed! Look at the Abycus Zekops and Thulam Cekaps case! The ineffectiveness of Xalis Perimenix, the celiakos in charge of the investigation, is second to none. A celiakos and his sister, both of Abycus's family, also interfered with the investigation. This is unacceptable!

Until then, the investigator was always a member of the Senate, and the judge was the Academician in charge of the Chair of Justice.

Starting from now, Justice becomes an institution in its own right, on equal footing with the Senate, the Academy and the Army.
I'm appointing Aeryx Xan as head of justice. He will have to submit to me as soon as possible his proposal for the organisation of this new institution.

For more details on the new organization of Imperial Institutions, please refer to the document published for that purpose. (HRP: forum: https://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/27854/1 / wiki: https://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/Imperial_Institutional_Organisation).

But I won't wait any longer! I myself am taking over the investigation so that it can be completed quickly. I will ask my Graphybus Ceros Advisor to write and publish a summary of the facts related to this double inquiry. And we will continue it together soon.

The sharük needs to know what's happening elsewhere on Atys. The ambassadors have the floor.

(A messenger from the Thesos Defensetower warns Lykos that Thesos is being attacked and that guards positioned at the Tower have been overwhelmed. Lykos and the attendees teleport to counter the marauder attack.
They succeed to defeat the Marauders but after a long fight.
Lykos is furious and demands that the security of Thesos be reinforced: construction of other towers and reinforcement of the guard.)

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Ghost of Atys (7 años hace)

#12 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français
Agenda of the assembly of the akenak of Pyr on 16h - Tria, Thermis 9, 4th AC 2595(*)

– Defense of Thesos

– The floor is open to the Ambassadors

– Status of the investigation about Abycus Zekops murder and Thulam Cekaps death

[OOC] On jueves 23 noviembre 2017 20:00:00 UTC (7 años hace).

#13 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | English | Français

Defense of Thesos

oren pyr!

Patriots, Desert inhabitants,

Have you seen it? Did you see how these vile marauders dared to attack Thesos? This is unacceptable!

Thesos is the shield of the Empire and the city almost fell in just a few hours?! Our defence tower did not defend anything at all and that is unacceptable!

So I ordered Messedos Syagrus to lead the construction of other towers, or even to connect them if necessary. He will contact you shortly to give you his instructions.

I also direct gladumakos Ibiritis Ibirus, the strategos of Thesos, to assign more guards to these towers when they are built.

Finally, we cannot let the Marauders' affront pass without reacting! So I call on the Patriots and the inhabitants of the Desert to organize as soon as possible an attack on their miserable camp, and to show them what it costs to attack the Empire!

Candidacies and appointments

Let's move on to the applications.
Dyron's akenak position is still open. Dios Apotheps, Celiakos de Dyron, supports the candidacy of Patriot Stiara. This time, is she present in the audience?

Stiara is there.
Finally you're here!
Dios Apotheps has told me the greatest good of you, assuring me that even if you are not Fyros of sap, you have shown to all that your heart is fyros and that you are worthy to serve the Empire again.
Can you tell me more about what you have achieved as an akenak? And what are your ambitions for Dyron if you become one again?

Stiara explains she has initiated the Outback Drill project when she was akenak, and would like to contribute to Dyron's rise.

Is there in the assistance of the inhabitants of Dyron to support his candidacy?
sigh at me.

celiakos Dios Apotheps tells again she support the candidate.

As a normal person, I couldn't accept it without support other than celiakos. But Dyron's situation is special, and the city needs an active akenak to help it to become competitive and participate again in the life of the sharük.
Stiara, I name you again akenak of Dyron, and entrust you with this task.

Stiara goes on the stage to take place with akenak Azazor.


Ambassador Naveruss gave news of the Jungle, with the goo's progress. Lykos asks her to tell the Theocracy that the Empire will help with the goo issue.
She also gave news about the Federation, who has recruited special guards against Marauders, and who have judged an old Marauder.

Review of the investigation into the murder of Abycus Zekops and the death of Thulam Cekaps

<<< Read the report >>>

Editado 4 veces | Última edición por Ghost of Atys (7 años hace)

#14 Multilingüe 

Bring extra guards with you cause you will need it as we you have seen we are not many but we can make rain blood in desert o any where we wish,with arms in our hands we wait for you all.


From past we learn,present we live and future we make:))

#15 Multilingüe 

Multilingüe | Deutsch | English | Français
Agenda of the assembly of the akenak of Pyr - 16h - Quinteth, Frutor 29, 4th AC 2595 (*)

Public part at Agora:
Launch of the construction of a second defence tower.

Closed session at Imperial Palace

Continuation of the investigation concerning the death of Abycus Zekops.

(*) [OOC] lunes 27 noviembre 2017 20:00:00 UTC (7 años hace) [/OOC]

Editado 2 veces | Última edición por Ghost of Atys (7 años hace)

Last visit martes 10 septiembre 04:01:23 UTC

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