

#16 [de] 

Karu (atys)
Syphox (atys)
here is a small script to check the validation of the guild key. change the old one to this
Please don't do that. That results you requesting xml twice.

Check errors after you download the xml. API key can expire, can be regenerated or there might be server side cache hiccup that gives temporal error.

it should be use to add a key with a form script to a database or file. it shouldn't be used with every call request. :)

i use this function only, when guild members want add a new key in a form script, to check, if the key is valid and when it's valid, then it will be save into a database.

for this example:

Edited 2 times | Last edited by Syphox (1 десятилетие назад)

#17 [en] 

Karu (atys)
… item icon generator is up …
Do you have the url for this to share?

Also, I was wondering, if it could be possible to add the header:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *
I am making a JavaScript based app to view character and guild from the api, and want the app to query the api directly, so nothing is stored on my server.


regards Drogos



#18 [en] 

Hi Karu, can you enlighten us about the key visualization/modification permissions
for the guild ? I got a case where an officer could see the key and im not sure this is right.


Last edited by Dinorath (1 десятилетие назад)

#19 [en] 

Dinorath (atys)
Hi Karu, can you enlighten us about the key visualization/modification permissions
for the guild ? I got a case where an officer could see the key and im not sure this is right.

Guild leader and high officers can create/modify api keys, all guild members can see them.

Open for suggestions.



#20 [en] 

Drogos (atys)
Karu (atys)
… item icon generator is up …
Do you have the url for this to share?
url is http://api.ryzom.com/item_icon.php, parameters are same as old api and described in http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom-api/wiki/ItemIcon

Drogos (atys)
Also, I was wondering, if it could be possible to add the header:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *



#21 [en] 

Very nice, thank you Karu!

I registered on the wiki (http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom-api/wiki) to help update the docs there. Seems like there might be additional access that is needed to be able to update. I can help update that one if wanted :)



#22 [en] 

Drogos (atys)
I registered on the wiki (http://dev.ryzom.com/projects/ryzom-api/wiki) to help update the docs there.

Thanks, but thats is old wiki.

New one is probably going to be located at RyzomCoreWiki, but there is still time for that.



#23 [en] 

Karu (atys)
Dinorath (atys)
Hi Karu, can you enlighten us about the key visualization/modification permissions
for the guild ? I got a case where an officer could see the key and im not sure this is right.

Guild leader and high officers can create/modify api keys, all guild members can see them.

Open for suggestions.


Id like to see what other think about it, but Id restrict the visibility to leaders and HOs. Because if some member quit to another guild he could take the key, and we would have to generate new ones for every member that leave to be on the safe side.

#24 [en] 

Hi, I am th GL of Pulse. When I go to http://app.ryzom.com/app_ryzomapi/ I can only create key for this toon, not for the guild. If I go to the creation of toon key, and change the type in the url to "g", the form changes to guild form, but when I then click submit, I get the following error "{invalid-apikey-type}" in red text on top of the form.

Last edited by Xiena (1 десятилетие назад)

#25 [en] 

Xiena (atys)
Hi, I am th GL of Pulse. When I go to http://app.ryzom.com/app_ryzomapi/ I can only create key for this toon, not for the guild.

I'm not sure what the issue is. If you have access to guild forums and have admin privileges there, then RyzomAPI app should see you as guild leader aswell.

Try accessing api app from ingame, type /appzone 928, see if that fixes the issue outgame aswell.



#26 [en] 

Dinorath (atys)
Id like to see what other think about it, but Id restrict the visibility to leaders and HOs. Because if some member quit to another guild he could take the key, and we would have to generate new ones for every member that leave to be on the safe side.

Yep, makes sense. Officer/Member do not see guild keys anymore.



#27 [en] 


Im not sure if im doing something wrong, but Im getting a "<error>guild data is not initialized</error>" after some time when downloading the xml via crontab. Ill dig into that later, but if you have any tip regarding the error it would help :D

Thanks again

#28 [en] 

Dinorath (atys)

Im not sure if im doing something wrong, but Im getting a "<error>guild data is not initialized</error>" after some time when downloading the xml via crontab. Ill dig into that later, but if you have any tip regarding the error it would help :D
Temporary server side cache hickup. Wait 10 sec and try again.

Also, if you or anyone else is needs to pull more than one key, then you can do it in one request:
http://api.ryzom.com/character.php?apikey[]=key1&apikey[]=key 2
same for guild keys. Later you sort them by apikey attribute.



#29 [en] 

Great! Thanks.

#30 [de] 

Dinorath (atys)

Im not sure if im doing something wrong, but Im getting a "<error>guild data is not initialized</error>" after some time when downloading the xml via crontab. Ill dig into that later, but if you have any tip regarding the error it would help :D

Thanks again

its maybe better to check for error first before downloading xml file. when an error appears, then shouldn't download xml, you can use your downloaded file while server is down or caching :)

there are only 2 errors i saw

<error>guild data is not initialized</error> -> is caching
<error>invalid key</error> -> key not valid or exist
Last visit Суббота, 15 Февраля 01:34:18 UTC

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