
#1 [en] 

Stuck up in the Cities of Intuition

The marauder known as Ezek, from the Clan de la Sève Noire / Black Sap Clan, will appear in Laï-Le ban to face the accusations of murder attempt on the person of the Sage Sorrow, of murder on the person of Initiate Pao-Len, abduction on Zoraï Xiao-Mei, torture, use of Zoraïs for dubious experiments, and more generally of robery and pilfering. Laï-le Ban will take place on Folially 12, 2nd CA, 2575 at 21:00.

Sunday, 13 October 2013 19:00:00 UTC (1 decade ago)
To understand how this specific assembly takes place, here is a useful link (in French - if possible, I'll try to give a summary in English before the event):

Last edited by Syphilin (1 decade ago)

#2 [en] 

Translation of the first part of the link to Laï-le Ban description

In zoraï justice, there isn’t really such a thing as a trial. What acts as such is a ceremony called Laï-le Ban (which means “the ceremony where light appears”). It takes place in two steps :
1. first one is called Taki néwang Ban ( “the ceremony of the talk without pass”);
2. second one, after deliberation (this one more informal) is called Taki laïwang ban (“the ceremony of the talk of the light pass”)
Laï-le ban takes place in the assembly places which are also used as bar, and relies on the four areas cutting.

Short presentation

As often with Zoraïs, spirituality shows in this aspect of their life. They consider that the disorders which trouble civil society have to be treated as a whole. Even a serious crime isn’t considered as a single event, but as a general offence.
It is hence a ceremony that aims at finding again an harmonious state for the society. The main officiate is the Kai-ho (“the one who sees, who looks”). He’s the highest authority during the talks and serves as mediator. He holds authority for the time of the ceremony.
The one who is at the origin of the disorder, who may be found guilty eventually, and whose case is to be investigated, is called the Pai-ho (“the one who causes worry”). He’s there to see in what he’s responsible, and to determine a possible way for him to reform.
The ceremony takes place in two steps.

First part is an open debate between two groupes, the Kastu De-ho’i (“the ones who show the shield, the defenders”) and the Nanka De-ho’i (“the ones who show the staff, the accusers”). They do it before the Taki-ho’i (“the ones who talk”), Sages and Awakeneds, whose mission will be to propose a solution (and a possible punishment, if it is found necessary). It has to be mentioned that zoraïs Initiates can move from the accusing row to the defender one, and the other way round, as long as they have something to say there. They can question anyone, bring elements, or witnesses… The expected aim is to look at all the aspects of the problem, and try to light up all its developments.

The second part is the announce of the decision taken by the Taki-ho’i, Sages and Awakened, after they discussed it among them, publicly or privately (no specific rule). Their decision has the force of the law, but doesn’t create any jurisprudence. Zoraïs consider that each disorder needs a personal and specific consideration.

Last edited by Baboc (1 decade ago)

#3 [en] 

Deleted by Syphilin (1 decade ago)

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