
#1 Reportar | CitarMultilingüe 

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[Fyros, Matis, Trykers, Zoraï event] Congress of Kitinology (1st day)

Creator of the event: Event Team.
Type of event: Assembly interrupted by a more “active” episode.
Appropriate levels: All.

Date of the event: martes 30 enero 2018 20:00:00 UTC (7 años hace).
Expected duration: Two hours.
Meeting place: Pyr, first floor of the Academy building.

Homins concerned: All but Marauders.
Synopsis: The Congress of Kitinology opens in Pyr. Tao Sian, Daeronn Cegrips, Mona di Fareni and Dixie Keale are expected to attend.
To learn more: #3

Última edición por Tamarea (7 años hace)


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)

#2 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

oren pyr, deles silam, woha, lordoy.

Je cherche 1 ou 2 lucios de Daeronn Cegrips et de Mona di Fareni présents lors de ce congrès. Donc si vous avez des lucios à partager c'est le bon moment. En vous remerciant.
Looking for 1 or 2 Lucios Daeronn Cegrips and Mona di Fareni present at this conference. So if you have lucios to share it's the right time. Thank you.


Mak i Talash
Refyia Abydeps

#3 Reportar | Citar[fr] 

En tout cas les deux font peur à voir. L'un est tout maigrichon, et l'autre, ben c'est une matis.


fyros pure sève
akash i orak, talen i rechten!
Last visit lunes 16 septiembre 12:16:13 UTC

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