RYZOM FORGE - Ryzom Community Forum https://app.ryzom.com//app_forum/ Thu, 23 Jan 2025 01:15:10 +0000 ryApp::FeedBuilder 15 RYZOM FORGE - Ryzom Community Forum https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum//images/rz_ryzom_logo-144x47.png https://app.ryzom.com//app_forum/ <![CDATA[patching failed]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/31647/2#204468 Wed, 16 Jun 2021 15:38:44 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/204468 Khandoma <![CDATA[Report of Ryzom Forge's meeting - 8th of june 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/23048/1#157175 Sun, 14 Jun 2015 10:22:18 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/157175 Communication & Marketing group

Agenda: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/156895

1-New teaser for Ryzom
EveNArtworkS just offered us a new (and really nice) teaser for Ryzom. This video will be released very soon. A BIG thanks to him!

2-Ryzom on Steam Greenlight
Your feedbacks have been taken into acount and the cover screen has been changed.
Other videos will be added once our listing done, including the new teaser.

3-Census of the creations around Ryzom to highlight them

Starts for lists to be completed by everyone:
Video creations: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22963/
Graphical creations: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22962/
Written creaztions: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22965/
Audio creations:  http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22964/
I'll need your help to fill these lists, then they can better be highlighted.

I'll publish on a regular basis a creation "around Ryzom". Two have already been published on Twitter and Facebook, these are fan arts: "Run" by Karrakas and "Lylanea" by Altamira:: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Ryzom/133886620535?ref=bookmarks / https://twitter.com/ryzom.
It would be great if Facebook and Twitter users could like / retwitt / share more of the Ryzom publications. Viral marketting goes also through social networks.

(See http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22830/ )
Nothing new.

5-Ryzom Forge's wiki
We'd need contributors to write our progresses there.

6- Progress/work ideas: feedbacks from a player
<Tamarea> I've copied/pasted the feedback of a player about the game, with his agreement. There are several interesting ideas on which Ryzom Forge could work, especially listing all the pages about Ryzom which a potential player could read, and which are out of date / to be updated: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/23015/ 
I'd liked to get answers to this post, it would have been useful tonight. It would need also to be translated in DE and FR.

<Osquallo> Removing the wiki and replacing with the forum might be a problem. A welcome section in the forum could be a good idea

<Lyne> *Lyne: I'm thinking of the post by Feylin about "how to chose your guild", it would be fine in a welcome section.

<Zatalyz> I quite like the idea of a welcome section.

<Hann> Another advantage of a section of this kind would be to have an estimation of the number of newcomers. Not for the regular players, but for the people considering playing Ryzom and wondering if there still have players on it.

<Tamarea> Adding such a forum would be easy and quick. We'd need then to publish there what could be useful to newcomers, and especially answer them quickly, for them to feel that the community is welcoming.

=> A "Welcome" forum has just been created.]]>
<![CDATA[Report: Ryzom Forge meeting -25th of may 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/23017/1#156908 Sun, 07 Jun 2015 00:16:07 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/156908 Artist group

City banners

Some banners can already be create by graphic designers: Crystabell, Windermeer, Jen-Lai (as on the screen but on white instead of purple), Min-Cho (resume the proposed screen for Zora to Min-Cho).

[Remigra] I'll be happy to create the icons of the banner when they are known. I have the graphic Forge forum uploaded something to look for already, as an example: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22777/12#12. The arms are ansich like, the background was added only for better visual representation. I Belase everything always einzelsekmenten in several stores and step, so you can edit quickly, or change. The symbols themselves are individually, the background was ^^ added only for better visual representation. I belasee everything always in several individual steps and step storages, so that you can edit quickly, or change.

[Remigra] A question which will be used for banner in Matis as a 3D element? I want to know if a new 3D object is created Banne for the city, or whether the national flags are used? If the existing countries are used banner stands, the realization is possible faster. I mean the 4 nationwide stand banner, which can be seen on the Forge page! (http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/Projet_Graphique - look for "banner").
Matis city banner: https://lut.im/eHdE0e8z/rXkcaZB6.

[Wiedii] Initially, there were supposed to "be banners" (without flags) for the guilds, with their symbol... they have even been modelised. You probably have already seen them: they're used as "staffs" by the CSRs... I'd like, for me, for these banners to be used for their initial role... But it will be up to Winchgate.
For example, here is the Tryker banner: https://lut.im/9lp85EY4/qMcDeqCb
The fyros one : https://lut.im/JRwF2YJ8/wRDpHjg0.
Here is the zorai: https://lut.im/EG3EiVmx/m1j5rzb and the "common/tribe": https://lut.im/ldCvIAdG/5xkrxXmu/
As mentionned on the artwork, the were supposed to show the logo of each guild: https://lut.im/eHdE0e8z/rXkcaZB6 (matis city banner).]]>
<![CDATA[Report of Ryzom Forge's meeting - 1st of june 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/23016/1#156899 Sat, 06 Jun 2015 21:50:26 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/156899 Translation group


Good news: Tamarea received an application e-mail from a translator to Russian (to which she still haven't answered yet because she was sick).
Most important translations should be again be done in russian!

We're still looking for translators / correctors to English (3 FR => EN), to German (2), to Spanish (2), to Russian (2) and to French (2).

Naema was insterested in proofreading (EN) last week. But Lyne doesn't know if it was only on Wiki or on Ryzom also.

Lore group

1-Wiki lore: work on the chronicles and the tribes

[Zendae] Everything is progressing slow but steady. Regarding the translation, when I'm importing a chronicle I don't consider yet if it is done in the other languages. Well, I shortly stopped doing it, it was already difficult to assimilate the FR organisation. First thing, have the pages entered, Then plub-up the organisation. It remains something of a low rythme, something like a page a day. If others enjoy reading the Lore, there's work left to do. :)

2- Moving the documents from the Kaghanat wiki to the one of RF: what do we do?

[Zatalyz] I hope we can discuss it a bit here. As Zendae mentionned it to me, writing twice the articles would also require to pass on the changes on both sides. It will be a lot of work to create, then to maintain. I belive the most "economical" way (to to spare the volunteers) would be to mage pages with a link to the other wiki. For example, a page on "creating a mission" on the RF wiki, which lists all the pages allowing to do that on the Khaganat wiki (with keywords to find the page).

[Osquallo] There's nothing preventing someone to migrate everything on RF if one has the time one day.  But I'd be in favour of creating the next ones on RF side. It's more directly related to this side. : If there is the opportunity of course.
[Zatalyz] Osquallo: on the question "on which wiki it will be", it will depend on who's writing the documentation... I prefer for the documentation to be done, without constraining on one system or the other, due to the syntax differences.

[Tamarea] How to manage the translations?
[Zatalyz] There's everything needed to translate on Khaganat. There's already EN/FR, other langages can be added easily if we have translators (It will take me 30 minutes, time to find back the right option ^^). Zatalyz: And it's a wiki, so everyone can correct :) (you just need to register, because of bots... sorry). For example, on a page such as this one  https://khaganat.net/wikhan/en:primitivemissiondocdestroy_item: at the top right corner of the page, there's something to change the language, and move to the FR version of the article (this one is translated :p ) : *a drop-down menu.

[Zorroargh] As for the translations, we have too few resources. I believe we should give priority to English for the technical documentations: developers are already used to english jargon. And save the other translations to what is "history": lore, events, etc.
[Remigra] A beautiful site, not very helpful but unfortunately for me, as I'll probably not really understand it myself in German ^^ I think if I would understand, I would much further ^^  but I meant as the previous speaker, that they must be in English, after all, this is the most understood language. so before Ranging.
[Lyne] I don't fully agree that the technical documentation shouldn't be translated in other languages thant EN. First, there are people not fluent enough in English, but who could help, even without being developers themselves. Second, as a translator, I sometime appreciate translating technical things: it's often simpler than convoluted chronicles.
[Zorroargh] I wanted to precise that I didn't say that it was not to be translated. I'm a lot more at ease and efficient in FR than in EN. But if we're low on people, we'll have to give priority to the translations effort where the players understand less (stories), and give priority to English for technical documentations. I don't wish it but it's a technical analysis: there are too few of us.
[Remigra] Now we see it that way, Latin is the language of mediziener, and english is actually the language of the devs, if I'm not mistaken (world ^^) certainly I would wish the translation of technical things, I also spoke to others, but as already mentioned, we have a few recorcen and have in this regard unfortunately make concessions: / We are no longer limited to devs from a country, which is why it is the Common Language is to use I think. and this is in dev beings after all the English I mean.

[Osquallo] I'm in favour of writing first on RF if possible and add a link. Anyhow, even when translating, it's not instantaneous, so we'll need a link to the original page
 *Zorroargh nods in agreement.
[Osquallo] : The Khanat > RF link is less problematic. Peoples from Khanat know they'll come on RF, but the topic is Ryzom and these pages are useful to all the ones approaching Ryzom. So that's were it should mainly be findable.

[Lyne] I come back to the first question: writing the pages twice, or giving a link. I think the link is a more efficient solution. Whatever its direction (Kh -> RF or RF -> Kh). But I see one advantage at writing the pages twice. Not doing it systematically, but giving the opportunity. There are people who come on this channel or the forum syaing "I don't know anything but I want to help". Let's propose to them to migrate these pages: the list is known. It will allow them to discover the wiki syntax. And then they can move to the chronicles. Or the code... It's making them enter in the RF world.

[Tamarea] So we have three choices:
1-Move everything from the Khaganat wiki to the RF one.
2-Let the already written documents on Khaganat and just add the links on RF + continue writing these documents on Khaganat.
3-Let the already written documents on RF + write the next ones on RF (with a link to Khaganat).
 I agree with Osquallo in the idea that all documents regarding Ryzom sholud be first written on RF wiki, which is the central wiki of this free project (as much as its equivalent on Ryzom Core side).
[Lyne] Et 4 - Laisser les documents déjà écrits + écrire les prochains où on veut (selon celui qui les écrit) mais en pensant à mettre un lien de l'autre côté.

[Zatalyz] On my side... Thanks for tonight talk, it helps me seeing more clearly. I agree on the fact that if it regards Ryzom, it's better on Ryzom. But I also know that we'll have more work done by giving a choice to peoples. Zatalyz: I'm in favour on solution 4, by moving myself to make the links, it should be fine... And I will also write the tutorial on how to transfer from one wiki to the other. As Lyne said it, it's a good start for the ones who don't know what to do.  So, it won't necessarily be in two-copies soon (maybe never), but it will be possible. *Zatalyz: And I'm not in favor of a "transfer", in the sense of "everything on one side or the other exclusively".  Repetition also allows to increase the chances for it to remain online. And I also hope that the differences which will appear (in the style, in the details) will allow the ones who are searching to find "their" way. Myself, when following a technical tutorial, I always have several sources to hand, between  which I alternate ^^ We don't have to get a pure clone...

[Zorroargh] I just wanted to draw attention on the fact that double maintenance would also require resources. I'm a lot more in favour of having only one version wherever it is. That's all. (Even if I'm sharing Zatalyz point of view regarding the perfect clones).
[Tamarea] Zorroargh: any preference on where to put this version?
[Zorroargh] RF from my point of view.

3-Home page, portals, categories, and contents of the DE, EN, EF, FR and RU Lore wikis

The FR Lore wiki is going fine, but it's the only one: without administrators and contributors, the DE, EN, ES and RU wikis will die. And havint only one FR wiki is not to be wished for a multilingual community.  It is urgent for volunteers to make themselves known!
[Osquallo] Just wanted to say that I discussed in game with EN and DE who would have liked to get all the chronicles and events we had on our side, translated in their language
[Tamarea] With more translators, it would become possible. But we also need absolutely administrators and contributors for these wikis.  Zendae finds that adding a text per day is few, but it means 30 per month, incidentally! If the EN and DE chronicles (already translated) were moved on the wiki and added in categorieds, it would be a good start.]]>
<![CDATA[Report: Ryzom Forge meeting -18th of may 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22950/6#156423 Sun, 24 May 2015 01:12:47 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/156423
Contente de voir que ryzom prend de l'ampleur :)

Et désolé de mon absence enorme, pour raison de santé

A bientot

Des que je serai de nouveau en bonne santé

Bonne salutation a toute l'equipe anime, csr et ryzomien

groupe centor]]>
<![CDATA[Report - Ryzom Forge meeting - 11th of may 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22919/4#156139 Sun, 17 May 2015 13:55:18 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/156139 Level Design

[Tamarea]  The Dev is working thoroughly to develop the Ark missing modules, to allow the Arkitects to script the rites written by the Level Design. It was quite long to start the engine because of the Ark modules which had to be created by the dev, but once strated, it should run quite fast.

[PtitBill] The missions workflow should be released "very soon".  It will allow everyone to help us.]]>
<![CDATA[Report - Ryzom Forge meeting - 4th of may 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22897/1#155958 Wed, 13 May 2015 23:05:29 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/155958 Communication Group

Zatalyz has started a subject on the forum, to see if people would be interested in the backstages of the game (interviews), but it didn't get any answer: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22830/155345#155345

- To hep with the communication, there is the forum (http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=forum/view/3918 ), with some good ideas, and Ryzo Forge's IRC channel.
- Don't hesitate to ask the teams about the content which could be published on the official website: Artworks, 3D or 2D WIP, main additions of the Lore to the wiki, big incoming events... We'd need for the official site and the Facebook page to have regular content.
- Remigra wrote a nice text on the forum. With the translation. It can be sent on English and French speaking sites, if someone is interested

The anonymous of the group
Communciation is quite a huge field. Actually, the people who take time to welcome newomers on Silan, the ones who speak on the generic MMORPG forums, etc, are acting as communicators, be them aware of it or not. Or by taking time to see how the teams are working, motivating the ones who're there to work. There are in every linguistic community some "exchanges helpers", but few of them want an official role. Nonetheless, they're doing much without appearing to.

Official site
[Zatalyz] The official site can be changed, except for the forum? I thought changing some pages was blocked? If nothing changed lately, we're really stuck on this. By the way, the disclaimer and CGU (using conditions?) have still not been added on the official site... 

Event Group 

Nothing new.

Lore Group

Lore wiki
- The topics about the two previous tribes are done (but not officially validated yet), the work about the tribe of the Hamazans of the Deed is at the last step of writing, and the next tribes on the shelf are: Shadow Runners and Ecowarriors.
- The graphic team is finishing, for the Lore team, a validation stamp which will ornate the wiki articles validated by the members of the Lore validation. It's a WIP, but it should look a bit like this: https://lut.im/mLiTCOIe/2lFrEHdk (it's forbidden to use it without the authorisation of said validators, who should be 4, under NDA).

Primary Lore
- On the NDA side, there are three members working on the "primary" Lore in oder to settle the Lore more precisely, and give it the foundations it deserves. This in close relationships with the small part of original authors of the Lore, in order to keep (and sometime come back to) the original spirit of the Lore (said "monkial", for the initiates).
- The NDA team working on the "primary" and the RF Lore volunteers are then both taking the Lore by an end, to recreate a complete lorian corpus, and meet in the middle, the whole of it under the leadership and validation of the 4 validators (the ones with the stamp).

Support Group

[Tiximei] No special requests from the support team. We are really happy to watch the activity in the ryzom forge project and cheer on you all. The support team is not so much about instigating changes, but to take care of the player with the ever changing world of Atys. What the support team really needs is to be made aware of changes and events going on at any given time.

Translation Team

Translation of the rites
[Wiedii] The ARK team would like for an English translation of the rites to be done BEFORE the Level Design gives them. So with the risk that you may sometimes have to adjust the dialogs later, so work again on the translation. Does it bother you or do you prefer to have everything at the end, once it's stabilised?
[Drumel] I'd prefer to have the things bit by bit.
[Lyne] Same as Drumel: I'd prefer to do it gradually, even if I've got to redo it sometimes, rather than having to do everything at the same time. It may mean more works in the end, but it's easier to include it in my schedule.

Translation of Lore wiki
- Please wait for the Lore articles on the public wiki to have the validation stamps, since even if they are published on the wiki, they can still change.
- Having an easy list of articles to translate on the wiki, with priorities, would be fine. Currently, eveything is a bit in a mess, and you never know where to start.]]>
<![CDATA[Log - Ryzom Forge meeting - 27th of april 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22847/1#155476 Sun, 03 May 2015 22:18:26 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/155476 Level Design group

*Wiedii: Level Design team is currently working on two things: rites and missions.
The "Rites" project, alas, has to wait for the development of new ARK tools so that the ARK team can start writing the script, and give feedbacks on the the methodology and the presentation in the development of other future Rites. It's the "Verdant Heights" Rite which is putting up with early problems. The next 3 ones will progress more quickly. These 3 other Rites are already quite advanced, without progressing for the last few weeks alas (Ptitbill and myself not being available, and waiting for feedbacks from ARK team).
Regarding the Mission part, the "workflow" document (the process and the rules) to write a Mission is under proof-reading. Once validated, this document will be translated, and all the volunteers wanting to join in writing Missions will be welcome... It should be a matter of days.
Ptibill is aslo working on a proposal for a new occupation, but it's just a first draft for now.

<Goki_ET> regarding waiting for feedback, before continueing > please feel free to continue working on the ideas and development for the next rites, the ark team will catch up once the needed tools are ready :)

<talkIRC> question on rites: what type of feedback is needed? testing? i have both a player and GM account on the yubo and would be happy to help with testing.  for missions i await the "workflow" document to know the guide lines.
*Wiedii: For TalkIRC: we're just waiting for he ARK team to start transforming blueprints into ARK scripts, in order to know if our work is matching what they're waiting for, there's nothing to test for now... the tests will be done by the ARK team

<Remigra> was an irc meeting with ptit and co, which was already announced last times? and when will now be inm irc chat? Mean for the creation of missions. Is there something fixed? time and day?
*Wiedii: The LD team includes Ptitbill and myself, and you can find us on this channel, and on #ryzomleveldesign. There has been no meeting for now, since we were waiting for the workflow documlent to be ready. Nothing fixed for now, but it would be a good idea... Since Ptitbill isn't there, I prefer not to give a date, but I'll ask him for us to organise this. But we have first to wait for the workflow document to be validated. We'll write the date on the forum Remigra.

Artists group

<Wiedii> The marauder drill is still on the shelf, with other projects.

*YannK: I got from Cerulean a texture to create a ranger standard-bearer. I'll see if I can make esaily a .shape from it, but I don't master the specific process on 3DSMax. We already have the .shape, it's just a matter of applying the texture, so I'll cheat a bit by using the set-ups of the other standard-bearer (the one of the OP), hoping it'll work. I'll keep you informed.

*YannK: On the other hand, I'm still studying the particles system and since KaizeFx doesn't seem to have time anymore, I can give a try on the effect for a mara teleport.But I need directives from the LD/anims/lore master/designers... 'cause I'm no graphic designer.
*Wiedii: I can help you on this, we'll talk about it in private if you want.
<talkIRC> i spoke with kaizeFX (i was the person to direct him to the forge teams) and it was discussed that a possible animation based on the madness and fear animations was his project plan, i've not seen him in game or on IRC in some time so i have no idea of his progress or if he will return.
<YannK> With a mercurial deposit, we could have continued his work.
talkIRC> The marauder players that we (kaizefx and myself) spoke with about this idea was well liked over-all, the last he had told me he was going to attempt to start then animation with the madness cloud and as that faded and the player "vanished" the fear animation would would fill the location they were. I agree yannk that a central location of all works of this type would help to share the work should a member leave.

*YannK: Finally, I ask again solemnly: could we have a centralised deposit where to put our works (such as a mercurial deposit), it would be much practical.

*Wiedii: More generally, there's a problem with the graphics team. Actually, I believe (but I may be wrong) that there currently isn't really a team, nor dedicated tools.
*YannK: Indeed Wiedii. We've got to use 3DSMax (and an old version, furthermore) and a dedicated plugin, so it's not easy to find volunteers.
<Lyne> *YannK: Supporting pirating is out of the question, so ti restricts, of course. The licence is 3900€, just a reminder.
<Remigra> Is it possible for students to get a 3dsmax lizent, free but limited 3 years I believe.
*Wiedii: It's a bit late, and it probably doesn't affect everyone here, but I think we should discuss the needs, and the organisation, an evening here, on the #ryzomgraphic channel.  We'll speak on #ryzomgraphic about our needs and the organisation we'll install to structure this team.

Remigra> team in matters graphics. Even if I do not get along with 3dsmax. For help when creating icons or textures I am prepared to dds format for each. simply write ingame.
*Wiedii: Ok, thanks Remigra. On short term, we'll always find someone to export to the formats handled by NeL, but in the futur proper plugins to create from free softwares will be necessary, yes... but we'll need voluntary dev to work on it.
*Goki : Mon seul commentaire pour l'instant : les images statiques des organigrammes seraient mieux au format text, pour que ce texte soit sélectionnable.
<wiedii> J'ai à présent un outil pour extraire le contenu texte.
<Lyne> *Goki : Ca sera utile.
<wiedii> ok, je vais essayer de voir pour que ce soit traduit rapidement alors.

Ark team

<Goki_ET> Work is still on going on Ark itself, but the new UI is now much more usable. Work on the Encyclopedia rites will commence as soon as a few key modules are ready (v4 Dialogue mainly). I will prepare the first first rite, so it can be used as an example for others to assist in writing the other rites following.
*Wiedii: Does it mean that the diagrams you receive suit you? Can we continue this rite and the other ones on this way?
<Goki_ET> my only comment for now: static images of the flowcharts would be better in a text format, so that text could be selectable ;)
<wiedii> I have now a tool to extract the text content
<Goki_ET> that will be useful
*Wiedii: Ok, i'll try to see for it to be translated quickly then.

<Goki_ET> For those interested in assisting, the Ark team has been given a small project to work on, which I plan to use to help some learn the basics of ark, and maybe a little fun along the way. The event team has OK'd for us to design and build an automated event for the next Anlor winn - it must still be validated of course. There will be a post on the forums, arrangeing a meeting to start this process, so if anyone wants to take part, get your thinking caps on and keep an eye on the forums for more news.
<talkIRC> sounds like fun, and i'd love to learn ark a little better as well.
<Goki_ET> it is important to say, that spoilers will be inevitable, and for those who take part, to remember to not spoil things for others who'd like to stay surprised, and also to not take advantage of "insider knowledge" once the event goes live.
<talkIRC> possible that there could be a NDA? (non-disclosure agreement) to help prevent spoilers and the like.
<Goki_ET> well, all of the Forge project falls under this general idea really.
<talkIRC> i believe that would be a fair requirement to taking part in the project, given that it will be "open to everyone" perhaps a clause for this should be stated... just a thought.

Dev group

*YannK: Wiedii: if some Dev have time, RC needs people to help setting up / debugging Ryzom Core Studio. It's the tool used to edit the particle system and partly to work on the graphics.

*Wiedii: Does someone have an idea on the need mentionned by YannK: a Blender to NeL plugin ?
YannK: Wiedii: Kaetemi is the one on RC who knows best the pipeling, I believe, and he had proposed to check the feasibility already.  Kaetemi : did you had some time to study the feasability/time needed/ cost of a blender plugin to replace 3DSMax one ?
<Kaetemi> YannK: basic export functionality for static model with texture is half a week work. Add week or two for skeleton plus vertex weight. Add another week or two for a separate nel material editing tool. Then there's a bunch of additional features like multi-res meshes with LOD etc which probably will take about three weeks to get working and debugged etc. Then there's a shitload of support for animations, including material animations, which i cannot put an estimate on. At this point, still missing is static landscape meshes with lightmapping, clustering, and all that stuff.. but that will need a complete overhaul because it also uses 3dsmax as leveleditor currently.. So estimate 2 000 € / week to be safe. :) And you can calculate what it'd cost depending on what feature you need. :)
<Goki_ET> "to be safe" Safe from what?
<Kaetemi> from running out of time and getting a good dev.
<wiedii> Ok, we'll need to study all this, thanks Kaetemi.

<Goki_ET> There is some work by Ulukyn, that hopefully will allow full ai scripts to be applied to event groups without having to define them with primitives. no ETA on that yet, but combined with Ark, it will allow even more cool things :) ie, make a mob do X when its HP goes below Y. etc.


*Wiedii: In any case, if you have questions, proposals or comments, or f you want to take part in the work of a team, don't hesitate to use the official forum, RyzomForge section, or to ask us in tell, throught IRC, or to ask your question/make your comment here on this channel.]]>
<![CDATA[Report - Ryzom Forge meeting - 20th of april 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22809/1#155202 Sun, 26 Apr 2015 15:47:50 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/155202 Communication group

A new Atys chronicle has just been published on the forum (marauder wedding) and it is in the process of being publicated on the Lore wiki (in English, German, Spanish and French). In a while the beginning of a matis chronical in several parts will be published.
A "Chronicles" sub-forum will also be created in the "roleplay" forum to avoid losing chronicles in the mass of the RP posts.

Event group

Feedback on the Gibad event:
Vaiatua have found the event balanced and dynamic. The attack by the Shadow Runners was an interesting surprise element. The members of the convoy haven't crossed swords with the Antekamis unfortunately... As for the Gibads it was pleasing to learn their language little by little! Vaiatua appreciated that the previous event, where they had fought wild gibbaïs, had an impact on the behavious on the Gibad leader also. The last positivie point is the type of convoy event with a packer mektoub who sometime just is pig-headed, by going to the pond to have a drink for example! And the fact that we had to ask for hay to food it when we stopped at the Hamazans. For the Antekamis, the explanation of the fact they weren't there anymore will come in a few days. Time for Zatalyz to write what happened to them.

Lore group

Lore Wiki
Zorroargh is working mostly on the french wiki http://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/ : Reorganizing the portals, the categories.... it takes long.
Zendae and Vaiatua are working at integrating little by little the migrated documents, for examples the chronicles.
Zendae's contribution to the Lore team centres on introducing the tribes in French: after the Corsairs and Slavers, The Masters of the Goo have their presentation. Coming soon: Hamazans of the Dead Seed and Ecowarriors.

Support group

Nothing new.

Translation group

Nothing new.


Zatalyz: Grats to all of you for the work done. I've just seen the (French) http://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Accueil, and I'm impressed by all the new thiinkgs. I aslo know that some are actively working on the code, the rites. Thanks to all the translators who are helping us communicating and enjoyeing this game together! And if you want to help, and you haven't found your path yet, make yourselves known: there are lots of very different things to do and we can help you find your own way!]]>
<![CDATA[Report - Ryzom Forge meeting - 13th of april 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22701/1#154608 Tue, 14 Apr 2015 09:20:09 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/154608 Level Design Group

New Encyclopedia
[PtitBill] On the Level-Design topic, not much new, we're waiting for the Ark Team for the first rites. We have to organise ourselves in oder to meet on another day than Mondays. As I mentionned on the forum, I'm looking for volunteers to help writing missions. The Zoraï rite is progressing, but slowlier than expected. Ark is also interfering. The missions workflow is being proofread.

Weapons tribe craft plans
[Skeepy] I am checking datas and I have found a whole bunch of weapons tribe craft plans ready to use, they even are translated. They are mainly grade 3 plans of nations with specific bonuses. There is around 50 plans ready to use (to check exactly but I picked some up and they were alright).  And a pinch more to check moreover, as they are not translated I presume they are not finished, but it has to be checked. I gave the list to Tamarea, I think she will forward it to people in charge.
[Virg] Could marauders get a new sheild skin or could the tribe get a new one?
[YannK] It means creating a new texture but also, and especially, a new object .sitem, and hence modifying everywhere in the code to distinguish the calls between the tribe shield and the marauder shield, so it's not as simple as that, and will require some time. It means also creating a new craft stanza, by the way, and so define its addressing. Adding an object which cannot be crafted by the homins is never trivial.

Artist group

Nothing new.

Dev group

Fighting stanzas
[Skeepy] Just for later note/ideas, i have found some entries in the FamilyId of fighting stanzas, probably there to develop some special powers related to grade 3 national weapons. There is room to create and develop new figthing skills to use ie fire on fyros weapons, poison on matis ones and so on. I have not checked yet if it is feasible technically speaking, if some commands can be used for such a use, but I think it could be interesting to let people know first, to see if it can be interesting on a LD/GP.basis
[Goki] such a thing is possible, but may need new code, things like vedice weapons have special code for it.
[Skeepy] There should need new .sbricks of course, but perhaps no new c++ development, I don't know. It could be only new skills, not new feature, if you see what I mean.
[Glorf] If you want to search in the stanzas: http://dsryzom.glorf.fr/liste.php

Test server
[Madi] During the last meeting, I told you about the ongoing work to install a test server. Now, I've installed deposits to make this work accessible and allow everyone to join in:
1) https://bitbucket.org/maadi/packer. This is a template for building a minimal image of the Jessie. I uploaded an image of the virtual machine créated with this script to: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/madi/boxes/jessie-amd64. Note : you can gnerate a virtualbox or kvm virtual machine with this script.
 2) https://bitbucket.org/maadi/vagrant: This second repository hold a vagrant script to initialise et execute a virtual machine. The repository contain also an ansible script. This script automates the provisionning of a ryzomcore server. I.e: configure the packages, download the sources from bitbucket, compile the ryzom server, etc... The ansible playbook, can be used to provision a virtual machine for local test but can also used to configure a real server or a VPS.
 3) As I said during the last meeting, the aim of packer/vagrant/ansible is to automate the implementation of a virtual machine or a real server, let's say in a few minutes. Except that here, between the creation of the image of a debian, getting the sources from ryzomcore, compiling... it may take 1 day on my machine, so there's a problem. I had discussed with Kervala, and we had stated on the fact that we had to provide binary packets of the tools. Matter of fact, installing under linux is just a simple "apt-get install ryzomcore", "urpmi ..." "yum ..." (it all depends on the distribution). so keeping the same approach as before, but this time using binaries and having nothing to recompile. For this, I forked the sources of libwww, squish and ryzomcore in order to complete what was missing to generate the binaries packets. I've started to complete this on my deposits here (for debian jessie/wheezy):
This will be used as deposit for the dev, then will be integrated in the official ryzomcore deposit.
And finally I also settled a binary deposit for these packets on bintray.com
For now, I've uploaded the binary packets (jessie/wheezy, i386/amd64) for libwww and squish (dependancies of ryzomcore): https://dl.bintray.com/ryzomforge/ryzomforge. You can of course register to join this deposit and help completing it.
(I've decided to work on linux, with a debian distribution, but the tools can be used on any OS (mac, windows, linux)).]]>
<![CDATA[Report - Ryzom Forge meeting - 6th of april 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22658/1#154297 Wed, 08 Apr 2015 08:35:37 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/154297 Réunion de Ryzom Forge - Lundi 6 avril 2015

Communication group
Nothing new.

Event group
Feedbacks on the Refugee Days events
Classical but good. To note that the new appartment's eggs are not showns by Mas users. this patchlet problem should be fixed soon. Goki will publish in the forum the file to add in "user", waiting for the fix. So the eggs will be visible.

Lore group
The Lore group is reorganising quietly to become more efficient. Regarding the part currently open to RyzomForge, the current work is on the Tribes.
The RF Lore group uses the whole known Lore at today (Public, private, event, lore from Nevrax) to make wiki articles as complete as possible on each tribe, sometimes enriching their background.
Currently, the pages for the Corsars and Slavers are under finalisation (before, this was done internally by the Lore team) and the Hamazan tribe is being written. Once all this validated, these pages will be given to the Translation Team and published on the wiki (you can already see some of this on page of the Corsairs of Aeden Aqueous on the FR wiki).
Wiedii insists on the fact that the work done by RF is the most comple possible, using all resources available at this day from the Nevrax Lore, open to the volunteers of the Lore RF team.

Beside this, other "layers" of the Lore are also under work, especially the Marauders and other elements constituent of the Saga by the Lore team under NDA.

Zorroargh is working on the lay up of various portals (lore, each people...).
Zendae is taking care of integrating the chronicles texts

Support group
 The internal constant communication beween Support, Dev and Event team allows for a better reactivity for the answers of the Support
 The RF Support (Linux and Mac) becomes more and more known (and appreciated) by the players. Its help is important and appreciated, and Tamarea takes advantage of today to thank all the ones who help in this group.

Translation group
YannK has implemented a test for the translation workflow according to the explanations of this document. He managed to generate some diff, and integrate the translation resulting files from source files. Drumel and he will speak together about this.]]>
<![CDATA[Log - Ryzom Forge meeting - 30th of march 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22634/4#154198 Mon, 06 Apr 2015 12:20:37 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/154198 Groupe Level Design

<PtitBill>: je suis toujours sur la phase d'écriture du rite Zoraï géo 50. J'ai la possibilité de me passer de l'ark pour tester l'évolution de ce que je prépare. Je suis surtout en chasse aux bonnes volontés qui viendraient nous aider a concevoir de nouvelles missions.

<Lyne> *PtitBill: I'm still writing the Zoraï 50 geography rite. I can do without the Ark to test the change I want to prepare. I'm especially looking for good wills who'd come help me to design new missions.

=> Volunteers / Volontaires : Virg, Sagaofbastien.]]>
<![CDATA[Report of Ryzom Forge's meeting - monday 23th of april 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22547/1#153495 Thu, 26 Mar 2015 00:04:29 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/153495 Agenda

Communication Group

Viral marketing

- The translation of the text about viral marketing is over: http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22471/7 (thanks to Phileur). A list of list of mmorpg web sites has been added to this thread. It would help any volunteers who want to raise Ryzom publicity in mmorpg forums. Please add more websites to this list if you know some more mmorpg web sites.
- Nuzanshi continued posting some Ryzom references, mostly on www.reddit.com/r/mmorpg and one on mmorpg.com. 

Videos on Youtube and Vimeo

- Player Sygmus plans a Youtube channel about Ryzom. Once his channel is up, he will post a links on Ryzom forum and other mmorpg forums.
- Another Ryzom youtuber: Kyrosshouk, youtube name is MineKynoMine: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ne-kqSYE7oE.
- Another video maker: Misugi (but not on Youtube and not in live).
- There also was a Bulac who was streaming Ryzom.
- Nuzanshi will search youtube and vimeo for Ryzom videos till next meeting and maybe some can be linked in Ryzom forum as beginner tutorials. But (s)he will need help with french Ryzom videos and languages other than DE and EN.

Communication on Linux websites

Shikitiwa's speech:

"I've come on Ryzom (and I know I'm not the only one) because I'm involved in the world of free software in general, and Linux especially, so I've been attracted by the release of its code. I'm writing quite a lot on specialised sites, and sometime also on jeuxlibres.net (the games under free licence, independently from their OS) and jeuxlinux.fr (game on Linux, independantly from their licence) and other diverse sites, more or less related. So I believe there is a way of attracting people who are not fundamentally gamers, but who want to try Ryzom because they agree with its general philosophy.
One of the topics which would really nead communication, on quite technical sites, it's ARCC (Ark). Moreover since the release of the artworks, and the Ryzom Forge team, it's something especially exciting for developers, fiddlers, and hackers. I know that ARCC isn'n free, but it may nonetheless strongly interest and attract new peoples, at least it is worth a try."

"Besides, I'm thinking that it may be interesting to have some lightly exclusive contents to propose to the specialised sites, event alternating and making cross referencing, to avoid the "advertisement announcement". It's quite good to write the announcement on a specific way for each site actually. Each community has specific codes, you don't announce something the same way on linuxfr and or diaspora for example...
Here, I haven't much more to add for now, since I've just joined the team, but as an exemple, here is the kind of articles I've already done (in French only, sorry, http://linuxfr.org/news/ryzom-un-nouveau-depart )."

Event Group


Animators recruitment is open! We are looking especially for an animator who's not playing tryker  and interested in taking care, eventually, of the tryker events. Generally speaking, we're looking to extend the animation team in order to offer more regular and varied events, and also to have animators in the american and australian timezone. 

Lore group

Ryzom Wiki : prototype of a new FR main page

- Zorroargh, helped by Zendae, is migrating the Lore in the Ryzom Wiki. He has summarised his experiments here in order to help the ones who want to join in integrating the Lore, wince it is a lot of work: http://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Trucs_et_astuces_d%27int%C3%A9gration_de_la_Lore (a checklist is available to the end.)
- Deed joins the team.

Ryzom Wiki: Chronicles on weddings

- Update of the French pages about the fyros, matis, tryker, and zorai weeding with adition of three Atys chronicles: http://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Mariage_fyros   http://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Mariage_matis   http://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Mariage_tryker   http://fr.wiki.ryzom.com/wiki/Mariage_zora%C3%AF
- The next chronicle will be about a marauder wedding. It hasn't been published yet and is currently being translated.

Players questions

"A multi-lingual wiki such as the one of Ryzom Forge would have allowed to move easily from one page to its equivalent in another language. Why this solution hasn't been chosen? Can it still be envisionned?"
It's almost impossible. Ryzom Forge was thought throught as multinilingual from the start, so there's no problem there. On the other hand, the Ryzom Wiki has ben developed, if I'm not mistaken, first in German then in English. The French wiki came afterwards on a different basis and with a strong independence to the English-German Ryzom Wiki. In addition, even the stories differ. Hence the conclusion: To do like Wikipedia, mention that the translation is available, without anything else.

"And why not creating a new wiki, like the RF one, which would be multilingual for the past-merge version of the Lore, since now we have the same one?"
It's a possibility.  I see an intermediary way. I'd prefer to think about it before saying something wrong or giving false hopes.


-Welcome to Takiito, our new translator EN <=>DE!
- Recruitment for translators is open! We're looking for translators and correctors to English, Spanish, French and Russion. (We currently have no russian translator, so we cannot provide update for the ingame text in this language anymore). Any help will be welcome, since there is a lot to translate and to correct for this small group (official announcements, event announcements, RP texts, new missions texts, chronicles, etc). If you're interested, please send mail to tamarea@ryzom.com.

Correction of ingame text

- http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/How_to_Zanata.org has been translated in English: http://forge.ryzom.com/wiki/How_to_Zanata.org_EN (but need check).
- Drumel is thinking about a way to efficiently report the errors in the ingame text.

Support group


- Welcome to Graciela, currently under training! (EN, timezone US)

- Recruitment for CSR is open! 
We're looking especially for Frenchspeaking and English-speaking volunteers. For more information regarding the Support Team and the recruitment, see http://app.ryzom.com/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22047/


Teams Roadmap

- The old "Dev roadmap" has become for some time the "Ryzom Roadmap" in order to keep you informed of the work of all Ryzom teams (inclunding Ryzom Core and Ryzom Forge): http://app.ryzom.com/app_devroadmap/index.php?from_index=1

Logs and reports

- To end this meeting, just one last question regarding the logs and minutes on the forum: do you prefer that there is one subject for each meeting, or one subject for  eacht group which well be updated at each meeting? (Or both?)
- A volunteer to write the reports?]]>
<![CDATA[Log - Ryzom Forge meeting - 2nd of february 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22513/10#153494 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:54:02 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/153494 Tamarea <![CDATA[Compte-rendu et log - Ryzom Forge meeting - 19th of january 2015: reorganisation of the team - Roadmap 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22512/3#153493 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:54:02 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/153493 Tamarea <![CDATA[REport and log of RF meeting (Pocket Worlds) - 15th of december 2014]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22511/4#153492 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:54:02 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/153492 Tamarea <![CDATA[Log - Ryzom Forge meeting - 16th of march 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22509/13#153491 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:54:02 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/153491 Tamarea <![CDATA[Log - Ryzom Forge meeting - 9th of march 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22450/8#153490 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:54:02 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/153490 Tamarea <![CDATA[Log - Ryzom Forge meeting - 2nd of march 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22448/10#153489 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:54:02 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/153489 Tamarea <![CDATA[Report - Ryzom Forge meeting - 23rd of february 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22400/3#153488 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:54:02 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/153488 Tamarea <![CDATA[Log - Ryzom Forge meeting - 16th of february 2015]]> https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=topic/view/22322/6#153487 Wed, 25 Mar 2015 23:54:02 +0000 RYZOM FORGE https://app.ryzom.com:443/app_forum/index.php?page=post/view/153487 Tamarea