✪ The magic mirror is available to everyone in the flats. It's free for those who have obtained it with Kadox, and can be bought as furnishing tickets for others (in the OCC events / Rykea's 20th birthday section).
✪ The mirror allows you to increase or decrease certain attributes of your character (excluding your face) once every 20 hours.
✪ The mirror allows you to increase or decrease certain attributes of your character (excluding your face) once every 20 hours.

✪ The Sagass rental is back in FH, an NPC near the Waycut pontoon (Windy Head) will make it appear.
✪ As with all mount rentals, the mount will disappear in the event of a server restart or crash.
✪ The rental interface, price and other changes may come later. Make the most of the free offer while you can :D
✪ As with all mount rentals, the mount will disappear in the event of a server restart or crash.
✪ The rental interface, price and other changes may come later. Make the most of the free offer while you can :D

✪ Bandit chests should close correctly after a certain amount of time has elapsed
✪ Fixed a bug that prevented the use of pastures
✪ Fixed a bug that prevented the use of pastures

✪ The quality of experience catalysts and archoleths is now calculated according to the character's maximum combat or magic level.
✪ Non-subscribers will not be limited to Q150 items, but the Quality will depend on their maximum combat/magic level.
✪ Kadox #20 tokens are now limited to 7. Excess tokens have not been removed, but you will not get new tokens until you have less than 7.
✪ A fix has been put in place to limit the number of clips as intended. This limit has been raised from 5 to 10. Excess clips have been removed.
✪ Non-subscribers will not be limited to Q150 items, but the Quality will depend on their maximum combat/magic level.
✪ Kadox #20 tokens are now limited to 7. Excess tokens have not been removed, but you will not get new tokens until you have less than 7.
✪ A fix has been put in place to limit the number of clips as intended. This limit has been raised from 5 to 10. Excess clips have been removed.
Versions Client: 380 Server: 168 Datas: 2865 Private-Datas: 3774 Bnps : 1014