"Be quiet. Beware. Enemy ears are listening".

Under the heavy, humid wind, "Cirrus" closed his eyes for a few moments, his head leaning towards his chest. The spy tried to concentrate for a few moments. His mektoub was quietly grazing on the fat grass at the top of the small hill. Almost a month had passed... a month of waiting, watching for the slightest gesture, the slightest signal.
"What's become of her?" muttered the Matis. "Not a single message since his return here"

A glance at the threatening sky, and "Cirrus" put his foot down. Pinned to his saddle, he scanned the city of Avalae one last time. How many times had he done this? He couldn't say. Still nothing, no answer.

Deaf but tenacious, anguish was born in him. First, the loss of the amber, or its contents, and now the silence. So much so that the spy thought he was in complete darkness. The web of events had a hole in it. Snippets escaped him.

"Cirrus" sat up suddenly at a thought that struck him: he'd been spying on Avalae for too long. It wouldn't be long before he was spotted.
Maneuvering his mektoub, the spy discreetly looked over his shoulder. He found no one. The surrounding woods were deserted... Was his imagination playing tricks on him? Wasn't there a menacing shadow between those two trees?
Shaking his head, "Cirrus" continued on his way, keeping a watchful eye, however, with all his senses on the alert. As a precaution, he took his Stylone rifle out of its case, clipping in its cartridge magazine at the same time.
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