"Be quiet. Beware. Enemy ears are listening".

Canillia is furious,

Bunch of toubs who can't even keep up with a homin!

Lyssan keeps his distance and does his best not to attract the Mistress' attention.

A masked hominin shows up at the damsel's house and they don't think it's worth doing everything in their power not to lose him?"

Lyssan tries to intervene:

But Cani, we can no longer afford to...
_ SUFFIT! I know all that, there's no need to remind me..."

Lyssan remained silent, waiting for the next step.
Canillia thought aloud:

    - Potential "Cyrrus" comes to see the kid in Avalae,
    - He leaves a message but we don't know what's in it,
    - Next: the two Caltent cherubs go their separate ways...
    - The girl is traced back to Zora, "probably" to her parents.


But I'm dreaming! We're really in over our heads here!

...And what about the "Cyrrus" you lost in the convict camp?!

Goddamn trimmer!

We already know he's got his hooks in those damn submarauds!
Why are we paying them for our "eyes and ears" over there?!

And the larva in the Bhyre:

It takes you several weeks to tell me...

I'm dreaming,

I really do work with dumb congenital Ktéros!

But, as Ser Vekariel said:

"We have the tools we deserve".

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