
The doorman held out his arm to block my access to the elevator. My reflex was to glare at him, but with an equally questioning air, so incomprehensible was the situation. What's he got to do with it? I asked myself. He then gestured with his head as if to point with his chin to the terrace.
It saved me from discovering the empty apartment and unnecessary anxiety.

She was sitting on the 1st-floor terrace, with Saya'Kan and Maya'Kan in front of her, playing in the fresh lake air. The winter light was sometimes soft, despite the chill of the wind. The children were beginning to try to stand up, clinging to the railings of the suspension bridge.

I watched them from a distance, first to observe and then to analyze the situation. The family situation. I was forced to note that these children were apparently healthy, vigorous, alert and curious. Seeing them play with their mother made me happy, but also nostalgic. What had I missed out on that would deprive me of a stable, happy and ultimately ordinary life?

I continued to smile stupidly at them, lost in my questions, when Ylang'Hao, who finally noticed me, gestured to me to join them, accompanied by a broad smile. I was as confused as I was surprised, but above all reassured to finally see a reassuring and comforting gesture from her, simple as it was.
Just as well, I had something to say to him, and the reverse was true.
After a few exchanges of words and a few tender smiles, I finally took the plunge.
A calm discussion ensued as long as we exchanged nothing but banalities. I didn't dare broach my subject too brutally. Then "Yly" beat me to it and announced his fears. Homine was perceived as unstable, bordering on insane by some, and completely mad by others. Her sensitivity gave her a very special personality.
We both agreed that our union was not the easiest thing to live with. Many didn't find it "normal" for a neutral Tryker to marry a Kwai kami, just as in the eyes of the Theocracy, I had to convert to their religion at some point, as Sève had told us when we met before the wedding. As a Tryker, I had optimism running through my veins... but let's face it, the idea of shaking things up wasn't going to happen in a few months. So she decided to put some distance between us. Her words had the effect of a terrible storm in my heart, like a bolt of lightning that struck me down. Yet the idea I was going to propose to her was much the same, except that I would be the one to break the news. I hadn't imagined how this announcement could upset the other person.
So that's it... that's what you're proposing... to separate us, to keep the evil eye away from your family. She kept repeating that she loved us and only wanted our well-being, our protection and our love. The idea was to live in a neighboring apartment so she could continue to see the children when she could. I even think, knowing her, that the procedures for buying an apartment in Avendale were already underway.
After digesting this decision... it was up to me to state an idea that had been germinating in me for a few weeks of silence in the family home... The problem was... I was incapable of doing so... only he could tell him, that's my courage, my arrogance, my lucidity, and my frankness.
I closed my eyes and took a long, quiet breath. Ylang'Hao knew what I was up to because she'd been through it many times before.
My breath caught and a rale came from the back of my throat. That's it, I've let him have his say, he's the one speaking now, the other one...

I reopened my eyes slowly, wearing a confident, almost alarming smile.
Yly didn't flinch, neither fear nor dread showing on his mask.
"Drakan? it's you, isn't it? I'm glad you can talk to me because Jazzy isn't ready to hear everything."
I smiled wider.
"-Hooo Lordoy pretty Kwai, long time no see! bet I missed you! My charm, oy! my charm! it's because of him!!!"
Ylang'Hao smiled, not entirely unmoved by the Drakan, but she changed her mask to a serious tone.
She wanted us to talk.
"Oy Su-Ki, I'm here to tell you something but indeed, Jazzy will be unable to tell you himself..."


Jazzy Mac'Plantey
Chef de Bai Nhori Drakani
Commandant de Bai Trykali
Citoyen célèbre

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