Journal d’Azazor
It's been a few days since I took the first Tao-Sian potion Nikuya gave me. Apart from the initial urge to vomit, I've had no particular side effects. I feel great, my mind is more or less at peace. I was even able to ensure Lyren's integration into the Legions right away, under the watchful eye of his mother. Nevertheless, I feel I could slip back into my paranoid state at any moment. There's usually a second potion, according to Eeri. I've written a message of thanks to Tao-Sian. And to think that in my madness, even she didn't trust me anymore. Fortunately, my faith in Eeri remained intact. But for how long if I hadn't been cured?
Journal d’Azazor
Yesterday, I met Canillia at Pecus. She spontaneously confessed that she had gone too far. She had prepared a remedy which she left on the floor before leaving. I asked the guards to burn it. Not that I don't think it's really a remedy, but not only do I no longer need it, I don't want anyone to know that Canillia knows the cure for black sap. I wouldn't want to advertise it to her!
Of course, I know why she came to see me in the first place. She denies it, but I know she's doing it because she's scared. She's probably hoping I'll be merciful? I assure you, Canillia, vengeance is no longer something I condone. But I do like to educate, inculcate I'd say, certain important things in other homins, even if they're Matis. Especially since, thanks to this black sap poisoning, I've found the courage (or madness) to abandon the kami's followers. I'm finally free of the Powers. So now it's my turn to help you. To show you what it's like to live without the Karavan. But I'll let you think about it first. Sometimes it takes a long time to find out...
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