Add helmets: light and medium (heavy ones are already there)


The balance of the game isn't perfect, and every change of this kind runs the risk of breaking everything (and many things have already been broken over time...). To believe that we can improve this balance before we've explored all the gameplay and code is hubris. In an RPG, touching this kind of mechanic requires a few thousand hours of testing before you can expect it to be "right".

On the other hand, flooding the "suggestions" will do a disservice to any useful proposals you might make... while some of the things you propose deserve a response and might interest me, I'm already wondering whether I should block your replies because it's "too much", and I'm not the only one in this case.

One proposal a day would be enough and probably a little better received. Take the time to search the forum. The internal search is very bad, unfortunately, and the archives of the old forum have been lost, but there are already elements for many of your questions, some of which have been dealt with extensively.

thank you zatalyz for saying out loud what many are thinking :)
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