Somewhere on Atys...
A few seasons ago, I saw Father for the first time. He came to see me directly at my mistress Canillia's house when she wasn't there. He pounded on the door until it was opened. I didn't know who this tall fyros with the horrible burned face was. He looked all over the apartment until he came across my face, while I was hiding behind some cushions with Grandma Lea. He threw a punch at one of the servants who tried to intervene, and took me on his back like a sack of food. Mamie Léa protested, and he calmed her down by shouting that I was his daughter and that he was freeing me. He then ran off, with me on his back, while the Yrkanis guards chased after us..
His daughter. My father.
But no.
Once he'd managed to lose the guards in the forest, he put me down and smiled at me. A sad smile. He may have looked scary, but when I saw that smile, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. So he talked to me. He told me everything.
His lie. About my discovery by the Rangers along the Oflovak road not far from Silan, about his plan with Galdor to make me believe I was his daughter and manipulate me into spying on the Matis, about his remorse ever since. I've cried, I've screamed, I think I've even insulted him. Yet years of indoctrination at Ore Altae had taught me to contain my rage. But now I knew I could let it all out. And it felt good. For him too. Then he looked at me one last time and said something I'll never forget:
"You have fulfilled your duty with Honor and Discipline. Now that you know the Truth, it is right that you should be free at last. So go, Be'Lauren. Take the path you want."
So I chose. And so here I am among you, dear friends, at Sombres Rives, free at last to follow my own path....
A few seasons ago, I saw Father for the first time. He came to see me directly at my mistress Canillia's house when she wasn't there. He pounded on the door until it was opened. I didn't know who this tall fyros with the horrible burned face was. He looked all over the apartment until he came across my face, while I was hiding behind some cushions with Grandma Lea. He threw a punch at one of the servants who tried to intervene, and took me on his back like a sack of food. Mamie Léa protested, and he calmed her down by shouting that I was his daughter and that he was freeing me. He then ran off, with me on his back, while the Yrkanis guards chased after us..
His daughter. My father.
But no.
Once he'd managed to lose the guards in the forest, he put me down and smiled at me. A sad smile. He may have looked scary, but when I saw that smile, I knew he wouldn't hurt me. So he talked to me. He told me everything.
His lie. About my discovery by the Rangers along the Oflovak road not far from Silan, about his plan with Galdor to make me believe I was his daughter and manipulate me into spying on the Matis, about his remorse ever since. I've cried, I've screamed, I think I've even insulted him. Yet years of indoctrination at Ore Altae had taught me to contain my rage. But now I knew I could let it all out. And it felt good. For him too. Then he looked at me one last time and said something I'll never forget:
"You have fulfilled your duty with Honor and Discipline. Now that you know the Truth, it is right that you should be free at last. So go, Be'Lauren. Take the path you want."
So I chose. And so here I am among you, dear friends, at Sombres Rives, free at last to follow my own path....
Servante en formation chez les matis d'Ore Altae et espionne pour le compte d'un fyros grincheux.