
Messages about the 2624 Water Route

From Rangers Guide to Matis King
Stevano Karan,

The Trykers and Fyros have decided to revive the Water Road, which in the Old Lands was a symbol of solidarity between homins. They have chosen a route, unprecedented in the New Lands, using the paths of the Forest. This accentuates the commemorative nature of this new Road, and avoids the dangers, so often fatal, encountered when crossing the Primes Roots.

The free circulation agreements concluded under the Four Nations Treaty would allow the organizers to carry out their project without further formality. However, they are well aware that the movement of large numbers of mektoubs across its territory is unquestionably a nuisance for the Kingdom. They have therefore turned to me to organize negotiations during which the Kingdom will have the opportunity to demonstrate its greatness of spirit and generosity.

The Rangers are obviously in favor of such an initiative. I therefore propose to host at Almati Wood talks between a Fyros delegation and the ambassadors you will appoint. As soon as I have been informed of the identity of the members of the two delegations, I will contact them to set the definitive date for the conference.

Let me add that I'm looking forward to seeing this convoy pass by, a testament to the strength of the ties that unite homins.

Barmie Dingle
Rangers Guide
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Last visit Saturday, 15 February 00:40:34 UTC

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