
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting report – October 10th, 2022

1 – Feedbacks about the last patch patch

Ulukyn(RT) – 19h36 UTC
And we'll start as usual with the feedbacks. Are there any feedbacks/comments/suggestions about the last patch?

-- Is it planned to resize the missions window properly? It can't get as small as it used to be, and it doesn't get big enough for some of the longer descriptions?
Ulukyn : Ok, I'll add the problem to the list right now

-- The graphical problems are pretty bad. The sizing of objects. It happens everywhere. Sometimes things are so big they fill up the entire screen and I cant even see where I am going.
Ulukyn: The bug is known and is being fixed, but it's not easy because we don't know why it only affects players on Macos.
The patch introduced a smoother creature/item magnification. Before, when a script changed the size of an object, it was done in steps, visually it was ugly.
I don't understand why it only bugs on Mac (and I don't have a Mac... so not easy) but I'll find out eventually :). Probably something stupid like it often does.

-- Regarding the redesign of Silan and the new tags I created several characters to test a little bit of everything and I could notice that the tags are mixed between the characters. I have two new characters with no tags, they have been moved on to old characters
Ulukyn : I will contact you for more info, I'm interested.

-- Regarding the new tutorial, when you grow psykoplas for training, you have to kill the psyko that grew before growing another one. Otherwise the bag buds count down but there is still only one growing
Ulukyn: [i]That's right, every time you grow a bud, the previous one disappears, so there aren't dozens of them for nothing. This is intentional, the same principle applies to the maraudeur banner. What would you suggest?
I was thinking of maybe avoiding the bud count in the bag if we didn't kill the psykopla involved.
Ulukyn: That's an idea. I make a note, I don't know if it's feasible :)

-- I have a compliment for you. :) I think the new possibilities in the inventory are great. The new pockets are very useful in the daily game. A big congratulations for that.
A second action bar that doesn't reflect the first one anymore, I don't find that very useful.

-- I'm a fan of the fix that allows you to sell directly to the NPC again with Shift + Enter
Ulukyn: We were wondering if this was fixed for everyone (I never had the bug for example), so much the better if it is the case :)

Ulukyn: Are there more crashes than before? There were quite a few after the patch, especially when going to Silan. We fixed 2 big bugs.
We will try to get better crash logs, so we can fix more of them, if there are people who have C++ knowledge on the subject, it would be great :)

--At some time, there were some crashes when we were trading old tokens (the ones we have in exchange for titles), but that seems to have been fixed
Ulukyn: Yes, this one is fixed.

-- Can the NPC sale be reset to the way it was before, i.e. recognizing that the Shift key is still pressed? Since the patch, you only sell one item to the NPC and to the players, so if you have multiple items to sell you have to press Shift + Enter for each item, not hold Shift while spamming Enter.
Ulukyn: You should send a ticket with the details, your OS (if Linux the distribution), it seems that Shift + Enter does not work the same way for everyone.

-- All windows sometimes get stacked at reconnection. Is this a known bug? Under Windows in windowed mode, all the windows of the game are superimposed on top of each other at the bottom left. I have to replace them one by one. It happened to me 2 times in the last few days but never before.
Ulukyn: It happens on Linux, but I've never seen it on Windows. Typically, it's when the client window is minimized. The windows are then all moved to the same place. I'll get back to you to check it out.

--On the whole, nice job. We always complain about bugs or some changes. But nice job anyway. Thanks

Ulukyn: In any case, we will continue to fix the bugs and will revisit the forum for ideas of Quality of Life additions, do not hesitate to send up posts ;)

2 – New features

Ulukyn(RT) – 20h19 UTC
I won't go into detail, but it might give you an idea.

The QoL (Quality of Life) patches will continue to add new features to make the game more enjoyable and fix bugs. And in order to make the work of the devs easier, we have gathered the whole client code in one place:, whereas it was previously on 3 different repositories.
You can now see the list of issues (bugs):
Everything is public :)

About the Storyline, it will start again soon, we had a rather busy year and we couldn't progress on it as we wanted.
We'll have to improve this in order to make it progress more regularly, the lessons system should help :)

Speaking of lessons, we will obviously continue the tutorial and lessons on nations/factions. Especially since it's pretty quick to do now that the system is coded.

We will continue to add the rewards to Rywards so that it can list all the items to be won. Including the underwear (and I know this will make people happy :D )

Finally, and still with the idea of finishing things that are not finished, the guild islands will be fixed and finished (with the possibility to visit other islands).
Content for the guilds can then be added.
This is the big development axis we have planned.

Of course the ongoing projects like op refactoring, bosses refactoring and all refactorings will be continued and finalized.

--Are there any plans for the maraudeur faction?
Ulukyn: Oops I forgot. So yes, we have added the marauder camp on Silan to continue development. It's one of the things we need to finish, so we'll finish it.

-- Finishing the rites would really be a good thing.

--Has consideration been given to allowing openable items in pockets?
Ulukyn: We have already answered on the forum for some items, you can add on the post the items you think useful. For the artifact [Editor's note: automatic purchase of pacts] it is in progress, but we have prioritized the bugs.

-- Will there be "neutral" maraudeur teleportes that you can have without being a maraudeur? Because a new maraudeir has to do all the fames at -50 and then walk all over Atys to get everything again compared to the other factions.
Ulukyn : No it is not planned for the moment.

-- Will there be something for the Trytonists. They have waiting for so long.
Ulukyn: We will not add factions in terms of gameplay any more. It's a lot of work that costs us a lot. It would not be reasonable. However, in terms of RP, the event team should be able to do it (and I can't speak for them).

-- Can we still expect big new gameplay features like new light maraudeur bosses, new crafting plans, new occupations, etc?
Ulukyn: We've been constantly improving the tools in order to make things easier and simpler. That's what takes the most time, having the right tools.
For the crafting plans, every item added to the wheel is always accompanied by a crafting plan. So, once the items have been replaced by new ones, it will be possible to offer the plans as a reward.

--Speaking of crafting, the look of items created with natural mp is disappointing. Wouldn't it be possible to improve them? (Natural mp earned hard on nexus ops give crafts with pale yellow bubbles... one could hope for better)
Green would be closer to the ranger colors :)

Ulukyn: Ah if they had been refined, purified or modified yes. But without treatment, I'm afraid they will remain in a simplistic state :P
We'll see what can be done though :)

--Can we have barrel-refactoring too? There is a 150 ratio between shooki and byrh barrels (volume 1 in the bag for shooki barrels. 150 for byrh. You have to be motivated to put a barrel of byrh).
Ulukyn : Haha ok, maybe there was a mistake :)

--Achievements give yubo points. Are there any plans for them to be used for anything other than personal glory?
Ulukyn: Very sincerely... no plans at the moment. But if there are proposals on the forum, they will be taken into account.


Peu importe que la chope soit à moitié vide ou à moitié pleine, tant qu'on a le tonneau.
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