Technical Support

[Fixed] How to fix the client crash on Windows since the last patch (dec.27)

How to fix the client crash on Windows since the last patch (dec.27)

Direct3D sound makes Ryzom client crashing on Windows since the last patch (dec.27).A temporary fix is to move to OpenGL and to OpenAL sound driver.
For this, open the Ryzom Configuration on RyZtart and do the changes, OR modify your client.cfg with:
Driver3D = "Auto";
DriverSound = "Auto";
or, if it doest not work:
Driver3D = "OpenGL";
DriverSound = "OpenAL";

We'll fix the client as soon as possible.

Ryzom Team


Ryzom Team Manager
(FR / EN / ES)
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Last visit Saturday, 27 July 02:47:57 UTC

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