Testing the new client version via beta mode in RyZtart

Testing the new client version via beta mode in RyZtart

An update of Ryzom has been made by applying the recent Ryzom Core changes.
These changes include many fixes, but may also bring bugs.Although we have already tested many of these changes, it is very difficult to test the whole game under the same conditions as on Atys.

This is why RyZtart has now a BETA-TEST option, a simple checkbox that allows you to get the new client patch before everyone else. So you can test and report any bugs.
To come back to the stable version of Ryzom, you just have to uncheck the beta test box.

For MacOS players, as RyZtart is not yet available,, you can contact Ulukyn ( who will tell you how to proceed.

You can report any bug concerning this update either by ticket to Support or by replying below.
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