[For all] Liosta’s runaway (2019-06-11)

Kyriann is worrying sick.
She went to all the places where Liosta used to come to train but nothing.
Mac'Leigan Keffan, the Stable Boy from Avendale, saw Liosta three days ago, she came to take care of Pitchoun the Zig Gubani as she did every day, since Siela gave it for her birthday. She asked him to take good care of it by the time she got back, but no more than usual. And since then, nothing.
Kyriann went from TP to TP questioning the Karavan and even Kami Welcomers but either they didn't see anything or they forgot. The only hope is that the Karavan Welcomer from Fount vaguely remembers seeing a small matisse. She had stayed a few minutes as if waiting for someone before leaving.
She has to face the facts, Liosta is running away. The memory of all these questions, in recent weeks, about her father who disappeared in the Prime Roots reinforces her in this feeling. She needs to start the research.
Kyriann is clinging to this idea because all other alternatives are simply unthinkable.
Message posted on the walls of all cities
Lordoy to all the goodwill homins!
My daughter Liosta Ba'Zephy has been missing for a few days.
Come join a research expedition on 7h - Quinteth, Pluvia 29, 3rd AC 2603*.
Leave your allegiances aside for a while and answer the call for help from a homina like you!
And, please, bring my daughter back to me!

* [OOC] On Tuesday, 11 June 2019 19:00:00 UTC (5 years ago). [/OOC]


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille
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