Jena Year 2603 Patch (Patch 3.5.0 - 2019-05-18)


I don't like to be that whining player, but today I'm scared for my gameplay style...

Following this New Horizon update, New Horizon is not giving anymore fame and faction point. This is a big issue to me.

About the fame : if you are from any faction but ranger, that's not a big change for you, it will just be a few days longer for new players to reach their citizenship. Which they don't really need anyway, it doesn't keep them from joining a guild or getting access to any game content.

For Rangers, this mean that to reach 30 in every fame so you can become a "ranger aspirant" you will have to do HUNDREDS of missions. That's days of playing, especially for a low level player. Today it already take at least two week to a new player to raise their Kami and Karavan fame; raising Fyros, Matis, Tryker and Zoraï fame could be done in parallel through the New Horizon. Now these new players will need 6 weeks to do that, and an extra 6 weeks to reach 50 in fame for prime roots magnetic path.

That's no game content; that's boring grinding that will just keep new players away from Ranger faction. Should I close my guild now?

I saw that you plan to increase the fame given by missions. Please keep in mind all the fame grinding that new rangers have to do at a time where they have lot of skills to grind and many more interesting things to learn. It should not take 3 month to become a ranger...

Second thing, the faction points. Their main use for me and my guildies is to buy sap cristals, which are necessary for PvP, PvE in small teams and grinding those slow skills like launcher, auto launcher, close combat, staff... One last use I do of cristals is using them to help lower level players to grind without killing the XP. I use 200 Q500 sap cristals a day as an average, and up to 700 when grinding skills or spending a long time helping new players.

Before this patch, as a ranger, I already got only 1/4 of the faction points a citizen of any nation can get. Like many rangers and mara players I made a citizen alt to do this for me because I don't need x4 boring grinding to get the cristals that I need.

To get these faction points, I use the florist occupation. Once a month I dig a few bags of flowers (take me a few hours) and then every day or every two to three days my alt do the occupation and gives flowers to the New Horizon to get the faction points and buy cristals for me. This take 10-15mn depending how full the New Horizon was. That used to give 7200 faction points that can be converted in approximately 700 Q500 sap cristals.

Now well... this is not an option anymore, occupations are only giving dappers (1/3 of what they used to give) so no real use and not worth my time anymore. The only options that are left for me are PvP to get PvP points that I can trade for crystals, but I will need more people to get involved in PvP for that to work. Second option are these time consuming packer missions that will just give me a few hundreds of faction point and that I can only do every 5 hours...

If nothing is done, people will just create alts from the opposite faction and chain kill them to get PvP points that they can trade for cristals...

What I would recommand to solve this is either to make cristals available in a regular shop, for at the most 200dappers/cristal (enabling you to buy 500 cristals with the 100000 dappers a citizen get from his daily occupation) or to enable players to craft them like it was possible few years ago. Maybe with a dapper counterpart? Best option would still be that the New Horizon give dappers and faction points, but no fame if that's really the path you want to follow...

And yes, I know that I can refill an enchanted item with the sap cristal stanza-thing... that could work for PvE but that's not an option for PvP. PvP is already in a bad shape, please don't kill it with this patch...

Please, don't let us down with this...

Another thing, on the interface updates. The map is now almost twice large than before and we can't reduce it. I play on a 1280pixels wide screen, that's very annoying; I can't keep it open all the time anymore.

EDIT : Map problem solved on the patch of this afternoon, thanks!

And thanks for the hard work on th other modifications that seems exciting.
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