
Ryzom Forge Public Meetings agendas & reports

Ryzom Forge meeting report – February 4th, 2019

Patch JA 2602 (Tykus)

The planned patch has been delayed due to the test server. It was postponed by a week.

Redesign of range weapons (Tykus)

The redesign of the range will go into public test mode at the end of the week. We need volunteers to carry out these tests, especially in PVP. For those who are interested in participating in the tests and who do not yet have access to the test server, contact Tamarea.

Q: Will there be a scheduled time, to get the most people around at once?
R: We will try to organize in session (several are possible depending on availability), otherwise the tests will not be done in good conditions.

Q: Can beginners participate? Will that be relevant?
R: Beginners will also be welcome.

Q: How will we know for the schedule?
R: I will propose schedules in the test channel.

To participate to tests on the test server, please contact Tamarea by DM on Rocket-chat.

PVP 2.0 (Tykus)

An idea for revising the pvp is currently being studied in the GameDesign team, we are trying to make it a little more dynamic, you will have more news in the coming weeks .

Q: Can you expand more?
R: All I can tell you is that it will remain consensual, but the changes will lead players to want to practice it…

Recruitment (Tykus)

We are looking for volunteers for the GFX team, in 2D and 3D, if you have the skills and some time, contact Tamarea.
We are also looking for CSRs in EN and FR.

For recruitment, please send an email to

Miscellanous questions

Q: How fares the marketing plan and all that sort of things?
R: External communications have started, we just need some content to communicate on, but it's on the right way.

Q: How goes work on the new inventory search?
R: It’s in progress.

Q: Is something planed about economy?
R: Not for the moment, but make a proposal on the forum, if you have an idea.

Q: Any news about Ashuleila's statue?
R: The banded statue?
R: 2080.

End of meeting


Kyriann Ba'Zephy Rie
Ancienne Cheffe de la guilde Bai Nhori Drakani
Mère de famille
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